Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Hello all,
My name is Rob and I am an amateur/semi-pro photographer. I use the term semi-pro along with amateur because I have been lucky enough to have sold some of my prints and done a few private sports & motorsports jobs. I am always open to constructive criticism and to try new techniques.
I love to shoot nature, ranging from macro flower shots to landscapes and everything in between. I am really fascinated with the texture side of macro work so I tend to get reeeeally close up.
I also enjoy the post production side of photography too. I always shoot RAW and save all my work to an external HD for safe keeping and so I can go back and work the image for a different look.
I'm hoping to add a Canon 1Ds mark II & 300mm f/2.8L to my gear soon since it looks like I'm going to be an official photographer for football & cheer in my town next season.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
Peter Ryan
Welcome to CiC. Do you have a first name we can address you by? We are getting a few Aussies here now and starting to fill in along the eastern seaboard. Some images from NSW will be most welcome.
Hi Peter,
I have filled it in now.... you can call me Jim! :D I am loving NSW and it has to be one of the more photographic areas of the world I have been to.
I have most of my photos on Flickr:
As I have left the UK for the moment BT want their email address back from me so I don't know how long I will be able to keep my Flickr account. I will be looking into a dedicated site so anyone with ideas let me know ;)
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
Hi Peter,
I have filled it in now.... you can call me Jim! :D I am loving NSW and it has to be one of the more photographic areas of the world I have been to.
I have most of my photos on Flickr:
As I have left the UK for the moment BT want their email address back from me so I don't know how long I will be able to keep my Flickr account. I will be looking into a dedicated site so anyone with ideas let me know ;)
Thanks Jim. I had a quick look at your flickr file and I can see you have been having too much fun since you arrived down under. Do we have to put up with you for all time or can we send you back in 12 months or so?
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
Hello Everyone, I am Alan I am very new to photography my retirement hobby. I have just purchased my first Digital SLR camera a Nikon D3000:)
Welcome Alan. I know what you mean about a retirement hobby. That's where I am taking things as well. Good luck and we look forward to you participating in the forums.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
Tashy Man
Hi all,
Have been taking "snaps" for more years than I care to remember but have decided that now is the time to learn to do it "right". Have just started an online photography course hopefully to learn some of the finer points.
Found this site when searching for some extra information........looks great so far !!
Anyways I was wondering what everyones views are about Bridge cameras ? The reason I ask is that due to my job (working on a ship and severe weight restrictions for helicopter transfers) I have in the past used a fujifilm S8000fd but recently got a HS10 and am loving getting used to it.
I love Landscapes, sunrises and sunsets and can often be found up on deck at these times if not at work.
Originally from Cardiff (Lived in Penarth - Love the Photo of the Pier !!) but now living in North Scotland.
Welcome Mark and we have not seen many shots from on bared ships and helicopters so it should be interesting. I am sure you see some great sunrises and sunsets. As a professional photographer told me once they are all sunrises. I told him I should know when I took the shot but he said anyone can take a sunset only real photographers get up for sunrises.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
Toru Massai
Hello, my name is Toru, I'm brazilian, 43 yo, physician ... photography is my hobby!
Welcome to CiC Toru and we all look forward to you asking questions and contributing to forums. We are all learning and have some fun on the way. What type of camera and lens do you use and what style of photography are you interested in?
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
Rob Douglas
Hello all,
My name is Rob and I am an amateur/semi-pro photographer. I use the term semi-pro along with amateur because I have been lucky enough to have sold some of my prints and done a few private sports & motorsports jobs. I am always open to constructive criticism and to try new techniques.
I love to shoot nature, ranging from macro flower shots to landscapes and everything in between. I am really fascinated with the texture side of macro work so I tend to get reeeeally close up.
I also enjoy the post production side of photography too. I always shoot RAW and save all my work to an external HD for safe keeping and so I can go back and work the image for a different look.
I'm hoping to add a Canon 1Ds mark II & 300mm f/2.8L to my gear soon since it looks like I'm going to be an official photographer for football & cheer in my town next season.
Hi Robert and welcome to CiC. It sounds like it is all building nicely for you. Great work. We look forward to seeing some of your shots and also learning from your style of shooting over time.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Posted here (NSW) for 4 years so I think you are stuck for a bit :D
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
Posted here (NSW) for 4 years so I think you are stuck for a bit :D
I hope you enjoy it.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
I have just joined the group more for the information that can be used to gain additional perspective in my hobby.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
I have just joined the group more for the information that can be used to gain additional perspective in my hobby.
Hi JJ and welcome to CiC. Most here are hobbyists and all learning adn we will enjoy your input in discussions. What style of photography do you enjoy?
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Hi Peter,
In time zones I am about 2 hours away, but much farther north. Several years ago I had the opportunity to work in your downunder world at Boyne Island. Now, I spend time relaxing and spending too much money on Nikon equipment. Before Nikon it was Olympus film for sports, mostly swimming events when the kids were on a swim team. Today, my photos are for vacation memories and landscape. Most of the landscape pictures are from Siberia, Spain, and off the coast of Washington (State).
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Hi all,
I'm a amateur photographer from Croatia.
Up until now I took all of my shots with point and shoot cameras but now I decided to switch to DSLR.
I believe I will be in possession of my 1000D in about a month or month and a half. (waiting for a friend to return from the states with it). I have been reading this forum for some time now and I can say you really helped me a lot with the discussions and tutorials.
So you can expect some good photos from me in the future.
For now all of you that are interested you can see the photos I took with P&S cameras here
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
Hi all,
I'm a amateur photographer from Croatia.
Up until now I took all of my shots with point and shoot cameras but now I decided to switch to DSLR.
I believe I will be in possession of my 1000D in about a month or month and a half. (waiting for a friend to return from the states with it). I have been reading this forum for some time now and I can say you really helped me a lot with the discussions and tutorials.
So you can expect some good photos from me in the future.
For now all of you that are interested you can see the photos I took with P&S cameras
Hi MrMojo
I was only thinking the other day 'How come we don't have any members in Iceland... Siberia... or Croatia?" and there you are! So, welcome and we are glad to have you abroad. Pretty good shots for a P&S - you must be looking forward to getting your new camera.
It would be helpful if you could put your first name in your profile so that it appears on your posts. See the FAQ if you are not sure how to do this.
Just start a new thread to ask a new question/start a discussion, or reply to existing threads to join a discussion. Or, you could try posting some of your own images to get feedback. We are gentle on new people!:)
You might want to read this for posting images on this site.[/QUOTE]
Have fun!
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Hi all,
I am new to this forum. I found the website when I tried to brush up on my knowledge about metering and found more tutorials (all very clear and well written - thanks !).
After a long pause I have decided to pick up photography again and will in the near future indulge in a spending spree.
Moderator Note - a question has been snipped from here and moved to here; for more responses.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Hi everyone -- just discovered this very interesting site when I was looking for info on color management, since I just got a Canon pro printer and want to learn how to do things right. I live on the Central Coast of California and have been taking pictures for about four years, starting with a Canon S2 and then progressing to a Rebel XT and now a 40D. I enjoy photographing nature, flowers and birds mostly, almost never people (no wedding photography for me). I live in an agricultural area, so I also like to take pictures of farming and farm equipment, and living less than a mile from the ocean, I do beaches, sunsets, occasional surfers, and dogs on the beach. I recently got a 100mm macro lens to complete my collection (at least that's what I told my husband :) ) and suddenly I find lots of tiny things that need to have their pictures taken. I look forward to getting to know you all and exploring the website.
I have a collection of pictures on flickr.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Just to say hello from Rhodes GREECE.
Male, Married (to long:rolleyes:) retired early, use Canon gear, wish I could walk into the camera shop without having to ask HOW MUCH!!!!:)
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
Hi everyone -- just discovered this very interesting site when I was looking for info on color management, since I just got a Canon pro printer and want to learn how to do things right. I live on the Central Coast of California and have been taking pictures for about four years, starting with a Canon S2 and then progressing to a Rebel XT and now a 40D. I enjoy photographing nature, flowers and birds mostly, almost never people (no wedding photography for me). I live in an agricultural area, so I also like to take pictures of farming and farm equipment, and living less than a mile from the ocean, I do beaches, sunsets, occasional surfers, and dogs on the beach. I recently got a 100mm macro lens to complete my collection (at least that's what I told my husband :) ) and suddenly I find lots of tiny things that need to have their pictures taken. I look forward to getting to know you all and exploring the website.
I have a collection of pictures on
Hi there 'mythlady',
Welcome to the CiC forums from me, good to have you join us with a picture (in the comp) - you missed 'birds of prey' off your list ;)
Are those 'wild' shots in your flickr album? or did you attend a Birds of Prey shoot somewhere (there's no shame - I have)
Any chance you could share a first name with us?
It's just 'the way we work' being a friendly bunch here at CiC ;)
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
Just to say hello from Rhodes GREECE.
Male, Married (too long:rolleyes:) retired early, use Canon gear, wish I could walk into the camera shop without having to ask HOW MUCH!!!!:)
OK, I'll try guess your name - Russell?
Hello from Windsor, UK, me? - Male, married (too long :o ) NOT retired early! Nikon gear, I know the problem about the shops :)
What do you shoot with your 'Canon cannon'? ;)
Anyways, welcome to the CiC forums from ....
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
Hi all,
I am new to this forum. I found the website when I tried to brush up on my knowledge about metering and found more tutorials (all very clear and well written - thanks !).
After a long pause I have decided to pick up photography again and will in the near future indulge in a spending spree.
Moderator Note - a question has been snipped from here and moved to here; for more responses.
Hi firstcase,
Any chance of a first name please?
As you'll see, I moved the question part of your intro post to another forum where you've already had some replies.
Just follow the link to see them.
Welcome to the CiC forums from ...