A will done pano!!!
I like panos well enough but I think that this one is a bit extreme. I'd like a bit more of the sky in this one.
Cheers Ole
Nice capture.
Nice image Peter. What does the original image look like?
I assume that you have eliminated a lot of foreground and / or sky that wasn't really contributing to the final image.
Nice image but I think losing about a quarter from the left side might produce a stronger scene.
A very nice image, and a good subject for a panorama.
I think I agree with Geoff: if it were mine, I would crop from the left, although less than he suggested. The area on the far left has a lot of visual weight and distracts from the wonderful lines in the rest of the composition. Just my two cents.
Thanks Peter - One piece of advice I was given on panos is that one should rarely exceed a 3:1 width to height ratio. The aesthetics tend to work better when the pano is not too long and skinny.
I like the original too
Another gem of info, thanks Manfred, that I have filed away in my electronic card file. Your wisdom features pretty often in there!
Thanks for sharing, Peter, I really like the picture and the two figures. My humble opinion is that a crop off the left to just the right of the clumps of slightly higher earth (at front), would work well.
Well done.