Thank you sir. I haven't been posting consistently. But of all the various photo sites I've come across, I like this the best. No airs. Just laid back folks who like to take pictures.
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Thank you sir. I haven't been posting consistently. But of all the various photo sites I've come across, I like this the best. No airs. Just laid back folks who like to take pictures.
welcome to batch of keen recent arrivals Donald, Pete, Raker, Stopwalve & any others I have missed - post lot sof pics to brighten up our community and give it variety and spice
Colin, sir...
So what kind of laptop is it? I'm curious as to the % of Macusers to Windows users here.
Since there's a thread of Canon vs. Nikon? How about we see how many use Macs and how many windows?
I think this could get very bloody. I'm on a Mac but I have to teach on a Windows environment.
I'm naturally more used to Windows but in the end, it's not the OS, right?
Hi Peter,
It's a Sony Vaio with Windows Vista - in pink by the way!. Number 2 daughter killed my last laptop a couple of years ago and I figured it was time to get another one. It won't be used for PP - just for posting here and writing a few articles that I've been meaning to do - so pretty light duties.
If you'd like to see how many are using Mac -v- PC, why not start a thread with a poll in it :) - let me know if you'd like a hand.
Hi, I'm Jack,
Great site.
I live in the Hudson Valley. Photography started out as a hobby, but lately I've been spending a lot of time shooting pictures.
Sorry about that. I live in the US, the Hudson Valley is in New York
What about the mac hating none windows users? Plenty of others here too I'd imagine (and not just linux or bsd users possibly). Unsure where it leaves the dual boot users?
I always liked the look of reactOS but it's nowhere near what a replacement windows OS would need to be for many users.............yet.
Hi Jack, welcome to the forum, here you will find a bunch of people sharing the same interest and willing to help.
Jack, Welcome from me too. I've spent a little time in New York but never the suurounding areas, look forward to seeing some stuff.
hello to all of u, my first time ever in your forum and i like it very much, tanks for you advice to all of as rookies
Thanks for reminding me that I'd signed on to the forum. I never posted, I had a heart attack that put me in the hospital and in bed for 6 months. I'm not "good as new", but I am warm and vertical, and using my cameras again.
I live 10 miles West of St. Augustine, Florida. My main interest is wildlife photography, tending toward birds. I'm not able to look for the 4 legged models, I just can't go to where they are.
I'll lurk for a while, get the hang of things, get to know the people. My images are signed tsiya, Cherokee for otter, but I answer to Bob.
I have a lot of images, I try to get out every day. This area is great for outdoor photography.
Hi Bob,
So glad to hear that you're on the mend - nasty, nasty things heart attacks - I'm sure that there many amongst us who wonder if such things are in store for us as the years pass by.
It's great that you're able to join us now though - for every 5 who join us, we only ever seem to hear from 1 - and I must confess to wondering why we don't hear from more as I'm sure that they all have interesting stories to tell and photos to share ...
... speaking of which, I hope that you can find the inspiration to spend a little time with us - and share some of your images (we can help with direct linking if you need a hand - by uploading your photos you've already done the hard part).
We're all here to help - so if there's any way that we CAN help, you only need to ask.
Hi all,
I am Tareq from Ajman city, United Arab Emirates. I'm a civil engineer and a hobbyist photographer. Hope to meet friends here. :)