New member from Wiltshire in England.
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New member from Wiltshire in England.
Hi Alexia,
Welcome to the CiC forums from me.
At 6 word's that's probably a record for the shortest intro post :)
You don't get off that lightly though - we'll be hoping for some questions and images from you - and remember; we know where you live :)
Seriously, welcome,
Michelle here , new to the site looking forward to meeting people and learning !
I am also new to photography but love it , hope to learn a lot .
Hi Michelle
Welcome to CiC, we are very glad you decided to join us.
If you haven't already done so, it would be helpful if you could put your first name in your profile so that it appears on your posts. See the FAQ if you are not sure how to do this.
Just start a new thread to ask a new question/start a discussion, or reply to existing threads to join a discussion. Or, you could try posting some of your own images to get feedback. We are gentle on new people!:)
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Hello everybody,
I'm Ross Brace, and from Vietnam. Generally, I am eager learning from you.
My camera is canon 40D with 135mm, 70-200mm f/4-5.6, 17-55mm, 50mm f/1.4 lens
Please help me by dedicated way, if I woud have dum questions.
Thanks a lot
Glenn here , new to the site looking forward to meeting people and hope to learn a lot.
Hi everybody,
My name is Ates and I am from Turkey, but I am living in Beijing at the moment. I stumbled upon the Cambrıdge tutorıals on the ınternet about a month ago and have learnt a lot from them. Now I am lookıng forward to joınıng the crıtıques and dıscussıons on the forum and havıng some fun ın the comps. I know I wıll learn a lot and hope to share what I've dıscovered about photograghy ın the many years ıt has been my hobby or should I say my favourite ındulgence!! I have just bought myself my second Leıca, a de lux 4, ıts really great, the lens qualıty and clarıty of the photos ıs just amazıng... ı'm workıng my way up to the m9 ;-)
I have put my fırst photo ın the comments crıtıques thread and am ınterested to hear your thoughts.
See you ın the forums...
Hi my name is Brian and I'm a newbie with a Canon T1i, the kit lens and a 55-250mm. I'm a macro kind of guy (I really enjoy very close up work with insects, flowers, animals etc.) and also need to shot inside a lot without a flash. So I'm trying to narrow down my first lens purchase. I'm thinking a 2.8 of some kind. I don't mind 3rd party lenses any suggestions?
My name is Jeannine and I am looking forward to being a part of fellow photographers in a forum community. I live in the USA and have the Nikon D90. I will be updating my profile soon. Iam also looking to join a local photography club, but do not know of one near where I live. If anyone knows of a good club to join in the Fort Lauderdale, Florida area, please let me know.
Hi Jeannine
Welcome to CiC
Google gave this...
Just start a new thread to ask a new question/start a discussion, or reply to existing threads to join a discussion. Or, you could try posting some of your own images to get feedback. We are gentle on new people!:)
For advice on posting photos, please read this How can I post images here?
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Welcome to CiC, we are very glad you decided to join us. You will get more response to your question if you post a new thread in this section
Just start a new thread to ask a new question/start a discussion, or reply to existing threads to join a discussion. Or, you could try posting some of your own images to get feedback. We are gentle on new people!:)
For advice on posting photos, please read this How can I post images here?
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hi all members
I start photography when i was child (six years old) my camera was a birthday gift. I took a picture and my parents told me it's not good then i thought that i wont be able to take beautiful pics. after 10 years i feel that pic is very beautiful and i decided to learn photography so i did not have enough money to buy negative so i borrow some money for a 120 negative. then i took 12 picture and learn photography. this is my story. thank you.
Hello from Willimantic, Ct, here in the USA. Willimantic is a small ex-factory town in the Northeastern corner of the state. My name is George Gilbransen, and I have been interested in photography since my early teens. I have always used 35mm cameras other then when in school, when I my mother allowed me to use an old Kodak Folder that she owned. It had a light leak, which ruined more then one picture but I loved it. I currently shoot with a Nikon N80 with a Tamron 28/200 zoom. It's getting a little long in the tooth, like it's owner, but still produces pretty good images.
I ran across this site while looking up information on "Color Space" and have been in and out several times. The last time in I started digging around the site a little and discovered the Forums. And so here I am, hoping to avail myself of the photo expertise that's here, and perhaps post a couple of my images, and contribute to the discussions when I feel I can.
Hey everybody, the names Dan Patterson. I live as a nomad and I'm sick of writing about my tales and expressing them with others over a wooden table while endless pints are raised, cheered and guzzled down by the dozen. Thus I am turning to photography, I plan to purchase an introductory SLR, most likely an xxxD Cannon with a stationary lens in order to simply get use to the camera and an fine tuned understanding of camera angles - learn the basics before advancing to the master's I've always said.
I love to ride bikes short and long distances, I was educated in literature and political science and I like Florence + the Machine.
Hi Dan
Welcome to CiC, we are very glad you decided to join us.
If you haven't already done so, it would be helpful if you could put your first name in your profile so that it appears on your posts. See the FAQ if you are not sure how to do this.
Just start a new thread to ask a new question/start a discussion, or reply to existing threads to join a discussion. Or, you could try posting some of your own images to get feedback. We are gentle on new people!:)
For advice on posting photos, please read this How can I post images here?
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Have fun!
Hope this is how I am supposed to introduce my self. I am a photography obcessed woman from Canada. Usually shoot 2-3 thousand/month. Have taken night coarses and am really interested in stock but am still humming and hawwing about submitting. I can't stand rejection I guess. Anyway am looking forward to learning the ropes of this forum and submitting some shots. Gale
Hi, Gale! Welcome to the party - there are quite a few of us obsessed individuals and quite a few Canadians, too! :eek: ;) You'll fit right in. Don't worry about rejection, here, either. There's only encouragement and constructive criticism to help you grow. Dive in!
Not sure if I'm doing this correctly. I am new to photography (but even newer to electronic bulletin boards) and would appreciate any feedback you are willing to give.
How do I get a picture associated with my name?
Hi EOP, if you go to Settings (right up the top next to Log Out) you can Edit Avatar (in the middle of the left hand column). You have two options. Unless you have images posted elswhere on the web you will probably want to use Option 2 to upload an image from your computer. Please note the maximum size limits - you will need to downsize your favourite image to meet the requirements before uploading.
It is also helpful if you include your real name in your Settings (it will show up under your member details on each post) and short details of your location as most members address each other by their real name rather than their member name.
Welcome to CiC and we look forward to your participation in the forums.