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Thread: Project 52 Challenge - 2020

  1. #1

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    Project 52 Challenge - 2020

    Just a note and quick explanation to any of the recently joined CinC members; together with any longer established members who are thinking about taking on this challenge.

    This isn't a competition; it is a personal challenge to post at least one image each week. Therefore, no strict rules just a few guidelines. You can post any subject matter which may be linked to previous posts or a completely different subject each time. Some people have used their individual threads to concentrate on various areas of photograph which they wish to explore in greater depth but anything is acceptable. It is entirely up to you how you wish to proceed if you take on the challenge.

    More details here

    2018 Project 52 - Guidelines, FAQ and Index

    Most people create four individual threads in the Nature & Architecture Forum. One thread for each quarter of the year; in order to keep these threads down to a manageable size. Alternatively, a few people have created separate posts for each week.

    If you don't have anything to post one week, due to personal commitments or weather etc, it doesn't matter; just try to catch up with extra images when you are able. I find it helps to get an image or two ahead of the posting time early in each quarter to give yourself a bit of a buffer for those missed weeks.

    And you don't even have to start on January 1st. You can opt in at any time during the year and finish when your personal time slot gets too over crowded.

    As an example, my 4th Quarter is here:

    2019 Project 52 by Geoff F - 4th Quarter

    And Judith's last quarter:

    2019 Project 52 Judith Noble (Urbanflyer) 4th quarter C & C
    Last edited by Geoff F; 28th December 2019 at 06:58 PM.

  2. #2
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Project 52 Challenge - 2020

    Just wondering if you or anyone else who participates in the challenge keeps notes on your progress or do you just use the forum to document your endeavors?

  3. #3
    Urbanflyer's Avatar
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    Re: Project 52 Challenge - 2020

    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowman View Post
    Just wondering if you or anyone else who participates in the challenge keeps notes on your progress or do you just use the forum to document your endeavors?
    One year I had a very specific goal related to understanding Photoshop. That year I kept a mental set of notes on what aspects I was learning. This last year I had no specific goal except to make sure I was making images. And to learn from each post.

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    Re: Project 52 Challenge - 2020

    Quote Originally Posted by Urbanflyer View Post
    One year I had a very specific goal related to understanding Photoshop. That year I kept a mental set of notes on what aspects I was learning. This last year I had no specific goal except to make sure I was making images. And to learn from each post.
    The learning portion should be filled with ample note taking, what I like to do is, and I'm not suggesting it is necessary; print out a series of my images and place them inside a notebook which I'll take along with me and use as a reference for my reflection on the past series of endeavors. Usually my notes concentrate on the technical aspects of the captures, such as the shutter speed or aperture I used and how it either helped or hindered the series of captures, but mostly I use the series of images to reflect on how well I accentuated my subject and also sometimes the psychology behind why I felt inspired to capture the particular subject. The notes are helpful reminders of what I did in the past and what I want to achieve in the future and also might come in handy if I get around to creating a blog about my images.

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    Re: Project 52 Challenge - 2020

    I find that the 'pressure' of a deadline makes me consider photographing scenes where I would otherwise just walk past; particularly when weather or other commitments has limited my access to those perfect scene situations.

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    Re: Project 52 Challenge - 2020

    Quote Originally Posted by Geoff F View Post
    I find that the 'pressure' of a deadline makes me consider photographing scenes where I would otherwise just walk past; particularly when weather or other commitments has limited my access to those perfect scene situations.
    I read a blog recently where the photographer was doing a 365 challenge and he said that he would often go through the entire day without taking a photograph and would then rush out to keep up with his artistic plan, he stated that what he captured on many a day wasn't worth keeping but he felt he accomplished his goal. One concept that I've been working on for a few weeks is to do a self portrait in a mirror in a dark room with only an LED bulb as the light source. The camera is mounted over my shoulder and I am trying to nail the focus on my eyes in the mirror, I also have to release the shutter remotely. The other challenge is the room is very small and I have to use a lens that can autofocus within a tight space, less than 2 feet from the focal plane and I want to use my 85mm 1.8G lens which AF at 2.6 feet. The point is you can always post your failures but most photographer's usually prefer not to. Link to blog is below.
    Last edited by Shadowman; 29th December 2019 at 08:22 PM.

  7. #7
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Project 52 Challenge - 2020

    Geoff - I always find it interesting that these "Challenges" and how they always seem to concentrate on the capture aspect of photography. I've even run into a few people that try the Project 365; will they go for 366 in 2020 as this is a Leap Year? While I do agree that getting out and shooting is important, tt is a quantity over quality measure, in my view.

    A couple of years ago, I tried to introduce a "Print 52" approach to get people to create more prints and there were a few of us that at least started that concept. I did manage to print at least one image per week, but when I look at my output, these were decent, but not generally not great prints. Did it improve my printing skills; not really, but doing at least one print per week ensured that my print head did not dry out.

    One of the photo clubs I belong to insists that images shown at the club be no more than 6-months old. The emphasis is on creation, not the other aspects of photography. That is where I have an issue with this concept and it appeals to the group that wants to shoot and not spend time polishing the capture in post. Unfortunately, it shows as I always see image that were shot that:

    a. Were done in order to hit the target topic, quantity and timing; and

    b. Do not bring out the potential of the captured image as the key metric is quantity not quality.

    I am definitely influenced by Ansel Adams here and I frequently refer to his quote; "Twelve significant photographs in any one year is a good crop.”

    My goal this year is going to be to follow Adam's approach; go for somewhere between 10 and 15 exhibition quality prints over the next 12 months. Some are likely to be brand new images (as I do try to shoot at least weekly, often several times a week) and others will be me revisiting older captures and reworking them (remember Ansel Adams did over 1300 versions of Moonlight, Hernandez, New Mexico). His most productive photographic period ran for about a decade, so reprinting the same image throughout his long career were part and parcel of who he was.

    I will post the images here but unfortunately people will not be able to see the nuances in the print that are totally lost in an image that has been downsized and converted to sRGB output. They won't be able to see the texture, colour and finish that can only be seen in a large print...

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    Re: Project 52 Challenge - 2020

    In some ways I find that looking at a scene, to see if there is a photographable angle there, tends to make me look at the world in a different way. A chance to stop and stare instead of just rushing past while frantically searching for that perfect situation. So from that point of view, a deadline tends to get me out there and looking around; even if I don't come away with a prizewinning photograph.

    A wildlife site which I frequent use is hosting a slightly different challenge, which may prove to be even more demanding. A once a month photo, but from the same position and on the same day of the month.

    I am thinking about using that challenge to record plant life inside a 2 metre square area at one of the wildlife sites which I frequently visit. Photographing any flowers to show the changes over a year. A bit of a struggle early and late in the season but maybe I can do something with grasses etc during those tricky times.

  9. #9
    Urbanflyer's Avatar
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    Re: Project 52 Challenge - 2020

    Quote Originally Posted by Manfred M View Post
    Geoff - I always find it interesting that these "Challenges" and how they always seem to concentrate on the capture aspect of photography. I've even run into a few people that try the Project 365; will they go for 366 in 2020 as this is a Leap Year? While I do agree that getting out and shooting is important, tt is a quantity over quality measure, in my view.

    A couple of years ago, I tried to introduce a "Print 52" approach to get people to create more prints and there were a few of us that at least started that concept. I did manage to print at least one image per week, but when I look at my output, these were decent, but not generally not great prints. Did it improve my printing skills; not really, but doing at least one print per week ensured that my print head did not dry out.

    One of the photo clubs I belong to insists that images shown at the club be no more than 6-months old. The emphasis is on creation, not the other aspects of photography. That is where I have an issue with this concept and it appeals to the group that wants to shoot and not spend time polishing the capture in post. Unfortunately, it shows as I always see image that were shot that:

    a. Were done in order to hit the target topic, quantity and timing; and

    b. Do not bring out the potential of the captured image as the key metric is quantity not quality.

    I am definitely influenced by Ansel Adams here and I frequently refer to his quote; "Twelve significant photographs in any one year is a good crop.”

    My goal this year is going to be to follow Adam's approach; go for somewhere between 10 and 15 exhibition quality prints over the next 12 months. Some are likely to be brand new images (as I do try to shoot at least weekly, often several times a week) and others will be me revisiting older captures and reworking them (remember Ansel Adams did over 1300 versions of Moonlight, Hernandez, New Mexico). His most productive photographic period ran for about a decade, so reprinting the same image throughout his long career were part and parcel of who he was.

    I will post the images here but unfortunately people will not be able to see the nuances in the print that are totally lost in an image that has been downsized and converted to sRGB output. They won't be able to see the texture, colour and finish that can only be seen in a large print...
    We each get different benefits from our time with our images. Hurrah for diversity. And hopes for ever increasing skill in whatever way we seek to grow!

  10. #10
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Project 52 Challenge - 2020

    Quote Originally Posted by Urbanflyer View Post
    We each get different benefits from our time with our images. Hurrah for diversity. And hopes for ever increasing skill in whatever way we seek to grow!
    I agree 100%. Practice is the only way to improve and each of us has a idea of what works and what does not work for us.

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