Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Long interested in photography, I have dabbled in it here and there over the years, but since acquiring a Nikon D90 (+ the 18-105 mm kit lens) and discovering all the great learning material here on the Web, I have plunged in wholeheartedly and frequently have to be reminded to come up for air. Since I can't carry the D90 everywhere I go, I recently acquired a Canon S95, which I can. Looking forward to soaking up the collective wisdom of what appears to be a very distinguished group.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
safety ray
Good afternoon All
I am just returning to photography after a long break, used to do 35mm film and own dark room processing in the forces. USed a compact digi for a few years and am now getting interested in photography again.
I am awaiting delivery of a Nikon D5000 and look forward to any advise I can glean from this site.
Hi Ray
Welcome to CiC, we are very glad you decided to join us.
You might want to check out our excellent tutorials (link at top) as you are new to digital.
If you haven't already done so, it would be helpful if you could put your first name in your profile so that it appears on your posts. See the FAQ if you are not sure how to do this.
Just start a new thread to ask a new question/start a discussion, or reply to existing threads to join a discussion. Or, you could try posting some of your own images to get feedback. We are gentle on new people!:)
You might want to read this for posting images on this site.[/QUOTE]
Please read the FAQ (on menu above) - but here's the link...
Have fun!
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
Long interested in photography, I have dabbled in it here and there over the years, but since acquiring a Nikon D90 (+ the 18-105 mm kit lens) and discovering all the great learning material here on the Web, I have plunged in wholeheartedly and frequently have to be reminded to come up for air. Since I can't carry the D90 everywhere I go, I recently acquired a Canon S95, which I can. Looking forward to soaking up the collective wisdom of what appears to be a very distinguished group.
Hi Purplehaze
Welcome to CiC, we are very glad you decided to join us.
You must be a hendrix fan!
It would be helpful if you could put your first name in your profile so that it appears on your posts. See the FAQ if you are not sure how to do this.
Just start a new thread to ask a new question/start a discussion, or reply to existing threads to join a discussion. Or, you could try posting some of your own images to get feedback. We are gentle on new people!:)
You might want to read this for posting images on this site.[/QUOTE]
Please read the FAQ (on menu above) - but here's the link...
Have fun!
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Hey cheers guys. Rob, is there a post that you can like recommend to me for posting my photos to get some feedback?
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Hi all ;)
I'm Pete, I live in Poland, Gdańsk. I've just got myself a Canon EOS 500D (Rebel T1i) with kit lens 18-55 IS. I'd worked with a small compact camera for some time - Sony S90 - and I think I'd been doing good so I finally decided to buy sth bigger and, you know, what will let me spread my wings :D and I'm hoping to learn a lot from you, guys ;)
One more thing: I'm not a native English so forgive me my mistakes :D And if you want, feel free to point them to me ;) I'd be grateful.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
Hi all ;)
I'm Pete, I live in Poland, Gdańsk. I've just got myself a Canon EOS 500D (Rebel T1i) with kit lens 18-55 IS. I'd worked with a small compact camera for some time - Sony S90 - and I think I'd been doing good so I finally decided to buy sth bigger and, you know, what will let me spread my wings :D and I'm hoping to learn a lot from you, guys ;)
One more thing: I'm not a native English so forgive me my mistakes :D And if you want, feel free to point them to me ;) I'd be grateful.
Hi Peter
Welcome to CiC, we are very glad you decided to join us.
Gdańsk - that takes me back. 1980, Solidarity, Lech Walesa. How are things there now? Your English seems very good to me - no need to apologise for it.
Just start a new thread to ask a new question/start a discussion, or reply to existing threads to join a discussion. Or, you could try posting some of your own images to get feedback. We are gentle on new people!:)
You might want to read this for posting images on this site.[/QUOTE]
Please read the FAQ (on menu above) - but here's the link...
Have fun!
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
hey cheers guys . rob is there a post the ya can like recomend to me for posting me photos to get sum feed bak ?
Just go to one of the first two sections in 'Photo commentary' in the 'Forum' link above and depending on the nature of the shot create a new post with your images asking for comment. Send me a PM if you get stuck with anything. No problem.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Hi to everybody,
Joined today and hope to spend some time learning from the vast pool of knowledge and experience that is available here. No doubt some improvement could only help and perhaps some pictures from Africa might be of interest to some.
Best Regards ,
Plettenberg Bay South Africa
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Hello everyone. This site is exactly what I've been looking for. My grandmother purchased a Minolta XG7 in the late 70's...I forget exactly when but. I think she paid about $300 for it. Then she bought a Albinar ADG28-70MM Macro Zoom Lens shortly after and I still have both of them. :D She purchased them to take pics of her cake baking ventures. I've always admired the great photos she took with it. But I couldn't get beyond the auto setting to make the other settings work properly. :o
It's been sitting in my attic until last year when I finally decided to dust it off and try to make it work. After a few attempts (and a few rolls of film) I got it working. Then my curiosity started peaking about the manual settings, aperture, exposure, etc. I downloaded the manual (yes, it is still available on their website, LOL) and it contained some very useful info. But I still needed more.
I recently purchased a Canon PowerShot SX130 IS and absolutely love it! I don't get out a lot to take pics since I currently work a ton of overtime but have been spending most of my extra time reading up on it...which led me to this site. I've spent the last week lurking and reading the various topics and a few of the wonderful tutorials here. Yeah, I need to read more of them and will. :p Today, I purchased the book Canon PowerShot Digital Field Guide which give more info than the .pdf manual. It's not specifically for my model but does contain a lot of the same info. :)
I'm slowly learning about the different settings as well as things like composition, DOF, etc. The pics I take aren't bad but I do need to learn to take sharper images (with and without a tripod) and also how to take more interesting shots. This will come with experience and practice but I've already gained a lot of useful info just by reading the various topics here. The staff (and users) are very helpful. :D
Well, that's should be enough reading for all of you so you don't have to read any more posts from anyone else for a week! :eek:
Looking forward to learning a lot and helping others to learn whenever I do learn enough. LOL
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Hi To everyone,
I forgot that I joined a few months back and today was looking for some direction on wandering about Great Britain next week and realized my lack of participation on this forum when the opening greeting here said to me "don't be SHY", I was in.
Being retired has given me unlimited freedom to go out and seek some different images - I mostly chase large birds with a preference for various eagles, Stellers Sea Eagles, Bald Eagles and White tailed sea eagles. My working life (37 years - same company) (with 2 years in a submarine squadron in Scotland) was in the cockpit of almost anything that flew finishing up in the Boeing 777. My home is in Las Vegas, NV. where I belong to a very competitive photo club of 1,600 members. The club meets twice a month once for a competition meeting and once for show and tell where some really good photographers come to teach. As soon as I can figure out the posting methodology here I will place some images up for viewing.
I am heavily overdosed on Canon equipment and I am looking forward to actively participating on this forum. I have seen some really great images posted here.
Keep Safe,
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
Hi To everyone,
I forgot that I joined a few months back and today was looking for some direction on wandering about Great Britain next week and realized my lack of participation on this forum when the opening greeting here said to me "don't be SHY", I was in.
Hi Doug,
Welcome back!
I guess that technically I've retired from 30+ years in aviation too, if one counts about 40 hours towards PPL in the early 80's - a 20 year gap - another 300 odd hours in singles and light twins - and then "given it up again". It must have been nice to be able to work in something as modern as a B777 cockpit (that would be my 2nd choice after an F/A-18 Hornet cockpit, but neither are likely to happen!).
Posting images here is a 2 step process:
1. The images need to be uploaded to a gallery either here, or with an image hosting service like pBase, Flickr, Smugmug etc, and then
2. You'll need to insert a link in a post that points to the image.
It can seem a bit counter-intuitive at first, but it's really a piece of cake once you get the hang of it.
The "host it here or somewhere else" decision kinda depends on how big and how many image you'll be working with; the limit on image dimensions is (off memory) 700 pixels for the longest size (which often isn't quite enough), but if you host elsewhere the limits are much higher (or non-existant). Personally, I use and pay them a handful of $$$ each year for 700MB (which is heaps).
If you decide to upload here, just click on COMMUNITY and then MY GALLERIES, and follow your nose. Also, we're here to help, so don't hesitate to ask if you get stuck.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Hi John, Steve and Doug,
Welcome one and all, to the CiC forums, glad to have you join us.
Don't hesitate to start a new thread to ask a new question or start a new discussion, or simply reply to existing thread if you have something to add or ask. Most helpful would be to post some of your own images to get feedback - it's always constructive.
It may be useful to read this for help posting images on this site. as you can see, you can even practise there before 'going live'.
We're not big on rules here, but there maybe something helpful in the FAQ (on menu above) - but here's the link... Index to the CiC Forums FAQ
Welcome to the CiC forums from ...
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
Dave Humphries
Hi John, Steve and Doug,
Welcome one and all, to the CiC forums, glad to have you join us.
Don't hesitate to start a new thread to ask a new question or start a new discussion, or simply reply to existing thread if you have something to add or ask. Most helpful would be to post some of your own images to get feedback - it's always constructive.
Thanks for the welcome. I'm sure I'll be asking questions and providing color commentary as needed. ;)
Originally Posted by
Dave Humphries
Don't worry about me. I've been surfing the net for a little over 20 years and am very familiar with SMF and phpBB forums. I admin a few forums (, mainly) and do support at a few others. I've also dabbled a little with vBulletin and IPB forums as well...mostly for testing purposes on my server. I love to beta test, PC software etc. :D
I can edit images with Photoshop fairly well and use a few other similar programs. I know what looks good. However, getting my shots to look that way may be another issue entirely. LOL
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Hey Guys,
Harry here, I'm a student in University of Limerick (Ireland) doing various modules in Music / Media.
My intrest in photography was (re-)sparked when the auld chat about Aperture - ISO - Shutter came along...
I'm using a Canon 500d at the moment, suffices for the photo's really well, and does the basics of video.. :-)
Been reading the (great) tuts here for a while, but never registered for the forum...
Anyway, here I am now! Cheers, -Harry
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Hi, Jim here.
Just joined the forum, after taking up this hobby a few weeks ago.
I am presently attending an Introduction to Digital Photography at Burnley College, so I am a complete novice.
I have a Canon EOS 350d, with 18-55mm lens and a 55-200mm lens. I know it's not the latest equipment, but it suits my purpose.
I'm hoping to get loads of info and advice.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
I'm glad to be apart of this group, and I look forward to learning and sharing techniques.
talk with you soon
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Hello everyone, My name is David, new to this site. I was drawn here because of the excellent information and tutorials I have read, and was getting tired of!
I am an old film guy, cutting my photographic teeth very young in large format (8x10, 4x5, and 645 cameras) because my dad was a photo nut who was a friend of Ansel Adams. As an adult I had my own wet darkroom at home, making large B&W prints. My first digital experience was in 2006 with a Sony DCS-F707, which I still have and use. I now have Canon equipment, centered around a new EOS 7D that replaces a stolen 5D Mark II. I am a computer nut, so I have Photoshop CS5 and Lightroom 3, but mostly use PS with a few plug-ins.
I do not think my digital work is very good yet. I am a student with lots to learn. As I find my footing here at CIC (Cambridge In Colour) you will see some of it. (Funny, my spell checker flags the word 'color' the way it is spelled here.) I am thinking of buying a film scanner (I did have a 35 mm camera and lenses, Canon), but in some ways don't want to revisit the past too much. I miss film, esp. the resolution and range, and definitely the darkroom, but digital has some interesting differences not to mention many advantages. Besides, I love the technologically advanced hardware.
Anyway, howdy ya all.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Hello Jim,
I am new here too. My second digital was a 350D. I still have it and still like it very much, although it is a backup now mostly. The 18-55 mm kit lens is a keeper for sure, very sharp, and so is the 55-200 in spite of its plastic mount.
There seem to be some knowledgeable people here, so with your formal studies you should be in good shape. I will look forward to seeing your work posted here.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
hello, i am harsh
m using canon power shot A550, lookin for DSLR. I am a begineer learning photography through cambridge.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Hi Everyone, I've never used a forum before. Just a few minutes ago I began a message and it disappeared before I finished the first line. Hope this isn't typical of Forum sites.
I have just started to find out that the metering systems on many DSLRs are subject to a number of light reading challenges and can cause poor exposures even though the camera thinks these are "good" exposures. I was told that the best way to avoid poor exposures in challenging lighting situations is to use an external light meter to evaluate the highlight and shadow areas and set my own exposure from this information. Any comments to this are welcomed.