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Thread: TruView PhotoFlair setup file, anybody?

  1. #1

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    TruView PhotoFlair setup file, anybody?

    I am interested in Retinex processing which is available in PhotoFlair, but the TrueView site is gone, so I haven't found a good download site yet. (Most if not all download sites link to the dear departed TrueView). Would be happy to get it somehow if any member still has the setup file on their Windows PC.

    I am aware that Retinex can be found in the GIMP and also as a plug-in for ACR. It also appears in the advanced Tab in RawTherapee 5.8 but it is not available (grayed-out). Still interested in any other downloads that work.

    Not looking for education as to what Retinex is or what it's for ...

    ... thanks for looking.

  2. #2

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    Odd Skjæveland

    Re: TruView PhotoFlair setup file, anybody?

    Quote Originally Posted by xpatUSA View Post
    ...It also appears in the advanced Tab in RawTherapee 5.8 but it is not available (grayed-out).
    I know it does not answer your question nor help, but my RT 5.8 (on Win10) allows me to use Retinex. I have not used it much and do not know what may cause gray-out (file type, image size...?). I just verified it is available and working for one of my DNGs.
    Odd S.

  3. #3

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    Re: TruView PhotoFlair setup file, anybody?

    Quote Originally Posted by odds View Post
    I know it does not answer your question nor help, but my RT 5.8 (on Win10) allows me to use Retinex. I have not used it much and do not know what may cause gray-out (file type, image size...?). I just verified it is available and working for one of my DNGs.
    Odd S.
    Thank you, Odd. I will look at file types and image sizes as possible causes. I was using RT 5.5 and retinex was not grayed-out but did nothing when clicked. So now I'm on 5.8 but still obstinately on Win 7 which RawTherapee download page says is OK but we never know for sure, do we?

    P.S. I tried a DNG and also a Sigma X3F (raw). The Retinex opened with all settings accessible and there are lot of them!

    Unfortunately, enabling Retinex did nothing to the review image and nothing to the histogram. When saved, the "Retinex'd" image was no different to one saved without it. Finally, RT crashed while adjusting one of the settings.

    I am not expecting your help with that but thank you a lot for the tip about file types!!
    Last edited by xpatUSA; 2nd March 2020 at 02:27 PM. Reason: tried a DNG

  4. #4

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    Re: TruView PhotoFlair setup file, anybody?


    I have more info. RT retinex doesn't work on Sigma raw (X3F) files. It also doesn't work on a DNG made from a Sigma X3F because that kind of DNG is called a Linear DNG and some apps don't like it. Today I opened a Panasonic and a Nikon raw file and the retinex worked on both of them. Thanks for your help, greatly appreciated.

  5. #5

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    Re: TruView PhotoFlair setup file, anybody?

    Quote Originally Posted by xpatUSA View Post
    ...that kind of DNG is called a Linear DNG and some apps don't like it.
    To me, linear means "cooked" in the sense that a process calculated RGB pixel data from Bayer or X-trans matrix capture ("raw"). If Sigma means Foveon, the RGB is served directly from the sensor, no cooking required. Side note: Nikon held/holds a patent (US patent 7,138,663) on a RGB type sensor, potentially a Foveon competitor, but I don't think it ever materialized beyond their lab.

    I have seen the "linear DNG" problem on several occasions, first when I wondered if I should convert to a DNG workflow and learned that a DNG created from a raw file by one application did not work with my other DNG-enabled applications. That said, Nikon NEFs created out of camera by Nikon software did not always work with other NEF-enabled applications. Back then I decided to stay clear of DNG.

    Years later I got a Leica Q where "raw" meant Bayer DNG. That was OK apart from a few quirks with my Photo Mechanic/Capture One setup. My Leica got soaked in fresh water some weeks ago and the repair shop just sent me a "beyond repair" message :-(

    DNG files cooked from a raw can contain a copy of the raw data, and I think some DNG-enabled applications can work with raw data embedded as additional data in linear DNG. Capture One may be one such application. I do not know if embedded raw data makes any difference for RT, but it may be worth an experiment if you convert your raw files to DNG.

    Odd S.

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    Re: TruView PhotoFlair setup file, anybody?

    Quote Originally Posted by odds View Post
    To me, linear means "cooked" in the sense that a process calculated RGB pixel data from Bayer or X-trans matrix capture ("raw"). If Sigma means Foveon, the RGB is served directly from the sensor, no cooking required. Side note: Nikon held/holds a patent (US patent 7,138,663) on a RGB type sensor, potentially a Foveon competitor, but I don't think it ever materialized beyond their lab.

    I have seen the "linear DNG" problem on several occasions, first when I wondered if I should convert to a DNG workflow and learned that a DNG created from a raw file by one application did not work with my other DNG-enabled applications. That said, Nikon NEFs created out of camera by Nikon software did not always work with other NEF-enabled applications. Back then I decided to stay clear of DNG.

    Years later I got a Leica Q where "raw" meant Bayer DNG. That was OK apart from a few quirks with my Photo Mechanic/Capture One setup. My Leica got soaked in fresh water some weeks ago and the repair shop just sent me a "beyond repair" message :-(

    DNG files cooked from a raw can contain a copy of the raw data, and I think some DNG-enabled applications can work with raw data embedded as additional data in linear DNG. Capture One may be one such application. I do not know if embedded raw data makes any difference for RT, but it may be worth an experiment if you convert your raw files to DNG.

    Odd S.
    Yes, Linear DNG is a specific type of DNG, please see here:

  7. #7

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    Re: TruView PhotoFlair setup file, anybody?

    Thanks for the link.

    In case you do image related programming, retinex functions appear to be available in OpenCV. It is on my radar as I use OpenCV in a project where properties of image captures call for that kind of enhancement.

    Odd S.

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    Re: TruView PhotoFlair setup file, anybody?

    Quote Originally Posted by odds View Post
    Thanks for the link.

    In case you do image related programming, retinex functions appear to be available in OpenCV. It is on my radar as I use OpenCV in a project where properties of image captures call for that kind of enhancement.

    Odd S.
    Thanks to you also, Odd.

    I am not an image programmer e.g. MatLab, etc. Have done a little scripting but not in any great depth.

    This week, I have loaded G'MIC retinex into the GIMP (additional to the GIMP's default retinex) and have also loaded a related "Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization" plugin to ImageJ/Fiji. My goal is still to improve Sigma/Foveon shadow-color rendering.

    This might be of interest:

    Link best viewed in DPR's "Flat View".

    I am no longer looking for 'TrueView PhotoFlair" ...

  9. #9
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    Re: TruView PhotoFlair setup file, anybody?

    You can find the setup still available in

    Quote Originally Posted by xpatUSA View Post
    Thanks to you also, Odd.

    I am not an image programmer e.g. MatLab, etc. Have done a little scripting but not in any great depth.

    This week, I have loaded G'MIC retinex into the GIMP (additional to the GIMP's default retinex) and have also loaded a related "Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization" plugin to ImageJ/Fiji. My goal is still to improve Sigma/Foveon shadow-color rendering.

    This might be of interest:

    Link best viewed in DPR's "Flat View".

    I am no longer looking for 'TrueView PhotoFlair" ...

  10. #10

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    Re: TruView PhotoFlair setup file, anybody?

    Quote Originally Posted by gb2020 View Post
    Originally Posted by xpatUSA TruView PhotoFlair setup file, anybody?
    I am no longer looking for 'TrueView PhotoFlair" ...
    You can find the setup still available in
    @gb2020 - Thank you anyway.

    I am tempted to give it a try ...
    Last edited by xpatUSA; 21st July 2020 at 02:31 PM.

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