For some strange reason, these do not seem sharp on my monitor...
Thank you Manfred,
for your advice on using 500px, it's ok if the picture is uploaded there, but not all of them are here.
I agree with you for the 2nd, it's just to show the huge size of the building compared with the man size. Even in color it's not so interesting, the bottom is made of dark blue tiles, the top of black bitumen sheets.
Love them all but especially the last. But it is tiny !!!!!!
I am coming to the situation that I will not comment on a tiny image in future.
Come on folks it is not difficult.
All 3 are interesting designs that remind me of, respectively a bug, a moth and fish![]()
...and do continue with more images from the workshop.
They remind me of a lot too. Mostly a tiny image.
I make no apology here. this is a photography website where critical observation is requested for images posted.
If you insist on posting tiny images of your efforts I see no reason why anyone should bother to comment on them.
If you need advice on how to post a larger image please ask.
Last edited by xpatUSA; 1st November 2019 at 04:34 PM.
Last edited by xpatUSA; 1st November 2019 at 04:35 PM.
Bonjour un fois plus:
I played with my test album today and it seems that the CiC software resizes the uploaded image to 700px wide, according to the site's HTML code. So, uploading bigger than 700px to your album seems to be a waste of time.
So, instead, it is better to upload your masterpiece to a hosting site like Flickr, and put it's URL in your post.
Bonne chance ...
Last edited by xpatUSA; 1st November 2019 at 04:33 PM.
Thank you Ted you suggested me the reason why I proposed small picture, I just checked I created 1500x1000 px file on my computer and uploaded it then verified that on my CIC album it weights only 700px
I do neither have a Flickr account nor want to have one.
I have one on 500px but don't want to share all the pictures I want to display here on CIC forum on 500px.
Perhaps the best way for me is to remain silent and never upload new pictures here if some of you are bothered by pictures that are too small, which I can understand.
Merci pour ton français![]()
All the images on the 500px accounts will not be shared; only the one(s) you link too.
With the demise of TinyPic as a hosting service, there are really only two choices, the small image that are native to the CiC site or use of a third party site that can be linked to. I personally have been using Flickr for years because TinyPic was problematic for me because of the size / quality issues.
I'm too silly. I tried to import from 500px a file but I can't: "insert image or "link" I just import the definition of the link but not the image.
I'm a little discouraged.
Try this method. (I dont use 500px but this is how I link from Flickr.)..........
Select your picture in 500px so it displays on your computer at the size you want to post
Right click the image and select "copy image location"
Paste the image location into the insert-image dialogue box on this site.
When I tell you I'm so silly.
your method does not work for me with 500 px as you cannot copy an image. They include a blockage to copy file directly and if I try to copy the link it is not recognized by either "insert image" or "link" dialogue box.
However, thank you for trying to help me.
A new test: I uploaded a file from a private site I have on JOOMEO
here is the result to check if I tranfer a larger image for everybody
Apparently same result so I give up.
Right now the only solution for me if I want to increase the size of my uploaded images here is to use "CTRL"+ "+" (on a PC) to increase the size of the indications of the browser page.
Last edited by bje07; 17th November 2019 at 03:49 PM.
Please don't give up. There is a big difference between uploading a picture to CiC and linking to a picture stored in another place. First find the internet address (URL) of the picture on the JOOMEO site. Copy that URL to your clipboard without uploading or downloading the actual image. Then in a post here type:
No uploading to CiC required and your image will be viewable bigger by just clicking on it.Code:[img]the internet address URL[/img]
Here is one of mine, original size 2268x1512px, when I type:
but you must put square brackets around img and /img not curly ones.Code:{img}{/img}
La voila:
Last edited by xpatUSA; 3rd November 2019 at 05:11 PM.