Hii, All. I'm a new commer in here, and I want to learn bout photography deeper. My english is not fluently, so i'm so sorry if my words get mistakes. thank's all.:o
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Hii, All. I'm a new commer in here, and I want to learn bout photography deeper. My english is not fluently, so i'm so sorry if my words get mistakes. thank's all.:o
Hello there, BGW and welcome to the CiC forums. Are you happy to share your real name? - We tend to operate that way. And where are you?
Sorry you had that experience. Never heard of it before. Hopefully it was a one-off.
As to the question you ask. A lot of people might not regularly visit this thread and will miss the question. And there are people on here who will be very willing to respond to the issue you raise and give you very full answers. So, can I suggest you copy and paste that bit of text from here into a new thread that you start in the 'General Photography' forum.
Hi "BGW",
Welcome to CiC - it's great to have you with us.
Like many programs, the software we use here has a few "alt - "something" keyboard commands. To be honest, I don't know what any of them are, but I have "discovered" that alt or ctrl "something" abandons the current message without warning and occasionally I'll hit it by mistake (usually after typing for an hour!). It shouldn't happen very often though.
Metering is quite an in-depth subject - an external lightmeter provides some of the answers (I use a Sekonic 758DR), but just having a lightmeter doesn't necessarily solve all of your problems. They're great for measuring incident light (where the light source is behind you) but you can't use an incident lightmeter when you're trying to correctly expose a backlit scene (for this you need spot metering; either on the light meter or on the camera). As with many things in life, knowledge is power - and understanding how incident and reflected light metering works is really the key to correct exposure. I've written a few extended posts about it a while ago:Quote:
I have just started to find out that the metering systems on many DSLRs are subject to a number of light reading challenges and can cause poor exposures even though the camera thinks these are "good" exposures. I was told that the best way to avoid poor exposures in challenging lighting situations is to use an external light meter to evaluate the highlight and shadow areas and set my own exposure from this information. Any comments to this are welcomed.
and a little birdie tells me that there may well be a more formal tutorial appearing shortly.
As Donald mentioned though, best to just start a new thread if you'd like to discuss it more (no need to be shy :))
Hi David,
Welcome to CiC - great to have you with us.
Most modern DSLR cameras are delivering somewhere around 11 to 12 stops of dynamic range, but most monitors are only displaying around 6, and we're printing typically 4 stops ... so in many cases, the range is there, we just need to compress it to be able to see it (which is where the fill light control in ACR or CS5 is pure magic). It is important to push the exposure right to the limit in any high DR scene though; each stop closer to the max is one stop further away from the noise floor.
With regards to resolution, these debates often seem to generate more heat than light, but I think it's pretty true to say that high(er) end digital cameras like the 7D, 5D2, and 1Ds3 have pretty much superceeded 35mm film, and many will argue that when compared to MF there's still not a lot in it - still behind the larger formats though (although digital technology exists, it's pretty expensive) (I think 500 GIGA pixel is the current limit) (no, not mega pixel!).
Iwould like to learn Photographi & technics, Planing to buy a SLR camera also
I hope helps and supports all of YOU
Thanks & Regards
Praji P
Hi all,
From Montreal Canada. Just joined the group.
I have NiKon D700 & D200, love photography and would like to learn more from others.
Hi Van
Welcome to CiC, we are very glad you decided to join us.
I had a quick look at your shots on Pbase, and they seem to be very good. Why not post a few in a new thread and get some feedback?
You might want to read this for posting images on this site. https://www.cambridgeincolour.com/forums/thread5745.htm[/QUOTE]
Please read the FAQ (on menu above) - but here's the link...https://www.cambridgeincolour.com/fo...b3_board_usage
Have fun!
Hi All,
I am Surya from India. I'd been exploring my photography with a Kodak Z760 for a long time and decided that it was time I moved to something new.
I got myself a Canon EOS 1000D / Kiss F / Rebel XS.
About a month now and I'm slowly getting a feel of how to go about things. Never the less, I decided to join this forum so as to share and learn from experiences of other fellow photographers.
My other interests are Cooking, Playing Piano, Driving and Technology.
Looking forward to lots of learning.
Hi my name is Irena, i am from Macedonia
i am here because i want to learn about photography
and to share my work with other photographers.
I hope you will review my albums, and share your opinion with me :)
With love, IraPhoto
Hey everyone,
From India living in UK... left my heart back in India though!
I just got introduced to this page by a friend. Just finished my MA and in between flogging inboxes of prospective employers and cooking daily meals... I flirt with life and my canon EOS450D... the basis 18 by 55 mm lens and a pair of Indian eyes... very less technical know-how... but a sack full of 'desire to learn' and a slice of creativity.
I'm trying to get there... and would simply loveee your comments... critical as they might be... atleast it would help me better my affair with Mr. Canon.
here's the link to my photostream: http://www.flickr.com/photos/sujus-sujus/
try going to the last pages as well... they have some of my favorites.
Thanks a million Sean for tis stunning site... Simply cant thank you enough
Hi to Surya, Irena, and Sujata,
Welcome to CiC - it's great to have you with us.
Hope you'll all feel at home here, and jump in with anything you'd like to ask or contribute.
Hello all :)
This is my first post on this great forum.
I'm from Ireland and very new to photography. My father has recently gotten me interested, and I'm highly impressed by the pictures I've seen posted on these great threads.
At the moment i only have a little compact Fujifilm A220 camera which I bought in germany for €50.
But im really interested in getting an entry level Nikon or Canon DSLR. Possibly the Nikon D3000 :)
Here is a little something I took with the little Fujifilm A220.
Thanks very much , and i hope to learn more and participate more in this great forum , Ty
This is a tardy introduction as I signed on to this forum a a little while ago.
I am a retired Consultant Radiologist and retired to Cambridge in 1997. However, I also grew up in Cambridge so I can claim to be a true (Cambridge) blue Cantabridgian . (I believe there is another place just down the road which people speak quite well of):)
Photography began for me some time in the late 1940's but I only got fully involved with it a few years ago when I bought an E-10. Post processing became a major interest when I saw what my daughter was able to do with Photoshop 5 and has itself become something of a passion. Hence my posts to date have had to do with that rather than posting my own photographs, but I shall change that in time.
I have a 7D with a variety of lenses but have been told that if I insist on carrying all the gear to Portugal in November I will be without spare trousers or anything else necessary for my well being as She will have no room in Her case. Neither of us have any intention of paying Ryanair's exorbitant charges for putting cases in the hold so it looks like a good opportunity to invest in a second, smaller camera. (Costs more than Ryanair's charges but a much better investment). At the moment I am leaning towards a G2, but we will see.
CIC is a great site and I am very impressed with the photography whioch I can't possibly equal. and Sean's tutorials, consistently clearer more helpful than very many other sites and books I have come accross. And, of course, CIC originated in the right place!
Hai All,
my name is Dodi (Jakarta, Indonesia). Love to join in here. Hope i can get a lot of friends and improve my skill and knowledge.
I like to create images like fine art, modelling, and still life.
I always been fascinated by images and sounds since childhood, but great images win my hearts.
Now, i lived as a new freelance photographer (2 years already). Hope i can do it for the rest of my life (fingers crossing).
Thank you for your kind attention and feel free to ctc me by this forum / email.
Sincerely yours,
Hi to all, and thanks for letting me join you. :)
I've been a keen (but fairly unskilled :() photographer for a few years now, using (most recently) a Nikon D70.
My work didn't give me much in the way of photographic opportunities, but I've recently retired and am awaiting receipt of a
Nikon D7000 (with the standard 18-105mm VR 'kit' lens)
I'm hoping to pick up some good advice/tips from this group to improve my technique and ability to 'spot a good picture'
I'm looking for all types of photography, but mainly landscapes, I hope the D7000 will give me enough depth of field for that!
Regards to all,
Hi Brian
Welcome to CiC, we are very glad you decided to join us.
You will find plenty of very useful info and help here, and there are lots of Nikon users. Have you looked at our tutorials linked from the top of the page?
Just start a new thread to ask a new question/start a discussion, or reply to existing threads to join a discussion. Or, you could try posting some of your own images to get feedback. We are gentle on new people!:)
You might want to read this for posting images on this site. https://www.cambridgeincolour.com/forums/thread5745.htm[/QUOTE]
Please read the FAQ (on menu above) - but here's the link...https://www.cambridgeincolour.com/fo...b3_board_usage
Have fun!
Hi everyone, been reading posts and the tutorials (most are WAY over my head) enjoying the photos in the competitions (i am looking forward to shooting something even close to the quality i see here,
i tried to reproduce some shots - but not satified at all wiht them. so decided to to take a 5 week course (meets once a week) on basic digital photography at the local art center. i feel like i really need a better understanding of the basics.
right now i am trying to limit myself to only using the camera Nikon D60 in manual mode...
also i am trying to take photos everyday.
Leon (in Miami Florida)