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Thread: 2020 Project 52 by Antonio Correia - 1rd Quarter

  1. #101
    Antonio Correia's Avatar
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    February 10 to 16

    I do like wide angles. When I get photos without or even with little distortions, I am pleased.

    I went today to this museum in Setúbal and I made a few shots.
    To begin with, let me share with you one of photographs. I have crossed posted it in this thread.

    I have done a few more but as it is very easy for me to go there again, I will repeat the same captures in a better way perhaps tomorrow.

    2020 Project 52 by Antonio Correia - 1rd Quarter

  2. #102
    Antonio Correia's Avatar
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    Re: February 10 to 16

    A shot of the largest room and another one of an excellent sculpture which is connected to previous Portuguese political situation when there was a political police which was supposed to watch our steps, arrest us and so on... nothing innovative.
    Today this work is easier, globally done and often with our own willingly happy cooperation.

    2020 Project 52 by Antonio Correia - 1rd Quarter

    2020 Project 52 by Antonio Correia - 1rd Quarter
    Last edited by Antonio Correia; 12th February 2020 at 10:02 PM.

  3. #103

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    Re: February 10 to 16

    Verticals are upright and the highlights are bright but not over exposed. Maybe a few bright areas on the polished surfaces but I suspect those would be impossible to avoid whatever you did.

  4. #104
    Antonio Correia's Avatar
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    Re: February 10 to 16

    Quote Originally Posted by Geoff F View Post
    Verticals are upright and the highlights are bright but not over exposed. Maybe a few bright areas on the polished surfaces but I suspect those would be impossible to avoid whatever you did.
    Thank you Geoff for commenting !
    Yes, indeed specular lights are hard to avoid.
    I think I made a good work managing the wide angle. After all it is just a 24mm in FF... not difficult to master I suppose.
    (flattering myself for a change ! )

  5. #105
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: February 10 to 16

    Nicely framed and exposed, I too like shooting with UWA lenses but I also like the exaggerated perspective which can be created.

  6. #106
    Antonio Correia's Avatar
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    Re: February 10 to 16

    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowman View Post
    Nicely framed and exposed, I too like shooting with UWA lenses but I also like the exaggerated perspective which can be created.
    Can we see those photos, John ?
    I am just looking at a 18mm... but I must resist !

  7. #107
    Antonio Correia's Avatar
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    Re: February 10 to 16

    Last Tuesday the group I am in decided to take pictures under the theme "people" during the next month.
    As I always try to make something different - not always with success - I made some shots this morning.
    Yesterday I have been around the Sony digging in the menus, playing a bit and customising the camera my way.

    When I saw the time laps, an ideia came to my mind: To photograph people moving or slightly blurred by movement and stack all images so it would look like a larger number of people.
    I went to the market and made 4 shots with the camera on time laps, then I came home and stacked and aligned all the photographs and made some masks to show people in movement, ghost like.
    This is something I have to repeat but far more carefully.

    2020 Project 52 by Antonio Correia - 1rd Quarter

    I had done something similar before...

    2020 Project 52 by Antonio Correia - 1rd Quarter

  8. #108

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    Re: February 10 to 16

    I have certainly seen examples of this sort of idea, which have worked well. But it needs to look as though it was a deliberate composition not a mistake; which is tricky to achieve and I suspect there will be many rejects.

    With the market place, I think you need to have a sharply focused foreground. It doesn't matter if the background fades into out of focus blur. Maybe just a smaller number of moving people would give a better impression of ghostly images amongst an everyday scene.

    Or alternatively, everybody moving so as to give an impression of movement against a static background. Perhaps making the viewer feel that everybody is so busy that nobody has time to stop and look at anything.

    Definitely an interesting project and I think you will eventually end up with some really interesting results.

  9. #109
    Antonio Correia's Avatar
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    Re: February 10 to 16

    Thank you Geoff for your comment.
    The manipulated photographs are just attempts and experiments. Perhaps I spend too much time experimenting this and that...
    In the market the shots were done on the nearest place I found without any special concerns. The camera was posed on oranges !
    I didn't care much about focusing as it was in the simple "automatic" but as it is a wide angle, the precision in this case doesn't look important.
    I not sure if I will try again. Perhaps I will...
    Today I have been installing *icc profiles from paper samples I was given some time ago and I started to print a collection of images for my "Devotion" project. The one I am showing bellow is already refined. The white areas on the paper are to allow people to hold the photo without placing their fingers on the image itself.
    Side note - Perhaps the idea of Project 52 is not the daily report of activities...

    2020 Project 52 by Antonio Correia - 1rd Quarter

  10. #110
    skitterbug's Avatar
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    Re: February 10 to 16

    Hi Antonio - I find your photo work interesting so I enjoy seeing your posts. A thought about your Side note: "Perhaps the idea of Project 52 is not the daily report of activities..." - Your P52 is whatever you want it to be. Personally, I appreciate the extra information you add. But it is whatever works best for you!

  11. #111
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: February 10 to 16

    Antonio - I agree with Sandy - a Project 52 is really what you want it to be, but the intent is to get people out and creating images. This can be important to get people into a routine as we only improve if we practice the craft frequently. You are someone who gets out with his camera a lot, so I suspect you don't need to learn to practice and hone your shooting and post-processing skills.

    While I shoot and / or process and / or images every week, I don't post everything I am working on. I don't like the concept of a Project 52 because it imposes an artificial timeline on my work.

  12. #112
    Antonio Correia's Avatar
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    Re: February 10 to 16

    Thank you Sandy and Manfred for your comments.

    I am not doing the P52 not as an obligation but rather like a way to make me shoot in a daily basis. While doing so, I learn how to use the camera in more or less depth (the repeated leitmotif ), learn where the commands are, learn what I miss, learn what I am missing, learn the custom buttons I change so often and so on.

    Next Saturday I mean tomorrow, my wife is making an exhibition of 6 images. I will share the shots of the event for you. You are/would be welcome.

    Cheers !

  13. #113
    Antonio Correia's Avatar
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    Re: February 10 to 16

    Today's print from the same project...

    2020 Project 52 by Antonio Correia - 1rd Quarter

  14. #114

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    Re: February 10 to 16

    Last image looks good to me, Antonio. Plenty of fine detail and some good highlights on the forehead and cheeks; but nicely constrained to prevent any over exposure.

  15. #115
    Antonio Correia's Avatar
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    Re: February 10 to 16

    Thank you Geoff for your comment.

    This image like some others, are refined and adjusted according to details as for example to show areas out of gamut for the specific paper I am using. This one I printed twice as the first did not came out "decent"/acceptable.

    I like images printed with all that area around...
    Have a nice week end !

    Cheers !
    Last edited by Antonio Correia; 14th February 2020 at 11:07 PM.

  16. #116
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    Re: February 10 to 16

    Quote Originally Posted by Antonio Correia View Post
    Today's print from the same project...

    2020 Project 52 by Antonio Correia - 1rd Quarter
    Hi Antonio, nicely done. What paper are you using?

  17. #117
    Antonio Correia's Avatar
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    Re: February 10 to 16

  18. #118
    LenR's Avatar
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    Re: February 10 to 16

    Hi Antonio, IGGFS is a paper I have used for years. I also like Ilford Gold Fibre Gloss 415 micron which has a wider colour gamut. Also Carson Baryta. Similar to GFS with a cooler tone.

  19. #119
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    Re: February 10 to 16

    Quote Originally Posted by Antonio Correia View Post
    Can we see those photos, John ?
    I am just looking at a 18mm... but I must resist !
    Hi Antonio,

    I just posted on in this thread Tourist or Street 2: Sparkle City

  20. #120
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: February 10 to 16

    Time lapse, nice efforts, this style can be tricking to time just right, keep at it.

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