10 thru 16, nice examples for your print project, the image in 113 is definitely a storytelling capture as the youngster in the background displays awe or amusement at whatever they are viewing.
10 thru 16, nice examples for your print project, the image in 113 is definitely a storytelling capture as the youngster in the background displays awe or amusement at whatever they are viewing.
Nice capture of the spectacle.
Today, February the 7.th the exhibition of my wife opened and a few friends came by.
She was not the only one to expose because there was 3 other persons, 2 photographers and a painter which had excellent works by the way.
I registered the event with the 24mm and a few shots with the 55mm (all in FF). I do not have any experience in this kind of work but I was expecting deformations which I was not specially bothered with.
The 55 was giving me very little amplitude to work and the 24 was a bit too wide.
Perhaps a 35 would be more convenient, because the deformations would be less important.
I also had another small problem which I solved in LR: the lights were very strong in the background making the foreground - the people - too dark that is, a bit under exposed. Oh well... I made my best.
I used the silent mode.
Last edited by Antonio Correia; 16th February 2020 at 07:55 PM.
They look fine to me, Antonio.
Cross posted in Doors ...
One of the shots from this morning.
Globalisation arrived later to Portugal (good) and is making many small shops to close. Instead of buying 2 buttons or 4 screws one has to buy a hole pack of 12 maybe more, use 2 or 3 and trash the others or keep them somewhere for later use.
I went today inside of an old shop selling wool and other small items by the unit and shot some pictures with the combo shown before. Some photos were trashed but I kept this one.
More to come.
Organising the project Devotion and working on a file, I made this image.
The women were praying quietly and after I have made the photograph they stood up and prepared to go. I was lucky and quick, fortunately.
There was only the light of the window and the light from the door which we do not see on the left side of the frame. The wall helped me as I was leaning agains it. The shutter was very slow: 1/10. The IBIS helped and so did the wide angle, Sony 24mm.
I do like my work this time !
Nicely framed and exposed the devotion image, nice repeat of the crosses as an added element.
A very strong image, Antonio - I like it very much. I think you could strengthen it some more by cropping the walls back (yes, you lose some of the shadows on the camera left wall) and by downplaying some of the distracting highlights, especially the window over the women. I suspect there is some interesting material you can bring out of the raw data.
Thank you Manfred for your comments. Excellent !
1. About the shot with the Nikon 28mm
The Sony makes focus stacking but I am not interested in applying such procedure in this particular photo. I was - still am - more interested in playing around with the lens (4 Nikon Fs mount) and get a perception how they works in shallow depth of field and see the final quality of the images I can get.
So, these are everyday photograph without any special commitment but trying the best.
I used focus stacking before with Olympus focusing manually with the finger on the screen with good results but that is something else. Let me concentrate please, on the image inside the church.
2. Image of the church
I saw this small church inside a cemetery with the door open and thought immediately that there I could have a nice image. I came in a hurry because I thought the ladies would go away any time. And I was right. After the second shot they stood up and went away.
The first photograph was a quick one as I having a glimpse of the space, had the perception that a frontal photograph would not work or rather would not work as I thought it could from another point of view.
It was already interesting...
So, I moved quickly to the side ( 34 seconds later ) and made the photograph in appreciation.
As I shoot most of the time with Aperture priority I forgot I was in f/4.0 and I can't remember what else I have done but I assure you that it was very little or perhaps nothing at all !
At the time, I was not using the ISO Auto Min SS but I had to go on.
I leaned against the wall and bang ! You mention two important points.
* One the crop factor. Sorry Manfred... no. It is very well the way it is. I think the projections of a cross and of the woman makes part of the hole and to loose these shapes doesn't look a good option. And as you know, I am very stubborn regarding this matter
* Two the "white" window lacking detail and information of what is going outside.
In fact, the is very little info out there. I have tried and I gave up as it was not good enough.
But you are right... but it is too late as I have made some (few) adjustments which would not fit correctly in the area in question when stacking images.
Thank you again Manfred for your constructive comment !
Cheers !![]()
I tend to agree with you, Antonio, that Manfred's alternative crop is overly tight and places the women too close to the left edge. However, having said that, if it was my image I think I might try a slight crop of the sides to place the women about one third from the left edge
Thank you Geoff for your comment.
As always after - or at least quite often - the picture is taken I tend to think that I should have done this instead of that and so on.
After I made the photograph the women of the left stood up and went away. So, I wouldn't have time to compose another picture unless they were posing for me... as you can see on the last photograph taken the woman is already looking at the other to get up... have you noticed that the woman on the right has a baby on her back ?
After your comment I agree that another point of view would be interesting even if I do not care much about the rules of thirds...
In fact, the original photograph has just a bit of wall which I cloned. I should have moved more to the left, just a tad !
And something else quite amazing: I have not seen the shadows of the cross and the woman, until I have worked on the image. Now. Here !
Another point I must stress.
Many photographs are hazards/chances. But to photograph an hazard/chance you have to be there and make the shot. Look at the example bellow: the woman on the left was not in the vision while I was framing. She suddenly came from the entrance of the church and got inside the frame I was composing. The Sun on her face is also an hazard/chance ! Lucky me.
I have a couple more examples myself.
Bellow is also what I consider a good photograph of mines.
Cheers !
Manfred - wide angles, wide angles !...
Cheers !![]()