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Thread: new for me: rock abstract

  1. #1
    DanK's Avatar
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    new for me: rock abstract

    I have tried a few times to take images of potholes under this particular waterfall, Salmon Falls in Shelburne Falls, MA. This is the first time I got something that might be a keeper. It's a new genre for me, so comments are particularly welcome.

    The rock is of course quite smooth, being under a waterfall some of the time. I deliberately upped the texture, and I also did something I rarely do: I substantially increased saturation. Apart from some local burning, the major local adjustment was removing many distracting spots of foam in the water.

    I printed test shot on Canon Rag Mat paper, and the print is somewhat less bright than what you see on the screen.

    For some reason, CiC is showing this as roughly square, but it is actually an aspect ratio of 1.27:1 (11 x 14).

    For those interested in technical stuff: the rocks are usually blocked off for safety reasons. To to be able to get close, I used a 100-400, but this particular view was almost under my feet, so it is only 100mm.

    C&C very welcome.

    new for me: rock abstract

  2. #2
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: new for me: rock abstract

    Nicely seen and photographed. I find that the shot approaches abstract, but there are still a few clues that it is anchored in a realistic landscape, namely signs of water and some of the shadows.

    I did a crop and then did some dodging to calm some of the shadows to increase the level of abstraction. This is what a few minutes of work gives me. I suspect the scene needs to look two-dimensional to look abstract.

    new for me: rock abstract
    Last edited by Manfred M; 4th February 2020 at 05:05 AM.

  3. #3
    Wavelength's Avatar
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    Re: new for me: rock abstract

    Excellent shot

  4. #4
    DanK's Avatar
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    Re: new for me: rock abstract


    Thanks. Very interesting comments. I hadn't thought about this. Although I used the word "abstract", I'm not certain I know which way I want to go with this. originally, I left in details like the tiny waterfall at the top left to anchor it in the real situation.

    I took a number of shots of different parts of this on two occasions. Most had snow or ice on part, which looked a lot less interesting on screen than in person. I go there from time to time, so I can re-shoot, as long as the water isn't too high and it isn't snow-covered. So I will keep working.


  5. #5

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    Re: new for me: rock abstract

    Neat capture and PP, Manfred's cropping made a substantial impact.

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