Welcome George and we look forward to your participation in the forums and hopefully see some images. You will have noticed we are not critical but supportive and try to help where requested.
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'Never let go, sing with the tune of life'.
I am Mannimohon Yanglem, currently working in Advertising agency as Art Director.
I love music, meeting different kind of people. And sharing life experience with other.
Hi, Liz is my name, I live in Beijing at the moment and have been taking photos for some years...enthusiastic amateur is, I think, the usual tag. I only use a compact Cannon Powershot, so am probably heavily out gunned here, but I enjoy it and it works for me! Travel is a way of life for me, so that is what my pics are about. Am looking forward to some feedback and a sharp learning curve!
Hi all, I am vassili, i am from myanmar , south east asia country,
i am working as graphic designer (production side) i want to know about photography and colour,
pls share your exp. thanks all...
I am new here, obviously. I am a student at college and I am currently studying photography, film studies, production arts and english literature. My main goal in life is to become a director, after college I plan on going to uni to study film and television production. Photography is my passion.
Lovely to meet you all,
Welcome to the three latest recruits immediately above.
Liz - I think you are the only member currently resident in China. Good to have you on board
Vassili - You, also, are the only member we have from your country. It, of course, has been much in the news just in the last couple of weeks and I am very happy to welcome a member from Myanmar (Burma).
And, Rebecca. It's wonderful to have someone join up who's studying the subject from an academic perspective. I look forward to your learning being shared with us on here. Your name and location bear striking resemblances to those noted by another member on here. But that's probably co-incidence as you sound much more intelligent and charming than him!
Thanks Donald, but I am not the only one in China at the moment, there is a message on the previous page on this thread from someone else....
I'm being lazy here (you will soon realize I'm the laziest Mod here :))
Welcome to all new members today. You are all most welcome, and we look forward to seeing your shots and reading your comments.
If you haven't already done so, it would be helpful if you could put your first name in your profile so that it appears on your posts. See the FAQ if you are not sure how to do this.
Just start a new thread to ask a new question/start a discussion, or reply to existing threads to join a discussion. Or, you could try posting some of your own images to get feedback. We are gentle on new people!:)
For advice on posting photos, please read this How can I post images here?
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Have fun!
Chip off the old block Donald. I suppose this means I will have to behave myself in future.....scrub that, she's my daughter not my Mum.Quote:
as you sound much more intelligent and charming than him!
The CiC mafia....any bad crit and its a horses head in the gadget bag for you:cool:. Respect Michael, respect
Hey Pro's.. a big hello from my side .. my name is Shekhar. I hav been thinkin of buyin a DSLR for quite a while now and it seems the time has come.. hav drilled down to 2 models, Canon T1i and the latest T2i .. T2i as u all kno is a bit expensive as compared to T1i. Is it worth the extra bucks?
I will mostly b shootin outdoors ... is Canon EF-S 55-250 IS a gud choice ... ?
Hello everyone. My name is Kevin Sanders. I'm a keen amateur photographer and shoot a Canon 5DII and a Sigma SD14. I have chosen almost exclusively image stabilized lenses for better hand-held use and take mostly nature and landscape pictures although I'd like to do more portrait and urban photography.
I'm an active member of Selsdon Camera Club in Surrey and enjoy a modicum of success in the DPI and printed image competitions.
Hi Shekar and Kevin
Welcome to CiC, we are very glad you decided to join us.
If you haven't already done so, it would be helpful if you could put your first name in your profile so that it appears on your posts. See the FAQ if you are not sure how to do this.
Just start a new thread to ask a new question/start a discussion, or reply to existing threads to join a discussion. Or, you could try posting some of your own images to get feedback. We are gentle on new people!:)
For advice on posting photos, please read this How can I post images here?
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Have fun!
Hello to everyone,my name is Mario and I'm working as a pre-press in a publishing company.I'm here in Dubai UAE.
Janie here.
I have a DSLR Canon EOS Rebel T1i and a 35mm Canon EOS Elan 7E, but I believe you guys are only worried about the digital here.
My lens is very weak as it is actually the stock lens that came with my 35mm eight years ago, and while looking to buy a new one I came across an excellent article by you guys on lenses and decided to join the forum!
I would like to upgrade my DSLR because I like taking low light photos or photos at night with no or little artificial light. I was told the sensor in my Canon is not quite up to snuff and is why I'm getting such grain. Therefore I'm torn as to whether I should buy a new lens or just wait until I upgrade my camera.
I am also in the market for a tripod and some box lights. I'm sure I have tons of reading to do in the old threads to find out what I should get. I'm so happy to be here!
Hi All,
You can call me PeeCee. Recently retired from a long life in the military. I am not new to photography but I am really long off. I used SLRs in the old days and now about to purchase a DSLR and get back into the thick of things. I love nature and landscape photography and thinking to make it a professional/hobby. (is there any such thing?) Glad to be on board and looking forward to sharing with you all.
Concerning your DSLR, if it's the one I think it is, it should be pretty good for noise; here's part of a review - http://www.dpreview.com/reviews/canoneos500d/page15.asp
Using a tripod and not-too-high iso settings should give pretty "clean" images.
Which lens are you using?
Hi Janie,
Glad to have you join us.
I agree with Peter, I'd get a decent lens first - a new camera will likely still only come with a mediocre lens, unless you buy 'body only' and a separate lens.
Oh and don't forget the tripod, there's an active thread on that at the moment with links back to earlier ones.
Might be worth, in the appropriate forum, sharing a low light image with us. Crucial to keeping noise under control is not to under expose. There is always noise reducing software as well.
Welcome to the CiC forums from ...
Hi All,
Looks like a good place to learn how to use my camera and lenses. I have a Nikon D3000 with a 18-55mm DX VR, a 55-200mm DX VR and my latest the 85mm Micro DX VR. So for now I think I have everything I need to start shooting. I am really enjoying my new toys and can't wait to post some photos and hear what you may have to say about them.