I know that if I don't motivate myself with an obligation even though this is a fun one, I won't be very dedicated. Hopefully it is okay that I don't list it as a P52 because I doubt that I'll get images posted every week. But I do want to keep my work in one place and try to keep this thread current.
The images I post may come from various time periods. And as John suggested (Shadowman) I can sort back through files and maybe re-edit (practice post processing) or re-think (make my brain work! YIKES) about what I attempted to do. And I think too, maybe I can even revisit the places that I've been and try to recompose a better shot.
All suggestions will indeed be welcome! I've learned a lot from this group of wonderful and talented people! Thank you!
So now the weather has to improve a bit and my thinking cap has to be put on - time to begin a new year of 2020!