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Thread: Fallen Leaves

  1. #1
    joebranko's Avatar
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    Fallen Leaves

    Have not been able to get out recently and missed most of the autumn colours. The last few days the leaves have been falling like rain and now most of the leaves are laying on the grass. This then is my effort to capture some of autumn's splendor.

    Fallen Leaves

    Fallen Leaves

  2. #2
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Fallen Leaves

    Joe - it looks like you are having weather that has been similar to what we have been having.

    I had planned to do some shooting between the time the leaves were off the trees and before the snow was on the ground. This year the weather has not been helping. The leaves are still not down everywhere and we've had a dusting of snow for the past week and we are going to get hit with more snow tomorrow.

    Looks like another project I am going to have to defer to next year.

    Regardless, it looks like you managed to get a few nice shots in before the weather turned for the worse...

  3. #3

    Join Date
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    Re: Fallen Leaves

    Good pictures with the nice Fall colors.

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