Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Hi dear members! First thing you should know is that I'm a thirteen year old girl from SoCal. I would rather not give out my name, but yeah! I share your love for photography. My photographs may not be the best, but hey, I don't have much experience and I'm hoping you guys can help me out a little! :)
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
Hi dear members! First thing you should know is that I'm a thirteen year old girl from SoCal. I would rather not give out my name, but yeah! I share your love for photography. My photographs may not be the best, but hey, I don't have much experience and I'm hoping you guys can help me out a little! :)
Welcome t Cic - do you mind if I call you US,as my typing skills are not great at teh full name will invoke errrors - as youcan see already. I am not familiar with SoCal. I assume you mean South Carolina.
This site is all about helping so please jump in and post images, ask questions and generally enjoy yourself.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
Hi All,
Looks like a good place to learn how to use my camera and lenses. I have a Nikon D3000 with a 18-55mm DX VR, a 55-200mm DX VR and my latest the 85mm Micro DX VR. So for now I think I have everything I need to start shooting. I am really enjoying my new toys and can't wait to post some photos and hear what you may have to say about them.
Hi John and welcome to CiC. London, Ontario – how much misdirected mail to you guys get. Please jump right in and start asking questions joining discussion and we look forward to seeing your iamges images. Posting images is the best way to learn.
Re: Introduce yourself here (2)
:):)Hello Friends,
I am a working professional with over 40 years experience as a photographer specialising in portraiture (mostly weddings) and operate a photographic studio in Karachi-Pakistan.
Love to travel extensively, having visited India, Sri Lanka, Singapore, Hongkong and Philipines in the EAST and most of western Europe, England, Spain, Canada and USA.
In fact have taken a bold step of adopting a new country as home-viz. USA where beauty abounds in nature and people are so warm and welcoming. Seldom leave home without my trusty Nikon and passionately capture people (with permission of course) and candids plus beautiful vistas from Alaska to Hawaii. Photos are presently being editted and sorted for compiling these in a book to be publised soon.
You are invited to view my website: Once my membership has been confirmed, I shall gladly post some travel photos for all to enjoy.
Wishing you all Seasons Greetings in advance,
Sincerely: Sam
Re: Introduce yourself here (2)
I think you can consider your membership to have been confirmed (you'll find that things are pretty informal around about here!).
I hope you've already seen from the site that this is very much a learning forum where support and advice is generously offered and where people are happy to share their knowledge and experience. I hope you will feel the same.
Very often we have people posting messages that ask about photographing weddings. Most often the advice is DON'T unless you really know what you are doing. I think you will be able to bring a particular expertise to similar discussions in the future.
My compliments on your website. Very well presented.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
Hi dear members! First thing you should know is that I'm a thirteen year old girl from SoCal. I would rather not give out my name, but yeah! I share your love for photography. My photographs may not be the best, but hey, I don't have much experience and I'm hoping you guys can help me out a little! :)
Hi there, and welcome to CiC. You may only be 13 but that means you have a lot more time than the rest of us to become a better photographer!:)
You are right to hold back your name, but perhaps you could use a more friendly made-up name? I suppose you could use Utopia?
Just start a new thread to ask a new question/start a discussion, or reply to existing threads to join a discussion. Or, you could try posting some of your own images to get feedback. We are gentle on new people!:)
For advice on posting photos, please read this How can I post images here?
FAQ (on menu above) FAQ forum usage
Have fun!
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Hello everyone, my name is Carmel and I live in Australia. I have been into photography for a few years now. Take mainly landscapes, and seem to have a bit of trouble with people. But I am hoping to learn a lot on this site. I use a Nikon D300.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
seem to have a bit of trouble with people.
I know the feeling!
Welcome Carmel. You'll find that we're all very, very nice in this little corner of cyberspace and committed to helping people learn.
In terms of helping on photographing people, Colin recently ran a series of online workshops on portraiture. You should have a read.
They are:
Here and
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Needless to say I am a novice looking to move into the world of photography of my granddaughter's advancement in Volleyball as well as my favorite vacation destination, Boundary Water Canoe Area in Minnesota.
I want to purchase a DSLR camera to ...
Moderator Note:
The question has been moved to here for a single thread of answers from more members
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Thanks for the links Donald, they will be of great help to me.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Hello all,
just joined your great forum. My name is Marcus and I live in Graz / Austria. Main interst in photography are close ups (at least for the moment). I stumbeled over CIC some month ago when I was looking form some basic tutorials. So I still need some time to update my profile and then I'll post my first shots and have a look at yours - alredy saw great stuff there. Looking forward meeting you and learning from you.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Hi, I too was looking for some information about what lens to buy when I stumbled onto this site. I just recently acquired a Nikon D50. I know it's not the best but the price was right and it was still in the box. So I thought for learning purposes it would work just fine. I will be taking a variety of picture types; family (mainly grandchildren), scenery, and wildlife. I'm pretty much a point and shoot type, but I would love to learn about all the ins and outs of taking great photos. I think this site will help me meet this goal. I'm looking for a good telephoto lens and possibly a wide angle. Not too expensive, I'm getting close to retirement and can't afford to spend much. I'm looking forward to reading more on this site.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
Hi, I too was looking for some information about what lens to buy when I stumbled onto this site. I just recently acquired a Nikon D50. I know it's not the best but the price was right and it was still in the box. So I thought for learning purposes it would work just fine. I will be taking a variety of picture types; family (mainly grandchildren), scenery, and wildlife. I'm pretty much a point and shoot type, but I would love to learn about all the ins and outs of taking great photos. I think this site will help me meet this goal. I'm looking for a good telephoto lens and possibly a wide angle. Not too expensive, I'm getting close to retirement and can't afford to spend much. I'm looking forward to reading more on this site.
Hi Darlene,
Welcome to the CiC forums from me, great to have you join us.
I just had a look at the spec for a D50 and that'll do fine for learning on, as you say. I certainly wouldn't worry about it 'only' being 6MP, you can do a lot with 6MP :)
Of course, the other half of the digital equation is what PP software do you have?
This being the welcome thread, it isn't the place to go into detail, so I suggest you ask a question in the Digital Cameras and Equipment forum for more feedback. Or in the Image Post Processing forum regarding software.
In respect of a zoom for wildlife, I would suggest you opt for a 70-300mm instead of the say, the 55-200mm, especially if you target is small (e.g. birds and rabbits, rather than say, deer). Also, personally, I would highly recommend Nikon glass over any third party (for telephoto, where this is more important than for the choice of a wide angle).
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
another Marcus
Hello all,
just joined your great forum. My name is Marcus and I live in Graz / Austria. Main interst in photography are close ups (at least for the moment). I stumbeled over CIC some months ago when I was looking for some basic tutorials. So I still need some time to update my profile and then I'll post my first shots and have a look at yours - alredy saw great stuff there. Looking forward meeting you and learning from you.
Hi Marcus,
We look forward to seeing some shots, getting feedback on your own is the quickest way to learn, one of the mods (Rob) has recently provided some guidance here
Welcome to the CiC forums from ...
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (2)
Originally Posted by
Peter Ryan
Welcome t Cic - do you mind if I call you US,as my typing skills are not great at teh full name will invoke errrors - as youcan see already. I am not familiar with SoCal. I assume you mean South Carolina.
This site is all about helping so please jump in and post images, ask questions and generally enjoy yourself.
actually, I was referring to california, but close. :)
Re: Introduce yourself here (2)
Hi everybody!,
I am quite a newbie in serious photography. After a while using compact and superzoom cameras, I decided to take the DSLR step and soon I'll buy a Nikon D9.
I am based in Cambridge, UK and I like to take low-light photos or with suggestive lighting.
see you,
Re: Introduce yourself here (2)
Originally Posted by
I am based in Cambridge, UK and I like to take low-light photos or with suggestive lighting.
Hello, Kalfa and welcome to CiC. I'm also in Cambridge, and have also just moved up to a DLSR, although I've gone the Canon route.
Look forward to seeing some of your work!