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Thread: What does raw therapy offer?

  1. #1
    DanK's Avatar
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    What does raw therapy offer?

    Intrigued by all the references to RT here, I installed it. The price is right. I've only played with it a tiny amount, so this may be an ignorant question.

    I'm not looking to replace my primary raw editor, which is LR/ACR. However, I am interested in what RT can do in special cases. So far, I have identified one thing: it's much easier to identify tonality and color for a given part of an image. As you move the cursor over the image, it shows RGB, HSV, and L*ab values for that point, and with one set of options, it places the RGB values on the x axis of the histogram. I know about wavelets and am not interested in retinex. Are other specialized nifty features?
    Last edited by DanK; 2nd March 2020 at 03:39 PM.

  2. #2

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    Re: What does raw therapy offer?

    Quote Originally Posted by DanK View Post
    Intrigued by all the references to RT here, I installed it. The price is right. I've only played with it a tiny amount, so this may be an ignorant question.

    I'm not looking to replace my primary raw editor, which is LR/ACR. However, I am interested in what RT can do in special cases. So far, I have identified one thing: it's much easier to identify tonality and color for a given part of an image. As you move the cursor over the image, it shows RGB, HSV, and L*ab values for that point, and with one set of options, it places the RGB values on the x axis of the histogram. I know about wavelets and am not interested in retinex. Are [there] other specialized nifty features?
    Their Haze Removal tool works well - even with no haze.

    Contrast By Detail Levels often provides a better look than USM.

    RL Deconvolution sharpening is often helpful with slightly blurred images, diffraction for example.

    There's a meta-data editor Tab where you can add IPTC keywords and stuff real quick.

    Some quick L*a*b* lightness, contrast and chromaticity adjustments right there in the first Tab.

    Impulse NR works well.

    The HSV equalizer can be fun.

    Color toning makes my eyes cross over but is great for tinting B&W when you get it ...

    Any side-car file can be re-used on another shot without having to copy it and re-name it to <mynewfile>.xmp

    Careful when you save - sometimes stuff goes where you don't expect it to.

    Welcome to the club, Dan.

  3. #3
    DanK's Avatar
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    Re: What does raw therapy offer?

    Thanks. I played a bit more, and the interface is in places a tad obscure, but so far, rawpedia seems to explain many things.

    I lost 10 minutes trying to figure out why the vertical RGB markers below the histogram disappeared and finally realized that they disappear when you switch to a raw histogram. Duh.

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