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Thread: Mourning for Imam Hussein

  1. #1
    vaez's Avatar
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    Mourning for Imam Hussein

    In one of the cities of Iran mourning for Imam Hussein with rubbing all his body
    they do
    A huge burst of flame lights up a pre-dawn backstreet, silhouetting the young men caked from head to toe in brown mud, as chants for Iran's most revered imam rend in the air.

    Khorramabad, a city of about 400,000 sheltered among the Zagros Mountains of southwestern Iran, has always done little differently on Ashura, the holiest day in Shiite Islam.

    Drawing on burial traditions in their native Lorestan province, the men covered themselves in mud as a sign of their grief over the death of over 1,300 years ago by Imam Hossein, grandson of Prophet Mohammed.

    Mourning for Imam Hussein
    Mourning for Imam Hussein

    I apologize to all my friends for photos 3 and 4 of this when uploading
    Will be sent
    Please guide me if anyone knows where the problem is
    With respectMourning for Imam Hussein
    Mourning for Imam Hussein
    Mourning for Imam Hussein

    Unfortunately I had trouble posting vertical photos and couldn't send them
    I uploaded again to find the URL
    But I saw the same problem
    i add photo

    Last edited by vaez; 27th October 2019 at 01:49 PM. Reason: series

  2. #2

    Re: Mourning for Imam Hussein

    Vaez your images, given context by your explanations are fascinating. Being in New Zealand, a good part of the world away, it is great to learn of your country, culture and society. Please continue to share your images and words with us.

  3. #3

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    Re: Mourning for Imam Hussein

    Vaez - I particularly like the second photogragh which is an unposed "action" image. The background information you have provided is a valuable aid to help us understand the context and meaning in the images and introduce us to your culture.

    I echo Trev's hope that you will continue to share your images and words with us.

  4. #4
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Mourning for Imam Hussein

    Hi Vaez,

    Nice captures and background information. Regarding the images, if saved on your computer in the orientation as shown then you would just have to rotate the images and resave.

  5. #5
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Mourning for Imam Hussein

    These are very good captures and show an important event in your culture. Thank you for sharing...

  6. #6
    vaez's Avatar
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    Re: Mourning for Imam Hussein

    Quote Originally Posted by Tronhard View Post
    Vaez your images, given context by your explanations are fascinating. Being in New Zealand, a good part of the world away, it is great to learn of your country, culture and society. Please continue to share your images and words with us.
    dear Trev
    thank you for comment
    Did you mean this country site new zealand?

  7. #7
    vaez's Avatar
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    Re: Mourning for Imam Hussein

    Quote Originally Posted by Rufus View Post
    Vaez - I particularly like the second photogragh which is an unposed "action" image. The background information you have provided is a valuable aid to help us understand the context and meaning in the images and introduce us to your culture.

    I echo Trev's hope that you will continue to share your images and words with us.
    hi David thank you so much
    Do you think the second photo is good for taking part in a photography competition?

  8. #8
    vaez's Avatar
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    Re: Mourning for Imam Hussein

    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowman View Post
    Hi Vaez,

    Nice captures and background information. Regarding the images, if saved on your computer in the orientation as shown then you would just have to rotate the images and resave.
    Thanks for commenting
    Dear friend, the photo on the laptop is okay
    But when I send in an insert, I copy the web browser
    It's a problem

  9. #9
    vaez's Avatar
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    Re: Mourning for Imam Hussein

    Quote Originally Posted by rpcrowe View Post
    These are very good captures and show an important event in your culture. Thank you for sharing...
    yes this event very important for us

  10. #10

    Re: Mourning for Imam Hussein

    Quote Originally Posted by vaez View Post
    dear Trev
    thank you for comment
    Did you mean this country site new zealand?
    Hi Vaez:
    I do indeed live in New Zealand, not to be confused with our big neighbour, Australia!
    Last edited by Tronhard; 26th October 2019 at 07:27 PM.

  11. #11
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Mourning for Imam Hussein

    Quote Originally Posted by vaez View Post
    Dear friend, the photo on the laptop is okay
    But when I send in an insert, I copy the web browser
    It's a problem
    The problem with a lot of image viewing software is that it knows to turn the image on the screen when it is brought up. The forum software requires people to physically change the orientation of images in vertical / portrait orientation.

  12. #12
    vaez's Avatar
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    Re: Mourning for Imam Hussein

    Quote Originally Posted by Manfred M View Post
    The problem with a lot of image viewing software is that it knows to turn the image on the screen when it is brought up. The forum software requires people to physically change the orientation of images in vertical / portrait orientation.
    I delet pictures
    I would like to send it again
    But it was still horizontal
    You mean, the forum software makes photos vertical?

  13. #13
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Mourning for Imam Hussein

    Quote Originally Posted by vaez View Post
    I delet pictures
    I would like to send it again
    But it was still horizontal
    You mean, the forum software makes photos vertical?
    No, the forum software just displays what you have uploaded.

    You have to rotate them into the correct orientation before uploading on your computer.

  14. #14

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    Re: Mourning for Imam Hussein

    Quote Originally Posted by vaez View Post
    hi David thank you so much
    Do you think the second photo is good for taking part in a photography competition?
    First, I would consider cropping the second image on the left to remove the person with the white emblem on the T-shirt because the person is partially cut off by the edge of the frame.

    I would also crop a little from the right hand side to remove the bright red curve and the very dark overhang towards the top of the righthand side.

    Then there is the very bright blown out area in the centre towards the top, just above the banners in the background. This may be a reflection of the sun on a shiny surface. It would help the image if you could reduce that brightness if possible. The same goes for the nearby bright light in area of green material. I might even go so far as to clone out these two bright spots.

    Then you could enter it and see how it is received, although others here may be able to give you better advice first.

  15. #15

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    Re: Mourning for Imam Hussein

    Vaez, last week we encountered a very large procession mourning Imam Hussein and people were handing out leaflets explaining what it was about. Melbourne has a large population of Muslims.

    The last picture tells a story. I would crop a bit off the top as I don't think it adds anything to the story.

    Do enter photos in competitions I certainly do and it is a good way of testing yourself. Sometimes you do well and other times you do not. People may not like your picture at all because they do not see what you see or it may be that it is not a good picture at all.

    Keep trying, it is fun.
    Cheers Ole

  16. #16
    vaez's Avatar
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    Re: Mourning for Imam Hussein

    Quote Originally Posted by Manfred M View Post
    No, the forum software just displays what you have uploaded.

    You have to rotate them into the correct orientation before uploading on your computer.
    thank you for answer i will try again

  17. #17
    vaez's Avatar
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    Re: Mourning for Imam Hussein

    Quote Originally Posted by mugge View Post
    Vaez, last week we encountered a very large procession mourning Imam Hussein and people were handing out leaflets explaining what it was about. Melbourne has a large population of Muslims.

    The last picture tells a story. I would crop a bit off the top as I don't think it adds anything to the story.

    Do enter photos in competitions I certainly do and it is a good way of testing yourself. Sometimes you do well and other times you do not. People may not like your picture at all because they do not see what you see or it may be that it is not a good picture at all.

    Keep trying, it is fun.
    Cheers Ole
    thanks for comment
    dear friend, if I understand you correctly
    Do you think these photos are good for a single photo collection, not as a single photo

  18. #18
    vaez's Avatar
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    Re: Mourning for Imam Hussein

    Quote Originally Posted by Rufus View Post
    First, I would consider cropping the second image on the left to remove the person with the white emblem on the T-shirt because the person is partially cut off by the edge of the frame.

    I would also crop a little from the right hand side to remove the bright red curve and the very dark overhang towards the top of the righthand side.

    Then there is the very bright blown out area in the centre towards the top, just above the banners in the background. This may be a reflection of the sun on a shiny surface. It would help the image if you could reduce that brightness if possible. The same goes for the nearby bright light in area of green material. I might even go so far as to clone out these two bright spots.

    Then you could enter it and see how it is received, although others here may be able to give you better advice first.
    All excellent and useful advice
    I hope with your help my dear friends I can send a good photo of the race

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