Quote Originally Posted by purplehaze View Post
Very impressive work, Bill. Can you tell us exactly what you did to get from #1 to #2?
Thanks Janis. As far as your question on how I got from #1 to #2, sadly the answer is "not really"!

Or, not specifically, it was trial and error with the lighting until it looked "right". I used a single LED source in a diffuser and tried different positions and intensities, including some long exposures where I moved the light around. One other thing that helped a lot: this was set up and shot in my "den" where I do all my PP and most of my still life shots, and which has a half-glass door with a roll-down blind. Light leaks at the edges of the blind can be a problem with glass shots and I replaced it with a solid, sealed black out and bingo.

The final exposure was 0.5s and f/16.