Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
I hope I can get your help in photographing.
Hello Bruce.
You've certainly arrived in the right place to get all the help you want. I think you will find that everyone on here has a very positive attitude about trying to offer help and advice to other people. Now it's up to you to start asking lots of questions and, hopefully, posting up some images.
Where are you in the world? What camera gear have you got? And have you developed any ideas yet about what your photographic interests are?
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Hey Everyone! I'm brand new to photography and was doing some research on the net for some techniques and stumbled upon this website! It looks like a great community so I can't wait to make some contributions. I just bought a Nikon D3000 and I have been playing around with it quite a bit!
Look forward to learning from all of you!
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Hi Chris,
Welcome to CiC :)
Great to have you with us, and looking forward to seeing some of your photos.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
Colin Southern
Hi Piet,
200 x 300 is definately waaaay too small. Personally I suggest something in the region of 600 to 700 for the longest dimension.
Thanks for the suggestion. I have uploaded a few images in my album (Piet's Bird Album) so that everone can see how I am photographing birds
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
Thanks for the suggestion. I have uploaded a few images in my album (Piet's Bird Album) so that everone can see how I am photographing birds
Hi Piet,
Welcome to the CiC forums from me, great to have you join us.
I had a look at the album, all I can say is WOW, no really, they're brilliant.
One thing though, which is possibly a glitch here at CiC - I couldn't access the 2nd image for some reason, but I urge others to check out the rest from the album thumbnail view, or by clicking Prev repeatedly (instead of Next).
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Hi everyone im just getting back into photography after a long break, so long my old Nikon F50 is the file model...anywho Im looking at the Nikon D5000 series and am wondering if my old lenses for my F50 would fit the new digital models?? Ive read some online reviews and the D5000 seems a great camera at a decent price, esp if I can use my old lenses...
Can anyone out there help me??
Cheers Jayne
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
A warm welcome to CiC, Jayne. I guess, Dave, one of our moderators will have the right answer for you & I am sure he will be up with an answer to your query shortly.
Hope you enjoy you stay at CiC :)
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Good grief, Piet - if that is your start album, I'm folding up my camera in despair. What a stunning introduction! :) Looking forwards to more.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Hi everybody, my name is Mike. I discovered this thread recently and was happy to join. I will, probably, have plenty of questions in due course. Love reading other people questions and replies, I always find something I wanted to know about. I have had a digital camera (Nikon D60 and, now, D90 with 18-55 VR & 55-70 VR kit lenses) for two years. At the moment looking at Nikkor 10-24 f3.5-4.5. Obsessed with sharpness for some reason. Don't seem to be able to take many sharp photos (looking at my LCD and zoomed in to max, is that being fussy?). Cheers, Mike
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
Hi everyone im just getting back into photography after a long break, so long my old Nikon F50 is the file model...anywho Im looking at the Nikon D5000 series and am wondering if my old lenses for my F50 would fit the new digital models?? Ive read some online reviews and the D5000 seems a great camera at a decent price, esp if I can use my old lenses...
Can anyone out there help me??
Cheers Jayne
Hi Jayne,
Welcome to the CiC forums from me.
I have a D5000 and am very pleased with but, although I'm not familiar with the F50, unless I am mistaken, although they will physically attach to the camera, it will;
i) only be usable in manual mode (not Auto, P, A or S modes)
ii) there will be no Auto focus
iii) I doubt there will be metering either, unless the lenses have chips in
The D90 may resolve some of these issues, but possibly not all, depends on what type lenses they are, hav a look at the Lens Compatibility tab on Nikon's website for the D5000 (and D90) for better guidance.
If this discussion takes off here in the intro thread, I may move it to the DSLR forum, but I thought I'd give a quick answer first.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Hi all,
I m sparsh.Just joined this forum.
I am new to the world of slr.I was using a sony h50 till date.
i want to buy a new slr,and take up photography which had just been a vacation affair for me ,but seriously looking to change that into a better hobby to engage myself.
would require help in choosing one ...
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
Hi all,
I m sparsh.Just joined this forum.
I am new to the world of slr.I was using a sony h50 till date.
i want to buy a new slr,and take up photography which had just been a vacation affair for me ,but seriously looking to change that into a better hobby to engage myself.
would require help in choosing one ...
Hi Sparsh, and welcome to CiC. You chose the right forum to join as we are all helpful, well-informed, and good-looking!.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Hi Rob,
Thanks for the warm and Good-looking welcome ;)
Saw the pictures at your site and they are amazing.
i would require help in choosing a SLR
I am new to the world of SLR and was using a sony h50 till date.
I am interested in potraits,nature and people pics since i travel a lot.
I understand that with a camera the lens is equally important.
Following are the offers that i have manged from the shops here.
Canon EOS 1000 D ---475 USD with 18-55mm kit lens and other accessories like tripod stand ,Uv filter and other standard accessories
Nikon D3000---490 USD with 18-55mm VR lens and option of paying another 200 USD and getting 18-105mm VR lens Kit
Canon EOS 500 D---775 USD and all lens options remain the same
Nikon D5000----775 USD and lens options remain the same.
though eos 1000d or nikon d3000 would not support all features but i could use that money in buying it advisable?
I wanted to start with any of these 4 options.
So what do u guyz suggest me to go for ?
Donald gave his valuable info at my other post that i started :
please put in your views so that i can start off
Thanks & Best Regards
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
Dave Humphries
Hi Piet,
Welcome to the CiC forums from me, great to have you join us.
I had a look at the album, all I can say is WOW, no really, they're brilliant.
One thing though, which is possibly a glitch here at CiC - I couldn't access the 2nd image for some reason, but I urge others to check out the rest from the album thumbnail view, or by clicking Prev repeatedly (instead of Next).
Hi Dave,
Thanks for the welcome and the compliments.
I have just checked on my album and I could access all the images. If other members also having problems to open the 2nd image, I can reload it again and see if that solve the problem.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
Good grief, Piet - if that is your start album, I'm folding up my camera in despair. What a stunning introduction! :) Looking forwards to more.
Hi Kit,
Thank you for the compliment, but looking through your album I know I going to learn a lot from you.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
~ I have just checked on my album and I could access all the images. If other members also having problems to open the 2nd image, I can reload it again and see if that solve the problem.
Hi Piet,
I just checked again, from home this time, and it is fine. Must have been a problem from work.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Hello everyone. Having enjoyed this site for several years, its awesome to see a CIC forum! I am looking forward to talking photography and learning along the way.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
Eric M
Hello everyone. Having enjoyed this site for several years, its awesome to see a CIC forum! I am looking forward to talking photography and learning along the way.
Hi Eric,
Great to have you with us :)
I was pleased when Sean added the forums too -- at least I can get him to answer my eMails now :D
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Hi there,
So glad to find this wonderful forum... it hooked me instantly!
Found that I'm in a great and smart society here; would you accept me in even when I'm a dilettante. My camera is Canon Power Shot SX100 IS. I'm very pleased with it and not going to buy any expensive SLR - not at least in the near future. I think there's enough studying my existing camera. I'ts good in shooting little insects, birds or other flying objects, in my opinion. Just I'd like to have a little more pixels - for to take macros and print them.
Please forgive my poor English; hope you understand my thougths, cause you seem to be so smart... :)
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
would you accept me in even when I'm a dilettante. M
Juniper (is that your real name or, if not, are you willing to tell us?). Most of us on here feel more comfortable using real names.
There are lots of dilettante's (in the sense of 'amateur' rather than 'dabbler') on here, so you are very, very welcome. What kind of camera you have is not important. What is important is your enthusiasm and desire to produce the best images you can and to enjoy the process of learning that is offeerd by your fellow enthusiasts on this site.
Great to have you as a member and I hope you enjoy it.