Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
Hi, just joined your forum.
I've just brought my first DSLR and I'm looking forward renewing my childhood interest in photography. I did o'level photography at school (30 odd years ago) and it was part of my Art and Design college course.
I'm planning to post up images in the future for honest criticism and advise, at the moment I'm just shooting lots of rubbish while i familiarize myself with the camera.
Hi Adam,
Welcome to the group. I am currently reading a book on taking your photography to the next level and technical levels were mentioned. Level 1 was beginner, what would be the skill set for "0" level? You might be underestimating your abilities and we hope to see some of your work.
"Take Your Photography to the Next Level" by George Barr
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
O level is an old exam system used in England, it's behind A levels which you need to go to Uni here, which is why i went to college instead. Any older brits on here will probably know what i'm talking about.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
O level is an old exam system used in England, it's behind A levels which you need to go to Uni here, which is why i went to college instead. Any older brits on here will probably know what i'm talking about.
Hi Adam,
Oh yes, I know what you're talking about, but I wasn't smart enough for many O levels - I only got mostly GCSEs (remember them?) and went into an apprenticeship with block release at college - not even full time. Main reason? - leave school early and get a job whle there were still a few around - times don't change much, but I think it's probably worse now. Now my kids are at Uni, I have to say, the student life looks like fun! ;) Mind you, in our day, you wouldn't have seen the pictures on Facebook!
Anyways; welcome to the CiC forums from me, great to have you join us.
So, what camera and lens(es) do you have?
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
hello everybody, had my K7 about a year now ,still learning. completed one course at local college and now into the intermediate course. came to this site via Pentax site info on here looks excellent and hope to use in conjunction with my course and any other i may take. also posting for critique will hopefully help me understand more.
my arsenal of kit is as follows:- Pentax K7,Sigma 170-500mmAPO DG f5.0-6.3,Pentax DA 55-300mm f4,Pentax DA 16-45mm f4.Sigma105mm f2.8 macro, Asahi Pentax 50mm f1.7. Tamron 24mm f2.5 AD2+pk af adaptor,1.7X AF Converter, ext.tubes 13,20 &31mm, ND Filters solid & grad. I would like to attempt slow shutter photography & macro. have done some but results are a bit hit and miss. thanks for looking at my ramblings , see you all in cyber space:)
5 Attachment(s)
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
I was just given a Nikon d70 and am experimenting with it. I use it to grab moments in life that I come across as i travel mostly in india, Myanmar, South Asia. Any comments and suggestions on my pictures will be most welcome. I am 57 and want to use photography as a hobby and as stress relief.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Hello to you all,
I have a lot to catch up with digital cameras, and not a lot of left time left, LOL.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Welcome to CiC, we are very glad you all decided to join us.
If you haven't already done so, it would be helpful if you could put your first name in your profile so that it appears on your posts. See the FAQ if you are not sure how to do this.
Just start a new thread to ask a new question/start a discussion, or reply to existing threads to join a discussion. Or, you could try posting some of your own images to get feedback. We are gentle on new people!:)
You might want to read this for posting images on this site.[/QUOTE]
Please read the FAQ (on menu above) - but here's the link...
Have fun!
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
i am not so good with P-Cs ,ect
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Hello there. My name is Shawn and I'm relatively new to photography. My wife just got me a Canon t2i and I've been having a lot of fun with it. I was wondering what lenses were most recommended. Thanks
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
hey all just thot a would say hallo and thanks for such a great website its helped me alot as I'm relatively new to photography been doingin it for like 2 years but only realy got into the nitygrity of it like a year ago where this site has been very helpful a have got a canon 40d with the kit lens as money is tight at the mo but lookin to get a better one but it does me for now
here is like ma fav all time image hope ya like it ... day at dalgety bay sailing club by JOE munro, on Flickr
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
hey all just thot a would say hallo and thanks for such a great website its helped me alot as I'm relatively new to photography been doingin it for like 2 years but only realy got into the nitygrity of it like a year ago where this site has been very helpful a have got a canon 40d with the kit lens as money is tight at the mo but lookin to get a better one but it does me for now
here is like ma fav all time image hope ya like it ... day at dalgety bay sailing club by
JOE munro, on Flickr
Hi Joe
Welcome to CiC, we are very glad you decided to join us.
That's a pretty lush image you have there. Very good indeed.
Just start a new thread to ask a new question/start a discussion, or reply to existing threads to join a discussion. Or, you could try posting some of your own images to get feedback. We are gentle on new people!:)
You might want to read this for posting images on this site.[/QUOTE]
Please read the FAQ (on menu above) - but here's the link...
Have fun!
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
have got a canon 40d
Isn't it amazing how all the most sensible folk tend to live close to each other.
Welcome Joe, from just a few miles up the M90 motorway.
That's a mightily impressive first posting.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
Isn't it amazing how all the most sensible folk tend to live close to each other.
What a load of old rubbish. No one on this forum lives near me (back of beyond) - does that mean I'm not sensible?:D Careful, my mouse likes the delete button.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Hi all from Sydney. Looking to learn from all of you.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Hi all,
A big welcome from New Zealand, lol.. (whose the new guy around here ey!)... hope you guys enjoy your visit in CIC!... hahhaa..
anyway.. here i go...
My name is rendyandy, a hobbit, from hobittown, downunder, recently engulfed in photography, and in the hype of getting a dslr, nikon d90, Just have to allocate my budget into moving house first before getting it..
reason joining photography? is because, there is a certain ______ the moment you capture a moment from a dslr, the weight of the shutter sound, the feeling of looking thru the VF, and discovering the frozen moment I took is just _______ . (feel free to fill out the blank, i dunno the right words to show it) first stage of grief, SHOCK.. lol...
Dslr is something I dont need, but i really want, as an investment and hobby... 2nd, Denial.. :D
Angry that i spent many hours researching glossaries and tutorials in photography... and that its over budget (well, my budget) anger stage..
told myself, that I could take great picture through my Compact Fujifilm... but did not work at all, the feeling is just not the same (bargaining) and felt like a total **** (Depressed)
when for a few getaways with mates that owns dslr, tested them all, listen to what they have to say and the images captured.. testing stages
and finally, i concluded ... I GOTTA GET ME A NIKON N90!... ACCEPTANCE!.. :D
hope you guys liked my intro..
btw, this site has been a great help in teaching me photography!... thank you all for the inputs...
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
Hi all from Sydney. Looking to learn from all of you.
Welcome to CiC. Do you have a first name we can address you by? We are getting a few Aussies here now and starting to fill in along the eastern seaboard. Some images from NSW will be most welcome.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
Hi all,
A big welcome from New Zealand, lol.. (whose the new guy around here ey!)... hope you guys enjoy your visit in CIC!... hahhaa..
anyway.. here i go...
My name is rendyandy, a hobbit, from hobittown, downunder, recently engulfed in photography, and in the hype of getting a dslr, nikon d90, Just have to allocate my budget into moving house first before getting it..
reason joining photography? is because, there is a certain ______ the moment you capture a moment from a dslr, the weight of the shutter sound, the feeling of looking thru the VF, and discovering the frozen moment I took is just _______ . (feel free to fill out the blank, i dunno the right words to show it) first stage of grief, SHOCK.. lol...
Dslr is something I dont need, but i really want, as an investment and hobby... 2nd, Denial.. :D
Angry that i spent many hours researching glossaries and tutorials in photography... and that its over budget (well, my budget) anger stage..
told myself, that I could take great picture through my Compact Fujifilm... but did not work at all, the feeling is just not the same (bargaining) and felt like a total **** (Depressed)
when for a few getaways with mates that owns dslr, tested them all, listen to what they have to say and the images captured.. testing stages
and finally, i concluded ... I GOTTA GET ME A NIKON N90!... ACCEPTANCE!.. :D
hope you guys liked my intro..
btw, this site has been a great help in teaching me photography!... thank you all for the inputs...
A vibrant opening rendy and I hope we can help you further with your photography. Please post some images and also start commenting on shots others have posted. That's how we all learn here.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Hi everybody, from Cambridge UK (though I actually live in Mozambique!)
I'm looking forward to learning from you all and sharing my own photos.
I do have a beginner question: I have been taking loads of photos with DSLRs but unfortunately don't have one of my own at this point. What's the best plan: get a starter model to get going quickly (say a Canon 1000D), and upgrade later or save up now to get something better (say a Canon 550D or 50D) that will last me a while. My considerations are mainly picture quality/size (ie megapixels) and fps in RAW. I do have several months experience with Canon models... Any suggestions/ideas are helpful!
Thanks a lot and i'm looking forward to getting involved.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
I do have a beginner question: I
Welcome. A lot of people who would be able to give you good advice on this might miss the question because it's in this thread (not everyone comes into this thread to check the postings regularly.
If I was one of the moderators, I could shift this across into a more appropriate place; i.e. the 'Digital SLR Cameras' Forum, where it could start a new thread. So, why don't you do a copy and paste and start up the thread there.
This sort of question has been asked before and I think you'll ge quite a few replies.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Good afternoon All
I am just returning to photography after a long break, used to do 35mm film and own dark room processing in the forces. USed a compact digi for a few years and am now getting interested in photography again.
I am awaiting delivery of a Nikon D5000 and look forward to any advise I can glean from this site.