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Thread: Best source for photo book

  1. #1
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Best source for photo book

    My wife wants to get the photo book, on which she is presently working, printed...

    She will have each page arranged in 12x12-inch size in a JPEG, psd, or tiff format and doesn't want to be required to set up the pages in the format designed by the company doing the printing.
    Best source for photo book

    I have heard that Adorama does a good job and Costco is pretty inexpensive.

    Does anyone have experience with getting a photo book printed?

  2. #2
    DanK's Avatar
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    Re: Best source for photo book

    I've done three with AdoramaPix (now Printique), and both of my kids did their own wedding albums with them.

    The books are very different from many other company's: they are printed on real photo paper, glued back to back. The default, which I have always used, is a fairly heavy gauge luster paper. The result is that the books are much higher quality than the other photo books I have seen, but they have a different feel, with stiff, lie-flat pages. If you want a regular book with lightweight pages that curl, this isn't what you would want.

    Personally, I prefer this, and everyone who has commented on them has said how nicely they came out. I now have started doing occasional books of my grandkids, and this Printique is what I use.

    Blurb is highly regarded, so I looked into that for my last book. I paid the small charge to get a sample of their papers. Some are quite nice, but they don't hold a candle to Printique, in my estimation. They look like a high-end magazine: regular lightweight papers, not a photo paper.

    The downside: they aren't cheap.

    Their online interface is not too bad. The simplest thing is to export the JPEGs you want to use to a single directory and then upload them to Printique. Once you have done that, they appear in a panel on screen, and you can just drag them onto pages.

    They have lots of templates, and my kids used them, but they aren't necessary, and I have never used them. I just drag the photo or photos I want on page onto that page and resize them as I want, using handles that appear on the images. It's very simple once you have done a page or two.

    You can put photos on both covers (I did) and the end pages (I didn't).

  3. #3
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Best source for photo book

    You can always do your own prints on Moab Lasal Photo Matte 235 and print on both sides.

    You can then either go with a book binder (not cheap) or get a screw-post portfolio (Moab offers them as well) as well as being sold by art supply stores.

    These offer a higher quality paper alternative to the digital presses like Blurb. Their main downside is that digital press output tends to be a bit more robust than inkjet prints.

  4. #4

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    Re: Best source for photo book

    Quote Originally Posted by Kaida View Post
    Custom paints and portrait photography are two different markets that are growing in popularity. While painting a room or wall, you create a work of art that you can hang on the wall regardless of your workspace.
    I do not understand what this has to do with a photo-book or album sitting, for example, on a coffee table.

  5. #5

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    Re: Best source for photo book

    Quote Originally Posted by xpatUSA View Post
    I do not understand what this has to do with a photo-book or album sitting, for example, on a coffee table.
    Quote Originally Posted by Manfred
    This post is likely by a spammer testing how well posts are moderated We see this behavior fairly often
    Thanks, I suspected as much but wasn't sure.

  6. #6

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    Re: Best source for photo book

    Quote Originally Posted by rpcrowe View Post
    My wife wants to get the photo book, on which she is presently working, printed...

    She will have each page arranged in 12x12-inch size in a JPEG, PSD, or TIFF format <>

    Does anyone have experience with getting a photo book printed?
    Not I, but do companies that print photo books accept files in a PSD format? Or TIFF for that matter?

  7. #7
    DanK's Avatar
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    Re: Best source for photo book

    Richard asked this a year and a half ago, so he presumably got this resolved.

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

  8. #8

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    Re: Best source for photo book

    Quote Originally Posted by DanK View Post
    Richard asked this a year and a half ago
    Oops, didn't notice the date, duh.


  9. #9
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Best source for photo book

    The ones I used or looked at use pdf. The tiff and psd are for individual images. I suspect indd (Adobe InDesign) will be accepted by a few.

  10. #10
    pnodrog's Avatar
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    Re: Best source for photo book

    Blurb supports PDF ( Years ago I used the free desktop publishing software Scribus to prepare a book that was printed by Blurb. They supported and provided templates for In Design but they gave me enough information to set up the page templates for Scribus.

    I am about to do another book and have not yet decided whether to use Scribus or Lightroom to do the layout. Most of the book printing companies have proprietary layout software but you are locked into them printing the book. If they do allow you to print your own proof each page has a large company watermark splashed across it.

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