Hi Nicky, and a warm welcome to CiC. Heppenstall sounds a good Derbyshire name!
Glad to have you aboard. I can see you won't be shy of posting images as yours are very good (I had a look at your 365). Have fun.
Printable View
Hi Nicky, and a warm welcome to CiC. Heppenstall sounds a good Derbyshire name!
Glad to have you aboard. I can see you won't be shy of posting images as yours are very good (I had a look at your 365). Have fun.
Hello everyone!
Great site, lots of information here for us newbies! Looking forward to contributing... Maybe I can even answer some of the questions others pose. ;)
But for now, I will just keep reading and learning!
Hi there, Gary from Alberta. Welcome to CiC. Just start a new thread if you have a question, or want to upload some of your shots. Have fun.
Hi, just joined today. I stumbled across the site while googling diffraction after shooting waterfalls at f/22 yesterday to get a slow shutter speed for the water. The softness had worried me. Now I need a neutral density filter so I can get those speeds at an aperture that works.
Hi there, David. Welcome to CiC!
I do a lot of waterfall shots as there are lots near where I live. If you have a general question about them just start a new thread to discuss. here are my shots. Is this the sort of thing you are trying to do?
Waterfall shots
Gad’y people. Just love this site!
I live in Perth Western Australia. I started in photography back in Lancashire when I was 14 years old and my good old grandfather let me take is portrait mending a clock.
I used a Kodak orthochromatic quarter plate glass slide. One shot and won a first place at the school competition. The rest is history as they say. The bug bit me.
Now I run a Mining and Resource photography business from home servicing the WA Oil & gas and mining operations. I have just started the 356 challenge to produce a quality image each day for the next year. The post man is going to be my subject today!
I welcome all and any questions about underground photography and slave slash use.
Cheers Peter
Hi Peter,
I am in Melbourne. We do seem to be getting a few more Aussies and Kiwis to the site to balance up the number of northern hemisphere members. Even though you are originally from the other side we can claim you now.
That’s an interesting line of work. I assume you take your shots for corporate brochures, web sites, etc.
What is your standard set up when you are underground? I assume they have pretty strong lighting in the mines. Do you need to add much yourself?
Post some images under Nature and Architecture so we can see your world.
Very nice shots. The new flickr format is nice also. That used to be where I kept some photos before I got the zenfolio site.
Re: waterfalls, I just noticed the images weren't sharp and figured out it's probably because of the diffraction at f/22. But at ISO 100 and with a polarizer, there wasn't much else I could do to get some water movement. I've got a neutral density filter on my list so I can keep it at about f/8 or so.
I'm from South Africa, and am a freelance video camera operator and editor. My website is www.ekusenivideo.co.za Ekuseni is a Zulu word meaning dawn, or a new beginning.
Yes I do love stills work as well, and do some wedding work for a fellow professional.
Hello Folks,
Been a wee while till I got round to this but here it is.
I suppose I'm a 'born again' photo hobbyist returning after a very long break following my Zeiss Ikon 'Contaflex' and Minolta 'SR 1' days.
I have no one particular subject interest and like to try anything that presents itself.
Never one to go about things the obvious ways, I came, by chance, across and was fascinated by the 'Sigma Foveon Technology'. Much debated and rather controversial. I made my decision to follow this route rather than follow the crowd.
I chose a 'Sigma SD14' and equipment. I did not really want a point and shoot camera with all the 'bells and whistles', video etc. since I thought, for me personally, it might be more of a challenge to have to think about what I was doing like everyone used to have to do in the 'transparency days'.
It has been interesting and to me, at any rate, satisfying when things turn out OK. Hickups are mostly self generated when I fail to remember to do things correctly. The going back to basics style has been good in making me think about what it is all about and what I am trying to do. While my Sigma is certainly not everyones cup of tea I like it and am happy with the results it produces for me.
I came across this Forum whilst searching for an answer to some query or other and was impressed with its style, content and potential to supply useful guidance. I hope that it will continue to provide me further support and inspiration. Probably, like most of us I do not produce a great deal of prints and am happy to view my efforts on my 'iMac' printing out only as required. I use 'Sigma Photo Pro', 'Photoshop Elements', 'iPhoto' and a 'Spyder3Pro' for post processes.
It is a long time since I gave photography much thought. All this 'New Age of Digital' stuff is really mind blowing with its possibilities and potential, I just hope I can take some of this on board to improve my results and enjoy my 'New Hobby'.
Regards to one and all,
Hello Stuart and welcome to the CiC forum. Doing things differently seems to be the hallmark for people here, so you are in good company. Looking forward to seeing some of your work here. Please feel free to join in conversations and to start your own as well, as your experience will undoubtedly be of value to many here. :)
Hi Stuart
Welcome to CiC! and thanks for taking the trouble to explain yourself so well. I'm sure you will find it a useful and interesting experience being here. Just post any questions in a new thread or post some of your images for comment.
Hallo everyone
I'm one of life's "oldies" having been retired for some ten or so years.I became interested in photography in my teens when I was using an old voigtlander
(I hope thats the correct spelling) When my children came along I bought a Petri 7s and still have the photos.Then the grandchildren arrived and I now
have a FUJI S9600.I still enjoy photography (don't seem to get much better at it) and when I came across Cambridge in Colour I realised that I still have
a lot to learn.Although this is the first time I've posted I do visit the site regularly and do enjoy it.The quality of some of the photos are superb.
As a matter of interest I still tend to think of photography in it's purist form,ie, it's the "man" and his camera,not photoshop and manipulation afterwards,
or am I just old fashioned?
Many thanks for such a super site
Hi Kit,
Many thanks for you welcome. You are fortunate to live in such a very beautiful country as NZ, its a bit like Scotland in some ways but spectacular in general. The colour of the rivers and lakes is simply fantastic and beyond description.
Sorry to see the present disruption to South Island at present but it could have been so much worse in human terms.
Have posted a couple of shots on my profile page from my visit to South Island in 2007, didn't have my Sigma then and was using my trusty FinePix 6900Zoom. Your beach shot brought back pleasant memories so I thought you might be interested. I believe some of this driftwood comes all the way over from Tasmania !!
Wishing you many Photo opportunities in your beautiful country,
It just piles up on the beach and give us great photo opportunities :)
Hi Rob,
Many thanks for the welcome, hope to get to grips with the intricacy of the posting system soon and get into the Forum proper. For the moment I have posted a few pics on my profile page so I'm working on it.
Hi To All You Beautiful photographers out there!!!
My name is Kerry and i have been learning photography for the past 2 1/2 years. I am really glad that i have finally found a place that i can come to to talk photography and to meet some likeminded people, oh and hopefully share any skills that i have gained.
Regards to you all x
Don't forget the rest of us though!
Hi Kerry,Quote:
My name is Kerry and i have been learning photography for the past 2 1/2 years. I am really glad that i have finally found a place that i can come to to talk photography and to meet some likeminded people, oh and hopefully share any skills that i have gained.
Regards to you all x
Glad to have you onboard. Looking forward to learning all we can from you :)