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Thread: Crossloop Rd. Gatineau Park Quebec

  1. #1

    Crossloop Rd. Gatineau Park Quebec

    looking for some feedback on this shot Please. 35mm fujifilm asa 200. Note to Manfred; do you recognize the place? It took me awhile to get the contrast right and the range.
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    Last edited by Peter Brass; 2nd February 2020 at 09:33 PM.

  2. #2
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Crossloop Rd. Gatineau Park Quebec

    Peter - I don't see any image.

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    HELP THREAD: How can I post images here?

  3. #3

    Re: Crossloop Rd. Gatineau Park Quebec

    last night I couldn't find the tag edit button, didnt even realize th photo wasn't there. Tank you Manfred

  4. #4

    Re: Crossloop Rd. Gatineau Park Quebec

    me again, too bad I can't type!

  5. #5
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Crossloop Rd. Gatineau Park Quebec

    I haven't been in that part of Gatineau Park in a few years. The last time I shot up at Crossloop was near the covered bridge at Meech Creek and noticed a bear heading toward me (at quite some distance). It didn't seem to notice me, but I did keep an eye on and was not too far from the car.

    It's a nice shot on a nice day in a nice part of the area. Nothing that really says Wow! either, but it shows what the area looks like quite well.

    A few things strike me right away. It's a fall leaf scene, yet they play an almost incidental role in this shot. The colour of the grass in the foreground and middle ground grabs all the attention. I might be tempted to cut down the saturation and burn those areas down a bit to give the shot more balance. I'm not loving the sky either; I know it can be like that in the fall, but might crop that down a bit, as it's not adding much to the overall image

  6. #6
    joebranko's Avatar
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    Re: Crossloop Rd. Gatineau Park Quebec

    I would give some consideration to cropping something of the green in the foreground as it does not lend much to the shot. Raising the shadows in the area just below the colours on the ridge would also improve the image i
    n my opinion

  7. #7

    Re: Crossloop Rd. Gatineau Park Quebec

    Thank you for the comments. In reply I would have to say that the photo doesn't work. Looking for a way to close the thread and this seems to be the only way I can find.

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