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Morracan mois
Morroco was a beautiful place.
I love the Moroccan style, but only in churches or in photos. In the home it is not quite appropriate because of the ethnicity of the peoples. It must be very warm outside the window to have such designer doors in the house. In addition, in Morocco there are no opening doors, there are only arches because of the constant heat and climate. Even if you install n a modern house, you need to keep the style of the interior in a single design. Although that stained glass window inside the building as a trim (in the photo below) I really liked it
shadow play in Firenze Italy
Home Sweet Home.
Abandoned psychiatric hospital; Middletown, NY copy by jk Sullivan, on Flickr
Thank you, Manfred, for your comment. :)
Through practice, I've begun to recognise the potential in specific areas, rooms and so on and the capabilities of digital manipulation.
This photo reflects the culmination of my efforts and my ability to perceive the strength of the environment through my own perspective.
Bellow the original RAW file