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Thread: Restoring a Dawn

  1. #1

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    Restoring a Dawn

    Morning all ...

    Up this morning to capture a Texas dawn behind the cedar and oak trees. But, by the time I got the camera onto the tripod, the red glow was already fading. It faded more while I tried various exposures - and only the last shot (of course) had decent focus. Sigma Photo Pro then killed the exercise by rendering an almost perfectly neutral sky during raw conversion:

    No problem: RawTherapee (RT) has an option called Color Toning.

    Here's a side-by-side:

    Restoring a Dawn

    The good thing about RT's Color Toning for this shot was being able to tone the bright areas (sky) without unduly toning anything else. A very slight cast on the camper side was fixed later with RT's white balance picker ...
    Last edited by xpatUSA; 2nd October 2019 at 07:12 PM.

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