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Thread: Banding noise - definition issues

  1. #1
    New Member
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    Banding noise - definition issues

    The term banding noise is hard to describe, every definition I've seen online says that it just "has to do with how the camera reads data from the sensor." I find this definition lacking, anyone who has a better answer to what Banding noise actually is and how it forms?

  2. #2
    DanK's Avatar
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    Re: Banding noise - definition issues

    Welcome to CiC. Could you please go to your profile at the top right and add your name and location? We use real names here.

    A good place to start with many questions is with the tutorials on this site. There is one that discusses banding noise:

    the most efficient thing is to start with the tutorial and then post questions about anything that is still not clear. That's more efficient and will get you clearer answers than having us all start ad hoc.


  3. #3
    dje's Avatar
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    Re: Banding noise - definition issues

    This link lists some possible causes (see first answer). I'm not sure that all his statements are 100% correct but it's a start.


  4. #4
    New Member
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    Re: Banding noise - definition issues

    Quote Originally Posted by DanK View Post
    Welcome to CiC. Could you please go to your profile at the top right and add your name and location? We use real names here.

    A good place to start with many questions is with the tutorials on this site. There is one that discusses banding noise:

    the most efficient thing is to start with the tutorial and then post questions about anything that is still not clear. That's more efficient and will get you clearer answers than having us all start ad hoc.

    That is why I came here, because I find the explanation of it here on CiC lacking.

  5. #5
    DanK's Avatar
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    Re: Banding noise - definition issues

    Quote Originally Posted by Kisen View Post
    That is why I came here, because I find the explanation of it here on CiC lacking.
    Sorry. We get a lot of questions from newcomers to the forum that are already answered in the tutorials. I shouldn't have assumed this was the case.

    I didn't know an answer because it's been some years since I have had this problem, and whatever I did once know, I had forgotten. However, a DuckDuckGo search on "banding noise cause" without the quotes produced some detailed explanations. See if this helps. You'll have to page down a bit.

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