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Thread: Habitar

  1. #1
    kaskais's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Real Name
    Fernando Cascais



    Há rostos sem marca, votados ao anonimato, não são nem belos nem feios, mas atravessados pela ausência, como o desta mulher, uma silhueta frágil, que usa o avental como um emblema. Uma mulher discreta, poupada, pessoa de hábitos. E como escapar a isso, esta parte da cidade cria hábitos, é a condição essencial para lá viver e dormir descansada. E assim, ela atravessa a praça como se atravessasse a sua sala de estar. O fotógrafo é um mero intruso.

    Unmarked faces, cast in anonymity, are neither beautiful nor ugly, but crisscrossed by the absence, like this woman's, of a frail silhouette who wears the apron as an emblem. A discreet, spared woman, a person of habits. And how to escape from this, this part of the city creates habits, is the essential condition for living and sleeping there. And so, she crosses the square as if crossing her living room. The photographer is a mere intruder.

  2. #2
    Shadowman's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
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    Re: Habitar

    Nicely seen and captured.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    ex Auckland, now Porirua, New Zealand

    Re: Habitar

    I think that the possibilities are great Fernando. I really like what you have seen and captured. On my PC here, I have cropped a bit differently. Not aware, however, of the policy on this site of posting suggestions of someone else's image. It is good that there are rules because some individuals are happy for someone else to experiment and post something different, and some not. Fair enough!

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