Hi David,
Where's the picture taken, some kind of botanical garden?
It reminds me of the ancient glass houses at Kew Gardens which I visited earlier in the year.
Anyway, welcome to the CiC forum from another Dave :)
Printable View
Im Kris, i'm 18 and live in South Devon, U.K.
I absoultly love any type of photography, currently studying a course on it aswell!.
I probably been doing photography since i was quite young, 8ish ?, with a old film slr!
My other hobbies include: Motorbike Racing, Motorcycles, I sing, play guitar and drums, boating and thats about it haha!
Would be nice to meet a few people on here, dunno if theres anyone else here thats from devon?
Welcome to the Forum, Kris.
Well its been 10 long years since you have been taking pictures. Sounds great. How about sharing some of your shots with us? :)
Hi everyone, I'm Vu from Vietnam, I was redirected to this forum when I was learning Photoshop CS5 for the first time and I found that this 's a good place for me to get start in photography. Actually, I even don't have a camera but I love digital photography so I decided to learn PS. Hope that in near future I 'll have my own dSLR :D
You are very, very welcome as a member of Cambridge in Colour.
As well as the excellent tutorials that you can find on this site(just click on 'Photography Tutorials' on the menu bar at the top of this page), there are also many people very experienced in using Photoshop. So, please join in discussions and ask any questions that you may have.
Please make sure that you read post #1 of this thread HERE which will help you get started. And especially our Code of Conduct in the FAQ HERE
Dave, It's a derelict water treatment facility in the hills above Clydebank. It was good fun to explore, and the vegetation growing everywhere makes it a pretty interesting place to shoot.
cheers guys :)
Hi Andy,
Welcome to the CiC forums from me, it's great to have you join us.
I think you'll enjoy our 'world class' tutorials, Sean is very good at explaining things in a way we can understand.
Do be sure to read post #1 which will help you get started here in the forums. If you're unclear on forum ettiquette; there is a Code of Conduct in the FAQ HERE
Hope we see some shots from you one day soon.
Well here goes. Why does this make me nervous???:confused: Because I am such an amateur and so impatient... my mother almost completed a masters in photography before she got cancer, an ex was semi pro, my husband does advanced optics and his dad made a living at it.. and me? I just want to shoot. And shoot and shoot, and shoot....:o
I started with a canon point and shoot my mother bought me so I could take snapshots scrap-booking and other "crafts" (I dislike people that say that word as if it comes with a sneer, by the way). But somewhere between the fuzzy deer...behinds and the monument valley photo i wasn't "good enough" to take on our first trip with the new camera something happened. My mother called it an eye for composition and light. I LOVED that camera. I wore it out shooting all over So Cal for years, (ok, sliding down the sand dune head first and the slip in the mud in the desert after the downpour did not help). I dithered, but bought another point and shoot; something about being afraid of "all that technical stuff" on an SLR and money issues... I used that one for a few more years till it died, too. Right before my first trip back to CA after moving to Texas. I was heartbroken. Then my fiancee showed up with an early birthday present - a canon rebel, and a basic zoom lens (yes, I married him).
That rebel lasted almost 9 years (and cost a LOT), with me resisting digital fiercely, till i wore it and my beloved Tamron zoom lens out . Between that and my sweet sweet dog being ill and dying recently, i have not shot much for about 8 months. maybe a little longer
Then one night last week, when my husband was out doing rocket scientist stuff, I came home and found a new canon digital eos camera on my chair. And i suspect the new Tamron zoom will show up at Christmas.
I HAVE taken a few test pictures, and finally scanned a few pics with the fancy flatbed he got me several months ago, and loaded pictures onto my neat digital frame he got me last year... but i figure i owe it to him, and myself, to really learn to shoot and scan and save and talk intelligently about digital photography. Right now, I cannot even tell you the model of the camera he bought me, just that he thinks it is good enough to cure my addiction to film :p. So, i found this website looking for information about :o pixels and dpi's and stuff.. but i miss running all over the desert and the woods shooting madly at butterflies and mushrooms and bugs and other things that cannot get away and having all the staff at Ritz know my frequent foto card number by heart, and my print preference ("no borders!" is listed as my middle name on the card).
It was fun.
But technology changes and life goes on...I mostly shoot nature landscapes and closeups, not being quiet enough for wildlife, and disinterested in portraiture for the most part. Sorry if i wrote too much... I will be quiet now. (No internet at home, and I am off Monday) Below is a picture of my dog, an old one:( this is scanned, not well, from a print.
I'm Fred. First real interest in photograph as a senior in high school. First real camera to me...Canon something or other(TX maybe)...the base model sold in '75. I spent 5 years in college...last year in '79 as a 5th year senior as an art major...never graduated...life happened...family happened...spent next 28.5 years working at a gov't shipyard learning about hidden stress. Retired in 2008...now learning how to disrupt stress and plan on using photography to do it...if I'm smart enough. Spent three years as a United States Marine...I keep it's core values, but am not a right winger. I do believe in being considerate, kind to animals, intolerant of people who don't take responsibility for their actions and despise duplicity. I believe most people are good and the media are mostly manipulative. I just want to learn to take good photographs of things I find interesting.
Hello World,
My name is Karel and I live in the Netherlands.
I am a dedicated Oly user (just replaced my trustworthy E-3 with an E-5) and I am having great fun in taking 360º panoramas.
As a typical Dutch introduction: here is one I created last year (click here to enter the panorama)
For more pano's you might want to check out my website.
Looking forward to dive into this community.
Fred, Kat, Karel
A warm welcome to you all. I'm sure you will enjoy being members here. Just start a new thread to post some of your shots or start a discussion. Or, join in with an existing thread.
Karel - You might want to start a new thread in the 'photo commentary' section to show your panorama - that's a pretty cool thing. Except I span it around too quickly, and now I feel a bit ill!:eek:
Please make sure that you read post #1 of this thread HERE which will help you get started. And especially our Code of Conduct in the FAQ HERE
Hello. My name is Ricardo Small and I live in the Willamette Valley in Oregon (NWest US). My wife and I moved from Tucson Arizona (SWest US) exactly one year ago (10 Dec 2009), when we both retired ..... from the hot dry desert to cool wet forests. During the 1st six months in Oregon, we volunteered to take nature photos of the Beaver Creek State Natural Area for the Oregon State Parks & Recreation Dept. Here's a link to this new state park's web site: http://www.oregonstateparks.org/park_261.php.
Now we volunteer in a variety of capacities for the US Fish & Wildlife Service at the Willamette Valley National Wildlife Refuges (Finley, Ankeny & Baskett Slough). Here's a link to a site: http://www.fws.gov/willamettevalley/Complex/index.html. This new activity includes editing a quarterly newsletter for a nonprofit group of volunteers called The Friends of Willamette Valley NWR Complex. I'm currently working on getting the First Quarter 2011 issue in the mail ... hopefully within the next couple of weeks!
I like most kinds of digital photography. Two top categories on that list of "likes" are wildlife and people. I am at an amateur level, without much knowledge. Hopefully I can contribute a bit and not just be a "taker" from other participants. I'll do my best to help anyone who needs anything, and I hope (need) to learn a great deal about photography.
My DSLR cameras are Nikons: D70s & D90; lenses are a recently acquired (eBay, used) Sigma prime 400mm macro and a couple of shorter Nikkors: 18-55mm and 55-200mm. All three are relatively slow f-stops. I also use a Nikon Coolpix P80 during real wet or long hikes and when I don't want to pack my other two larger cameras. However, when I get back to my desktop with P90 JPGs, I miss not having RAW format shots in larger MBs. The software packages I doubt I will ever be able to stop studying are Photoshop CS5 and Lightroom 3.
I participate in three camera clubs: the Willamette Valley Photo Arts Guild, the Digital Group and the Valley Viewfinders. The amount and caliber of knowledge other members share at these three groups' meetings is outstanding. I highly recommend joining such groups to all who are able to participate.
Thanks for letting me join Cambridge in Colour, and thank to my friend & fellow photographer, Kirk Mays, for sending the web link to me.
Welcome to CiC.
If I may say so, your approach to being part of this forum is exactly what it's about: "Hopefully I can contribute a bit and not just be a 'taker' ".
With the sort of volunteering activity you're getting under your belt, I'm sure you'll have lots to contribute. Great to have you on board.
Please make sure that you read post #1 of this thread HERE which will help you get started. And especially our Code of Conduct in the FAQ HERE
Hi all,
Well just stumbled across this forum and as a keen amateur photographer thought I would get myself signed up.
I live in north Essex a few miles from the Suffolk border, a village called Sible Hedingham to be precise. I enjoy all kinds of photography, but feel that I need to learn more about the skills involved to get pleasing results on a more regular basis. Hopefully I have found the place to help take me up a notch or two!
Looking forward to getting to know you.
Jon Webb
Hi Jon,
Welcome to the CiC forums from me, great to have you join us.
Do be sure to read post #1 which will help you get started here in the forums. If you're unclear on forum ettiquette; there is a Code of Conduct in the FAQ HERE
Look forward to seeing some pictures from you, or answering questions, etc.
Hi my name is Geraldine, but my friends call me Gel. I currently live in Cheshire but am hoping to move to Newcastle way sometime in the near future. I love all kinds of photography, especially landscape, flora and portraiture, although portraits is pretty new to me and am trying to learn as much as i can about it as i'm hoping to be able to start my own business. I use a Nikon D80 but again am hoping to upgrade to the D90.
Hi everybody :)
My name's Chris- live in Minnesota; just ordered my first DSLR (A Nikon D90) and am looking to get much more involved in photagraphy as a hobby. I found CiC via the tutorials/Google.
And by way of intro... here's an iPhone pic of the better half and I after 2 hours shovelling snow in sub-zero weather this weekend :p
Welcome Jon from another Essex 'lad'.
Hi Everyone,
My name is Brenda, and I'm from a small town in Indiana. Yeah I know, that's a Mellencamp song! :rolleyes: I got my first 35mm Canon AE-1 when I was in high school (a really long time ago). Although I've enjoyed taking pictures all these years, now that this digital era has came along and lured me in, I've become more passionate about learning what I can make the camera do in settings BESIDES AUTO. I'm currently shooting with a Canon T1i, and I usually use the Canon 50mm lens. I've taken Fundamentals, Advanced, and PhotoShop courses @ our local university, and also private lessons consisting of Skill Building, LightRoom, and Landscape Photography. I'm looking forward to reading different views on here, I think that's a great way to learn.
Gel, Chris, Mike, Brenda
Apologies for falling behind a bit on welcoming duties.
But, indeed welcome to each of you. Delighted you have found CiC and decided to join up.
I hope your browsing around has already shown you that as well as being pretty informal and fun, CiC is a plce focused on learning and helping each other to grow and develop as photographers - no matter your current level of knowledge and skill.
So, dive in. Ask questions; Post images; Give your views on images that others post and on which they seek comments and criticism (you know what you like and don't like - just got to work out why); Join in the discussions.
Please make sure that you read post #1 of this thread HERE which will help you get started. And especially our Code of Conduct in the FAQ HERE