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Thread: chooies photo

  1. #21
    vaez's Avatar
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    Re: chooies photo

    Quote Originally Posted by Jim A View Post
    Of the four, Vaez, I like No 1, because of the emotion portrayed. However, it is utterly spoilt because of the inclusion of the package in his hand. I really like No 3, which hopefully can be corrected. I do notice, that almost certainly because of your understanding of English, that you call a lady a "bitch". Please be aware that is very offensive, so please try not to include the term. Thanks for sharing.

    I'm ashamed of this mistake My English is not good I used translation google Of course I always check You are completely right I'll clear the wrong word Thankful Attention
    Pleas tell me mymistake

  2. #22

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    Re: chooies photo

    Try not to worry about it, Vaez. Learning another language is full of pitfalls, so it's best to know. Please keep posting here.

  3. #23

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    Re: chooies photo

    From a purely technical point of view I'd pick No 4.
    Cheers Ole

  4. #24
    DanK's Avatar
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    Re: chooies photo

    Quote Originally Posted by vaez View Post
    I'm ashamed of this mistake My English is not good I used translation google Of course I always check You are completely right I'll clear the wrong word Thankful Attention
    Pleas tell me mymistake
    Vaez, Don't be ashamed. It is very, very hard to learn a new language well. I experienced this myself when I was younger and lived in another country. Once, when I thought I was asking a guard whether it was OK to photograph a government building, I accidentally asked if I could pay him (a bribe). The words differed by one letter. Once, when a distant relative asked me what I did for a living, he started laughing when I answered. I thought I told him I was an "analyst," but I instead told him I was a "conductor" (in musical performances). Again, one letter difference. Now I teach English to immigrants in my free time, and I see the difficulties from the other side.

  5. #25

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    Re: chooies photo

    Quote Originally Posted by DanK View Post
    I experienced this myself when I was younger and lived in another country. Once, when I thought I was asking a guard whether it was OK to photograph a government building, I accidentally asked if I could pay him (a bribe). The words differed by one letter. Once, when a distant relative asked me what I did for a living, he started laughing when I answered. I thought I told him I was an "analyst," but I instead told him I was a "conductor" (in musical performances). Again, one letter difference. Now I teach English to immigrants in my free time, and I see the difficulties from the other side.
    Been there, done that, Dan. I once added "Happy New Year" in Spanish in an email to an important PEMEX project engineer.

    Unfortunately I wrote "feliz ano nuevo" which means "happy new rectum" ... in this case, a missing accent mark over the ñ!

  6. #26
    vaez's Avatar
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    Re: chooies photo

    Quote Originally Posted by xpatUSA View Post
    Been there, done that, Dan. I once added "Happy New Year" in Spanish in an email to an important PEMEX project engineer.

    Unfortunately I wrote "feliz ano nuevo" which means "happy new rectum" ... in this case, a missing accent mark over the ñ!
    Thank you for comment

  7. #27
    vaez's Avatar
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    Re: chooies photo

    Quote Originally Posted by DanK View Post
    Vaez, Don't be ashamed. It is very, very hard to learn a new language well. I experienced this myself when I was younger and lived in another country. Once, when I thought I was asking a guard whether it was OK to photograph a government building, I accidentally asked if I could pay him (a bribe). The words differed by one letter. Once, when a distant relative asked me what I did for a living, he started laughing when I answered. I thought I told him I was an "analyst," but I instead told him I was a "conductor" (in musical performances). Again, one letter difference. Now I teach English to immigrants in my free time, and I see the difficulties from the other side.
    Thank you for comment

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