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Thread: Auckland waterfront in a bowl - Version 6

  1. #1

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    Auckland waterfront in a bowl - Version 6

    I posted something like this a long time ago. Made some changes after that, then in the past day or two have changed it again substantially. I probably still need a shadow off the little table, however keen to get feedback before I go further. The earlier version did not have a table and seemed to float there.

    Auckland waterfront in a bowl - Version 6

  2. #2

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    Re: Auckland waterfront in a bowl - Version 6

    I like the concept. I think the shadow is too heavy. Have you considered eliminating the shadow? As it stands the shadow is dominating. I suppose you could tone it down a few notches also.
    Cheers Ole

  3. #3

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    Re: Auckland waterfront in a bowl - Version 6

    A good suggestion, Ole, which I am now wrestling with. Have lightened the shadow, also adding a further gradient. The problem now is that the greys of the shadow and bowl are too close. The shadow was introduced at the suggestion of two local photographers who have been very successful indeed at the craft (much more than I). Seems I need to recolour the bowl to have more distinction between the bowl and shadow.

    Additionally, I awoke in the middle of the night thinking of an error I had made. On the few occasions that I have used them, I have put the texture layer on top as I had done on this occasion. However, immediately under was a Lighting layer. Just switched these around so that the Lighting layer is on top, which improves the image.

  4. #4

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    Re: Auckland waterfront in a bowl - Version 6

    neat concept, as stated the shadow needs to go.

  5. #5
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Auckland waterfront in a bowl - Version 6

    Jim - I don't think it is so much the shadow, but rather the shadow looking "wrong" with the light on the rest of the image.

    The shadow is low and hard, so that suggests that the camera right side of the skyline should also have hard shadows, but it doesn't. The light on the buildings is fairly diffuse, so the shadow you show can't occur. If it did, the front of the bowl and table would also look different and would have an associated shadow.

    The problem with any composite work is that you require a meticulous eye to detail and have to watch what makes sense visually and what does not.

  6. #6

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    Re: Auckland waterfront in a bowl - Version 6

    Thanks indeed, Manfred, that does make sense, plus shows I have a long way to go. It seems that I should go around everyday for a while observing the shadows that I see. Am wondering, since this is not actually real - believe it or not! , does it matter whether there is any shadow at all? Or at least, better without.
    Last edited by Jim A; 1st March 2020 at 02:26 AM.

  7. #7
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Auckland waterfront in a bowl - Version 6

    Quote Originally Posted by Jim A View Post
    Thanks indeed, Manfred, that does make sense, plus shows I have a long way to go. It seems that I should go around everyday for a while observing the shadows that I see. Am wondering, since this is not actually real - believe it or not! , does it matter whether there is any shadow at all? Or at least, better without.
    Jim - in photocomposites, shadows are frequently used to "anchor" the subject to the scene so that it does not appear to float.

    What looks odd to me in this composition is that the "city" looks three-dimensional and real, while the bowl, table and wall look like a graphic. Somehow the elements do not blend together and something "looks wrong".

  8. #8

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    Re: Auckland waterfront in a bowl - Version 6

    What looks odd to me is the apparent difference in view angle between the cityscape and the bowl:
    the city looks taken with a wide angle lens, where the bowl and stand were taken with a much narrower angle of view.

  9. #9
    Stagecoach's Avatar
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    Re: Auckland waterfront in a bowl - Version 6

    Revi has cracked it.

    From the perspective and angle that you have taken the bowl/scene your camera is pointing down at it. But the table is appearing as if you have shot straight at the table with camera axis level with its horizontal surface.

    It's can be easily sorted by some work on the table top.

  10. #10
    Wavelength's Avatar
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    Re: Auckland waterfront in a bowl - Version 6

    Nice work. I think you should completely remove the segment of shadow on the left side where the bowl touches the stool.

  11. #11

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    Re: Auckland waterfront in a bowl - Version 6

    Thanks everyone, great feedback. Have now redone the stool, etc. Added texture. Thoughts?

    Auckland waterfront in a bowl - Version 6

  12. #12
    Wavelength's Avatar
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    Re: Auckland waterfront in a bowl - Version 6

    I see some marks on the bowl as if the overflown water from the lake. Is that intentional or not? that was there in the original post too; but noticed only now.... Very nice

  13. #13
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Auckland waterfront in a bowl - Version 6

    A few thoughts for you Jim:

    1. The lighting - it doesn't look right as your background has significant fall off from left to right, but that is not reflected by either the bowl or the city.

    2, There is no connection between the bowl and the stool. The bowls seems to float above the stool. You need a bit of shadow to tied the two together.

  14. #14
    Urbanflyer's Avatar
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    Re: Auckland waterfront in a bowl - Version 6

    Quote Originally Posted by Jim A View Post
    Thanks everyone, great feedback. Have now redone the stool, etc. Added texture. Thoughts?

    Auckland waterfront in a bowl - Version 6
    This thread has been fun to follow--thanks for the impetus to think about these kinds of compositions!

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