I shot this photo last weekend while out for a walk in the new snow. This is the first B&W I have tried so please feel free to provide C&C.
Thanks, John.
Perhaps a more centralized focal point. Too many highlighted areas with nothing definitive to draw the eye in for a closer look. It is, however, quite gnarly.
I suspect this is one of those scenes which appear OK when viewed in 3D, through a standard eyeball, but lose a lot of the effect when converted into a 2D photo.
And converting to B&W loses even more of the impact.
You could try increasing the contrast and some careful sharpening. Also, shooting at more of an angle may have given more apparent depth.
But it is very difficult to get this sort of shot to work well, and I don't think there are any hard and fast rules about it; sometimes it works but too often it looks rather flat.
Most of my attempts at anything like this get ditched.