I like number 10
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I like number 10
J'aime bien la 10.eme !
Les cheveux ébouriffés du cheval c'est très bien ...
And may be also his rider:D
Oui... but her eyes are too blue and her completion is rather artificial...
Sorry Jean, but the image doesn't work for me
Can you try again, please ? :)
Do you prefer the original without post processing?
For me too dull:o
Neither of them, Jean. :)
All photographs are supposed to be processed somehow in my point of view...
Perhaps you do have a better shot than this... she is such a beautiful young woman that she deserves a photo with more light in her nice eyes.
Do you have more ? I am sure you have !
Perhaps the background influenced the reading of the light...
Antonio, to answer your request, here is a version reviewed using Luminar 4, less aggressive than the first version
Regarding the background it's not easy to reduce its impact due to her hair.
That is better Jean !
Good work, well done !
Thank you for the effort ! :)
Thank you Antonio, you gave me an idea in post processing: why not in monochrome?
Here is the result. I'm quite satisfyed. This time with the help of Silver efex 2 (and some personal skills!!).
Works well as a B&W, Jean. I agree with Antonio's assessment, the issue with your first attempt is that the eyes do not look realistic The second attempt is better, but the eyes are still a bit unrealistic. What you need to do is to lift the shadow cast by the brim of her cap and not just work on the eyes. Fill flash would have been another approach.
Too bad about the boring but bright sky behind her.
A tighter crop would be worth exploring as well.
With the new options of Luminar 4 (sky change (with a personal picture) + some additional adjustments in PS) and your advice, Manfred, (reduce the shadows under his cap), I get to this edition
I'm OK with your cropped version, too, thank you for the idea.
I don't like what Luminar has done to her eyes (much too bright) and how the trees look cut out (the transition is much too hard). I would at least select the eyes and darken them up a bit so that they don't look quite as unreal.
As for the cut out look on the trees, the original looks much better, but the sky is not great.
Fantastic images as usual....