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Thread: Olympus OMD EM1 mark 2

  1. #1
    New Member
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    Nov 2019
    Rivervidew NB Canada
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    Jan van't Veld

    Olympus OMD EM1 mark 2

    Hi, I'm new to this group. After looking around a bit I didn't see no Olympus / Panasonic users around at all! So I'm curious as to if there are any O/P users on this site? If not, why not?

    I'm not a professional, so I'd like opinions......

  2. #2

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    Melbourne, Australia
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    Re: Olympus OMD EM1 mark 2

    I have an Olympus em1 mark2 which I am happy with. We recently went to Melbourne Zoo and met a couple carrying full framed Sony each with 600mm lenses to boot. I had my Olympus 40-150mm 2.8 with mc20 tele extender. I had a good time. I, seriously, do not think they did.

    I think a lot of people will disagree with me but one has to enjoy taking photos also and that is the only reason I will not buy a full frame camera. The weight and the size of lenses and camera bodies are too much. I have done so in the past and will not do that again - life is too short.
    Cheers Ole

  3. #3
    New Member
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    Nov 2019
    Rivervidew NB Canada
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    Jan van't Veld

    Re: Olympus OMD EM1 mark 2

    Thanks for the reply Mugge, Yes I enjoy this system as well, for a long lens I recently purchased a Panasonic Leica 100-400 3.5-6.3 lens witch I enjoy so far.

    Previous I had (still have) a 50-200 2.8-3.5 SWD lens with 1.4 and 2.0 converters, but the PanaLeica 100-400 is sharper and faster in focus.

    January 17 I hope to go out with some friends shooting eagles, that should put the lens and me to the test.


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