I have found that the two images posted to 'demonstrate/support' that noise in an image shot at 1/320s, f/14, ISO 6400 would be significantly reduced when shot at 1/3200s, f/5, ISO 6400 appear to have had their exposure altered in PP. (although the Exif given by the poster shows identical ISO and exposure (speed/aperture).
The image with the significant noise had +2.26 in the Exif tag 'Exposure 2012'. The image that showed no noise had -1.43 in the Exif tag 'Exposure 2012'.
The Exif tag 'Exposure 2012' from a test with an image of my own is the value of 'exposure correction' entered in PS ACR during PP.
The only way I can think that the poster could have achieved this was by using equivalent exposure settings (S & A) with the same ISO on each image but with one shot taken with a ND fitted, or, a significant lighting difference