Last one looks best to me. Besides a better pose, you seem to have a fraction more overall brightness in that one.
I like the concept; a subject we see quite often when out shopping, but not something most of us think about other than trying to get a free bit of food.
From a technical standpoint, the white balance is off and the images look rather warm, in my view. The exposure seems to be off a touch as well. The scene is quite busy (not surprising at all) and the background makes for interesting "environmental portraits". I suspect you could have watched your shooting position a bit more and minimized some of the overly distracting elements in the frame. In this shot, the toaster oven with the sign on it and the sign above your subject's head.
Hi Manfred. Realy didn't consider any other angle but straight on. The girls were wonderful and cooporative but I shot quickly since they were working. I like what you did with the photo. Thank you for your input. Will keep working to improve them in lightroom.
Hello Geoff. Thank you for commenting. I had a lot of fun taking pictures in the supermarket.
Some of it is not just what we do in post processing, but also the way we frame up the shot. I will ask people to move a touch or ask if I can move a distracting element out of the shot before I take their picture (I return everything to the original position after taking the shot). While this is not perfect, but look at what happens without those two major distracting elements in the shot.
I don't happen to like the crop I did, but the two signs are no longer vying for the viewer's attention and we see the supermarket girl in her work environment.
Big improvement Manfred. I do tend to rush my shots at times. This was the first time I asked for permission. Next time I will slow down and take the steps you sugested in framing the shot. Thank you
If this were in a foreign market such as China or Mexico, I would be more likely to shoot this type of image,
I get complacent when I get used to seeing something and often fair to record it. Not that it is anymore less interesting than the more exotic shots...
Nice series, I think the background items are humorous contrasts to the product's the women are marketing.
The yellow color cast it is very well controled in the second picture that you uploaded. Nice girls![]()
I like Manfred's edit of the second photo. However, another feature of some images that is often distracting to me is the distortion - if it were mine I would want to make all the Listerine bottles vertical!
So much better with the distractions removed - a lesson I could benefit from - I too tend to shoot quickly and then end up spending ages in PP trying to correct things that could have been done easily at the moment of shooting.