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Thread: Ever Hear of a "Sensor Filter"

  1. #1
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Ever Hear of a "Sensor Filter"

    Well, I'd never heard of one until I viewed this YouTube video

    Here is the website for the STC sensor filters...

    If this works (and that is quite a big "IF") it would really be handy for users of the Sony A6xxx series cameras. Yes, you can use high Speed Sync to be able to shoot wide open in bright conditions using a fast lens such as a f/1.8 or even f/1.4. However the maximum shutter seed of the A6xxx cameras is 1/4000 second which could still be a bit slow...

    Of course, one would need to plan in advance what filters are needed. Changing these filters outdoors would be chancy for the sensor. Shooting in standard sync mode is more efficient than using HSS

  2. #2
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Ever Hear of a "Sensor Filter"

    I'm trying to figure out how this is a superior solution to using standard filters; either round or rectangular that fit over the front of the lens. Exposing the sensor to the environment when changing filters looks like a risky issue.

    With an external filter, one can focus and then pop on the filter. With this setup, the filter has to be in place.

  3. #3

    Join Date
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    Re: Ever Hear of a "Sensor Filter"

    Clip in filters are well known items for dslr astrophotography. F.ex.:

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