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Thread: So ... what are you getting for Christmas?

  1. #1

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    So ... what are you getting for Christmas?

    Having heaped praise upon the virtues of my Sekonic L-398 (No battery, Simple to use, Dah-di-dah) I'm now waiting for a new-in-box, all-singing, all-dancing, Gossen Starlite 2 at half-price from eBay.

    Details here:

  2. #2

    Re: So ... what are you getting for Christmas?

    On the minor side I got a couple of camera repairs paid for - Canon service isn't cheap so they came in at $350+

    The big present is that my partner is getting a deputy to reduce her workload, and her newest drugs are holding the line. I might have her for a year or more yet!

  3. #3
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: So ... what are you getting for Christmas?


    I lost my first wife to cancer and can certainly understand the lows and sometimes the highs of being with someone you love dearly who has a disease.

    My prayers are with you both! I'd like to be so bold as to pass along a piece of advice that I got (and followed) during those dark days. Take care of yourself also. A person who is in your position can be vulnerable to both illness and accidents.

    Here's the best to you both!

  4. #4

    Re: So ... what are you getting for Christmas?

    Thank you Richard. Yep, I have a couple of broken toes and a sore back to deal with and as regards morale: the care-givers often fall into the cracks as regards support. I have been feeling the effects I must admit, it's relentless and I know it will get a lot worse - I have found it difficult to find the inspiration to go out and shoot, especially when she is tired or feeling fragile. But I know I need to so, so we have agreed that I will make opportunities to do so. I may even post the odd image when I get something worthy of my audience!

  5. #5
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: So ... what are you getting for Christmas?

    The best gifts are the ones you give yourselves, why is it that people don't want to give you photography equipment?

  6. #6
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: So ... what are you getting for Christmas?

    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowman View Post
    The best gifts are the ones you give yourselves,
    Absolutely. They are the ones you want. I am now starting to look at the book I bought myself - 'French Landscapes', by Thibaut Cuisset.

    This is as good as it gets - The French landscape photographed in a style influenced by the New Topographics, which I have found late in life and love.

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    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: So ... what are you getting for Christmas?

    I think that I will give my wife and myself a new yearly pass to the San Diego Zoo and San Diego Safari Park. Wonderful places to shoot and the Safari (previously known a the Wild Animal Park) Park is only about a half hour drive from my house.

    The neat thing about the pass, is that I can visit with the intention of shooting one type of animal and spend an hour or two waiting for the right photo conditions.

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    Re: So ... what are you getting for Christmas?

    Quote Originally Posted by Tronhard View Post
    Thank you Richard. Yep, I have a couple of broken toes and a sore back to deal with and as regards morale: the care-givers often fall into the cracks as regards support. I have been feeling the effects I must admit, it's relentless and I know it will get a lot worse - I have found it difficult to find the inspiration to go out and shoot, especially when she is tired or feeling fragile. But I know I need to so, so we have agreed that I will make opportunities to do so. I may even post the odd image when I get something worthy of my audience!
    My late-wife's cancer was in two phases. The initial discovery of the condition and the almost five years of treatment was the first phase. We thought that she was cured or at least in remission and then suddenly it broke out again and she died very suddenly.

    In the first phase I was in a Navy line unit whose members had no special counseling skills. During the second phase I was teaching at the Navy Drug and Alcohol Counselors School. During the second phase, I had a LOT more support from my co- workers...

  9. #9

    Re: So ... what are you getting for Christmas?

    I got a pass to our local zoo in Auckland. The only thing was that the zoo underwent massive upgrades and half of it was closed off at any given time. That and the noise and mayhem caused by the big machines was distracting for the visitors and probably many of the animals. It took them almost six months to reduce the admission price from full to a discount of 10% off. Not surprisingly there were some unhappy clients.

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    Re: So ... what are you getting for Christmas?

    If you get the chance go to Tiritiri Matangi, a predator free island close to Auckland. Great place to get photos of many of our endangered birds such as Tahake, stichbird, saddleback, white head, NZ quail, native pigeon, fantails, kakariki, plus the usual bell birds, tui, cormorants etc. We were there about 3 weeks ago for 4 days, staying on the island, and the morning chorus, admittedly at 5am, was something that I had heard of but had never experienced

  11. #11

    Re: So ... what are you getting for Christmas?

    Hi Ken:

    Yep it's an amazing place. I have been a supporter and volunteer there for a few years now. I was doing mostly historical interpretation for the lighthouse museum and watch tower but when I was there I was always on the lookout for images of our rare native species.

    So ... what are you getting for Christmas?

    So ... what are you getting for Christmas?

    So ... what are you getting for Christmas?
    Juvenile Takahe

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    Re: So ... what are you getting for Christmas?

    I got a DJI Osmo mobile 3 gimbal for my cell phone. My wife and I are going to wander down south through Memphis and down the Natchez Trace to New Orleans to take in a Road Scholar week of the French Quarter Music Festival this spring. I'm happy to use my DSLR for stills, but it's a bit of a pain for video.

  13. #13
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    Re: So ... what are you getting for Christmas?

    Tom, if you can do it - spend some time viewing the pre-Civil War Mansions of Natchez itself... They are pretty spectacular and worth a couple of hours stop...

    So ... what are you getting for Christmas?

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    Re: So ... what are you getting for Christmas?

    Hi, Richard.

    Thanks for the tip. Will do.

  15. #15

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    Re: So ... what are you getting for Christmas?

    I got a booklet on the principals of Art and Design from my daughter. She has an art background and figured I coulld use it after some of our conversations. Very pleased with it.

  16. #16
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: So ... what are you getting for Christmas?

    Quote Originally Posted by escape View Post
    I got a booklet on the principals of Art and Design from my daughter. She has an art background and figured I coulld use it after some of our conversations. Very pleased with it.
    That could do more for your photography than all the gear in the world. Enjoy.

  17. #17
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    Re: So ... what are you getting for Christmas?

    I'm either branching out or regressing. As a combined Christmas/Hannukah/Anniversary present I just took delivery of a Sony RX100 vii.

    It's an astonishing piece of technology, and it's intended for when I want to travel even lighter than m4/3. We're off to Tenerife in 10 days, and it will be my only camera. I just hope the compromises work out the way I hope. In any event, the 500 page manual will occupy me on the plane!


  18. #18
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    Re: So ... what are you getting for Christmas?

    Quote Originally Posted by davidedric View Post
    I'm either branching out or regressing. As a combined Christmas/Hannukah/Anniversary present I just took delivery of a Sony RX100 vii.

    It's an astonishing piece of technology, and it's intended for when I want to travel even lighter than m4/3. We're off to Tenerife in 10 days, and it will be my only camera. I just hope the compromises work out the way I hope. In any event, the 500 page manual will occupy me on the plane!


    Several years ago, I bought a Lumix LX-100 for much the same reason. In fact, the final two competitors were that and whatever was then the current version of the RX-100. The reasons I opted for the Lumix aren't particularly relevant, but my experience with it might be.

    I have carried the Lumix often when I have traveled for reasons other than photography. My experience has been that while I often can't do what I would do with my main equipment, I can do a lot with it. I have found it a good compromise when I don't want to lug my main gear and don't want to have my wife or other traveling companions standing waiting for me to make elaborate preparations. Here are a few shots I took with it as I was walking for other purposes. The first one is hanging from my wall and is in the portfolio I have been showing.

    So ... what are you getting for Christmas?

    So ... what are you getting for Christmas?

    So ... what are you getting for Christmas?

    So ... what are you getting for Christmas?

  19. #19
    pendennis's Avatar
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    Re: So ... what are you getting for Christmas?

    My favorite Nikkor wide angle, 20mm f/2.8D, developed a terminal case of severe fungus. Took it to my trusted repair shop; they advised that expense to de-fungus and CLA, wasn't worth the cost. I left the lens with them so they could salvage the parts, and I ordered a newer (by 100K+ serial number) one. Got it Christmas Eve, it's spotless, and works like a charm.

  20. #20

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    Re: So ... what are you getting for Christmas?

    I suggested books on some of the major photographers that have been mentioned on this site. I gave the name of the photographers but I did not specify any particular books as I had none.

    My son kindly gave me two books: one of photographs by Henri Cartier-Bresson and one of interviews and conversations with him. They should make good companions and I am looking forward to dipping into them (once I have caught up with all the recent posts on CiC, of course )

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