Several members have asked about Silver Efex Pro, a Photoshop plugin made by Nik software for BW conversions. In particular you want to know if it's worth the rather hefty price tag.
The intention here is that we put it to the test - you all love tests, don't you?
I have selected a RAW file of mine, and have posted it for download. Your challenge is to see what you can do with it in terms of a BW conversion.
You have two choices. Either...
Download this RAW file (6MB), edit it in your own RAW processor, produce a TIFF/JPEG/PSD, and convert to BW and do any final processing that you might normally do for a BW shot. Post the final JPEG back here. It's a DNG format file, so it should be readable in most packages.
If you don't want to/can't do the RAW part, download the full size JPEG and convert and process that instead.
Either way, post the result back here in a new post, and give the post a title for the shot. Entries close at midday (GMT) on Friday 17th December. please state what package you used for RAW edit (if you did it) and for the conversion itself. Not too much detail, we just want to compare the end results.
Results will be put to some kind of vote, probably like the monthly comps, or, if there are less than 11 entries, by poll.
Download JPEG file
Download the DNG RAW file
Any questions, post them below.