Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
Hi! im Ed from Philippines i just got to know this site from and it seems ill get more knowledge hopefully improve my photography.
So you did. Just goes to show these things work
Welcome to CiC, Ed. Glad you found us. As the link says 'great pictures and tutorials'. Just ask any questions you have in a new thread, or post some of your images for discussion.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Hello new friends, I am from Colombia where biodiversity and people are wonderful, i am an offset printer and from a year ago i have taken close-up photography as a hobbie, though i have had several good cameras since 1978, canon and Nikon i would like to contact you because need to learn too much and all of you welcome to my site. Thanks.
Martin Moreno
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
Martin Moreno
Hello new friends, I am from Colombia where biodiversity and people are wonderful, i am an offset printer and from a year ago i have taken close-up photography as a hobbie, though i have had several good cameras since 1978, canon and Nikon i would like to contact you because need to learn too much and all of you welcome to my site. Thanks.
Martin Moreno
Well Martin, first up, what's it gonna be "Nikon or Canon"?
Secondly, welcome and looking forward to to your participation and hopefully some of your photographs to view.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Hi everyone, I'm from Vancouver, British Columbia, and my name is Lisa. I have a Canon Rebel XTI right now, I've only had it for a year. I got it from a second hand store but it's done pretty good, so far, in my opinion. I've loved photography and been insanely passionate about it for around 5 years now, even though I'm pretty young. I'd love to get a new camera this year but I'll probably have to wait. I'd love to get a Nikon D3S but my Grandfather (the only person who would really be able to help me buy it) says it's too expensive even though I want to pay for a new one myself. I'm bad at introductions, I tend to ramble on about little things like that. Anyways, I'd love to be a professional photographer one day, or something, it'd be pretty nice. I guess I'd say I'm not too new to photography at all but I'm still improving and trying out different things all the time. I really hope that didn't come off as arrogant, I'm really modest about my photography/photos for the most part. Anyways, I've never joined a forum like this before so it'll be something new/different for me and I'm excited in a way.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
Hi everyone, I'm from Vancouver, British Columbia, and my name is Lisa. I have a Canon Rebel XTI right now, I've only had it for a year. I got it from a second hand store but it's done pretty good, so far, in my opinion. I've loved photography and been insanely passionate about it for around 5 years now, even though I'm pretty young. I'd love to get a new camera this year but I'll probably have to wait. I'd love to get a Nikon D3S but my Grandfather (the only person who would really be able to help me buy it) says it's too expensive even though I want to pay for a new one myself. I'm bad at introductions, I tend to ramble on about little things like that. Anyways, I'd love to be a professional photographer one day, or something, it'd be pretty nice. I guess I'd say I'm not too new to photography at all but I'm still improving and trying out different things all the time. I really hope that didn't come off as arrogant, I'm really modest about my photography/photos for the most part. Anyways, I've never joined a forum like this before so it'll be something new/different for me and I'm excited in a way.
Hi Lisa,
Welcome to CiC - it's great to have you with us.
I used to be young once ... I think! (Too long ago) :(
Just wondering why you're yearning for a Nikon D3s when you're a Canon girl?
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Thank you. :)
I'm not sure, I guess I'd like to try something new? :confused: I get kind of bored easily with things sometimes, I think it's another reason why I want a new camera.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Hello everyone , my name is Chris and I am very pleased to find a forum like CIC . I have always loved photography and learning from established photographers and skilled amateurs , exchanging ideas is very exciting to me. I am presently taking a photography course on line from "New York Institute of photography" I find the course very interesting but feel it is lacking something , forum chat with established photographers will be great and I am looking forward to lots of communication with other members!
A little about myself, I am a Boilermaker by trade and have spent 24 years in the Oil and Gas industry in Alberta Canada, mostly in the oilsands of Alberta. I own a consulting company and mostly work in planning maintenance work in refineries.
I want to retire in a couple of years and would love to open a photography studio.
Photography has been a salvation for me , and I am discovering a artistic side of myself that has never been nurtured.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
Hello everyone , my name is Chris and I am very pleased to find a forum like CIC . I have always loved photography and learning from established photographers and skilled amateurs , exchanging ideas is very exciting to me. I am presently taking a photography course on line from "New York Institute of photography" I find the course very interesting but feel it is lacking something , forum chat with established photographers will be great and I am looking forward to lots of communication with other members!
A little about myself, I am a Boilermaker by trade and have spent 24 years in the Oil and Gas industry in Alberta Canada, mostly in the oilsands of Alberta. I own a consulting company and mostly work in planning maintenance work in refineries.
I want to retire in a couple of years and would love to open a photography studio.
Photography has been a salvation for me , and I am discovering a artistic side of myself that has never been nurtured.
Hi there, Chris, and welcome to CiC. I think you will find it very helpful and supportive here. Just ask any questions/post images in a new thread, or join in the discussion in an existing thread.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
Hello Folks, Been a wee while till I got round to this but here it is.
Hello. Great to have someone join up from just a few miles down the road.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
Colin Southern
Hi Lisa,
Welcome to CiC - it's great to have you with us.
I used to be young once ... I think! (Too long ago) :(
Just wondering why you're yearning for a Nikon D3s when you're a Canon girl?
Don’t listen to him Lisa. I use a Nikon and they are great. I just upgraded from a D70s to D300s. The D3s is a very nice and would like one but they are more expensive and I would prefer to spend the money on lenses.
I should also say welcome, eh, from an honorary Canuck. Throw yourself in and post some images.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
Hello everyone , my name is Chris and I am very pleased to find a forum like CIC . I have always loved photography and learning from established photographers and skilled amateurs , exchanging ideas is very exciting to me. I am presently taking a photography course on line from "New York Institute of photography" I find the course very interesting but feel it is lacking something , forum chat with established photographers will be great and I am looking forward to lots of communication with other members!
A little about myself, I am a Boilermaker by trade and have spent 24 years in the Oil and Gas industry in Alberta Canada, mostly in the oilsands of Alberta. I own a consulting company and mostly work in planning maintenance work in refineries.
I want to retire in a couple of years and would love to open a photography studio.
Photography has been a salvation for me , and I am discovering a artistic side of myself that has never been nurtured.
Welcome Chris,
What is at the moment we are getting an influx of Canadians? Maybe some of our Canadian members have been on a membership drive. But you are all welcome.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
hello. I AM shy! I have always wanted to be a photographer - whatever that means - but, with a sister who has a degree in fine arts and a husband who is full of technical knowledge, I decided to leave the visual strengths to them. Then, I started a blog and it's all coming out. I'm in love with what I can see through the lens. It's a window into a world that looks familiar but is completely different. It feels like magic to me. My fascination is drawing me on and making me bold; so, I asked, and received, a rebel 450D for my birthday, this summer. There is so much to learn! I just want to "be around" others who love their cameras, too.
Katy Noelle
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
Katy Noelle
Then, I started a blog and it's all coming out. I'm in love with what I can see through the lens. It's a window into a world that looks familiar but is completely different. It feels like magic to me. My fascination is drawing me on and making me bold ...
That is the most beautiful, honest, heartfelt and passionate testament to what photography is about that I've ever read.
Go for it Katy. You'll find lots of people on here that want to help you develop and grow that passion and vision. You're already a long way there. Some people start at the technical end and go from there. Like me, you're starting from the emotional end of the spectrum. The technical bits can be learned. The passion can not. That's got to come from way inside.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
Katy Noelle
hello. I AM shy! I have always wanted to be a photographer - whatever that means - but, with a sister who has a degree in fine arts and a husband who is full of technical knowledge, I decided to leave the visual strengths to them. Then, I started a blog and it's all coming out. I'm in love with what I can see through the lens. It's a window into a world that looks familiar but is completely different. It feels like magic to me. My fascination is drawing me on and making me bold; so, I asked, and received, a rebel 450D for my birthday, this summer. There is so much to learn! I just want to "be around" others who love their cameras, too.
Katy Noelle
Hi Katy,
Welcome to CiC - it's great to have another positive and enthusiastic person with us!
Don't be intimidated by "fine art degrees" (I've known lots of people with degrees who are practically unemployable because the theory they've learned is just so far removed from anything in the real world) ... and I don't know of any woman intimidated by their husbands (with or without great technical knowledge, so I think you're safe here! Seriously oh shy one, just jump in here with both feet, and you'll be just fine :)
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
I'm just a middle aged guy with a camera who likes taking pics. I'm currently most active on a very gear-oriented site but I'm getting a bit annoyed by the emphasis on gear rather than techniques or learning. I came across this site whilst doing some browsing about night photography.
Thank you
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
I'm just a middle aged guy with a camera who likes taking pics. I'm currently most active on a very gear-oriented site but I'm getting a bit annoyed by the emphasis on gear rather than techniques or learning. I came across this site whilst doing some browsing about night photography.
Thank you
Welcome Nass!!!
You are going to love this site! :)
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Hello from Northern California. Just now reading your wonderful tutorials and following along your sticky thread(s) on Colin's "School of Portraiture". I have an old Nikon D70 with stock Nikon AF-S 18-70mm zoom and a copy of PS-CS5. I know my way around the Nikon but PS is a complete mystery as is syncing the color/tone between my LCD monitor and color laser printer for making proofs. I have a lot to learn but I think this is a wonderful place in which to make mistakes and learn. Happy to be here and learn and share with others. Cheers Scott
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Welcome Scott. Good to know there are still others out there using the old warhorse D70.
If you get the time, have a look at these tutorials ...
I still find Julieanne's tutorials on all things Adobe the clearest of all, and often check back for a refresher.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Hi all,
Although I've always been interested in photography, only in my senior age I've had the chance to take interesting pictures. I have Canon EOS 400D and Canon EFS 18-55 mm, EF 50mm 1.8 and EF 75-300mm 1:4-5.6 lenses. This website is the most serious and sophisticated site on photograpy I've seen and I've got a lot to learn from it, especially if I receive critiques of the members of this forum when I post my photos. I live in Melbourne and enjoy taking the pictures of landscapes of Australia. Nice to have joined this site.
Best regards,
onolc --- Oner Olcerel
19/09/2010, Melbourne
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
Hi all,
Although I've always been interested in photography, only in my senior age I've had the chance to take interesting pictures. I have Canon EOS 400D and Canon EFS 18-55 mm, EF 50mm 1.8 and EF 75-300mm 1:4-5.6 lenses. This website is the most serious and sophisticated site on photograpy I've seen and I've got a lot to learn from it, especially if I receive critiques of the members of this forum when I post my photos. I live in Melbourne and enjoy taking the pictures of landscapes of Australia. Nice to have joined this site.
Best regards,
onolc --- Oner Olcerel
19/09/2010, Melbourne
Let's get one thing straight before we go any further, I'm the oldest thing around here (damn, that's another bit that just fell off...). And as for the 'serious and sophisticated' that's not hard compared to POTN!:)
Seriously, mate (you are Aussie aren't you?) a warm welcome to CiC, where we are always serious, and often sophisticated, apart from when Colin logs on.:eek:
We would seriously like to see some of your images. Just post whatever you want, and enjoy your time here.