Hi Sandy, I've compared the two versions and, yes, the second one is a definite improvement viz a viz the background noise in the original.
Quite apart from any noise issues, I like the image. The crocuses stand out well.
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Hi Sandy, I've compared the two versions and, yes, the second one is a definite improvement viz a viz the background noise in the original.
Quite apart from any noise issues, I like the image. The crocuses stand out well.
Sandy, nice to see you back after more than a month; hope you and family are doing fine. That flower image is really beautiful!!!
Hi Bruce - Thanks for commenting and confirming that the second one looks improved. Crocus are one of my favorite flowers since they pop up early and let me know the weather is changing for the positive - well, unless someone likes all that snow and cold weather! LOL Enjoy the day! :)
Hi Nandakumar - yep, I've been away for too long! We are doing fine but we are tired of all the extra precautions that seem to be needed lately. Being restricted has made me appreciative of being able to go when I want and enjoy people. I look forward to that time when we can move freely about without worries.
Right now the landscape has several varieties blooming. Trying to capture them properly is challenging due to light fluctuating, wind blowing, etc. Yay for digital so I can practice to my heart's content!
In the meantime, I'm glad you enjoy the edited flower image. Crocus are beautiful but sadly they are faded now. Summer heat is trying to take over so it will be time for marigolds, petunias, etc.
Thanks for commenting! It is good to be here! :)
Our wren did not attempt to use this nest box and for good reason. I suppose that hubby and I should figure out a way to rid ourselves of these but they have a place in nature - so long as they leave me alone!
Settings: f/16 - ISO250 - 1/200s
Uninvited House Guests
Sharp and frightening; fine shot :)
Over here, we sometimes get Hornets using bird boxes but that is usually after the birds have finished. Tree Bumblebees are more of a problem but the simple answer seems to be having more than one box so the birds and bees can have one each.
Good shot of a difficult scene. Just one blurred leg due to the slow shutter speed. Maybe I would try a bit of rough selection on another leg then copy and paste to cover up the blurred leg?
Nice photograph, very sharp.
They are big... :)
I don't think I am skilled enough to copy and paste a precise enough section of the leg. I appreciate the suggestion and I'll consider what could happen if I tried. <chuckle> And I may discover that I can actually accomplish the task! :)
Our wrens, if they do decide to make a home here, have more than one choice. We don't need more than a pair of them however, since they are very territorial! I think this fall after a hard freeze, that nest box can be cleared of any hive that these bees may make and hopefully that will discourage them from returning next spring. :) Thank you for commenting! :)
Sandy, it's a good shot. How far away were you from the danger zone?
Hi Bruce - I'd say I was probably 25+ feet from the supporting post that holds the next box. The box is on a post about 8 feet up. I made sure not to infringe on their personal space!
Thank you for commenting! :)
I know it has been awhile since I posted because I had to hunt down my thread! <chuckle> The wildlife population seem to be enjoying our little bit of earth and they have given me some opportunities. I'll be posting a few as I get them processed to my liking.
The American Robin has been busy raising a batch of little ones. This one was hiding out, or thought it was, and was waiting for food to be delivered. It is a commonly seen bird but I enjoy watching them.
Half Grown American Robin - Camera setting - f/11, auto ISO (3200), 1/400s
Beautiful photograph Sandy ! :)
Perhaps you could bring some more light in the shadows... :rolleyes:
Perhaps it is just my monitor but to me the right side of the its head eye included, is a bit dark...
So lovely....really liked this