Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Dear all CIC members,my name is hashim from lebanon.i had problems finding how and where to click to intoduce myself to you.i hope i reached the right palce.i worked in advertising and jewellery shots using medium format slide film but rarely kept a trace for a good portfolio because the work was very commertial and most people i worked for required that the photographer shoots like they i was managing only the technical part.
it seems i will be learning more than contributing for a long while from what looked at in your tutorials.something intrigues me in photography that you freeze a part of time that will never come back i use a d100.i like to shoot anything i find interresting on the spur of the moment.i want to become better by collaborating with you all because i felt you are a community where every member has something to give genouinly with respect to others feelings and standards of knowledge.
my best regards to all of you
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Colin, Muhammad, Javier, Hashim
You are very, very welcome to CiC. I hope this is the start of a long involvement in the forum.
If you have already looked around the site, you will have discovered, I think, that the aim is to help and support colleagues who wish to develop their knowledge and skills in photography.
If you haven't already done so, please make sure that you read post #1 of this thread HERE which will help you get started. Also our Code of Conduct in the FAQ HERE
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Thanks for your welcome note.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi everyone: My name is Gene and I am here to learn . I have been a fan of photography for xx years. The past couple of years I have enjoyed digital photography. Love the instant gratification and delet feature. Also I am a newbie to Photoshop and am having a blast with it. I have visited different tutorials and learn from each one. I am looking forward to any criques and suggestions. Thanks!:)
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello folks!
This is an incredible place to learn about photography!
I'm from Brazil and work part-time with photography in weedings, parties, etc.
I have a Nikon D700, lenses Sigma: 24-70 2.8 & 70-300 and Nikkor: 105 AI 2.5,
70-210 and 50mm 1.4D. My backup is a Nikon D40 with a nikkor 18-105.
Flash: SB900 & SB600.
My site:
Here in Brazil the prices are so high because the government taxes (almost the
double or more...).
An exemple? A nikon D700 costs almost US$ 4,340 here (just body!!) :(
Very crazy prices... :p
Thx for the space and visit my site!
Hugs all :)
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hello folks!
This is an incredible place to learn about photography!
I'm from Brazil and work part-time with photography in weedings, parties, etc.
I have a Nikon D700, lenses Sigma: 24-70 2.8 & 70-300 and Nikkor: 105 AI 2.5,
70-210 and 50mm 1.4D. My backup is a Nikon D40 with a nikkor 18-105.
Flash: SB900 & SB600.
My site:
Here in Brazil the prices are so high because the government taxes (almost the
double or more...).
An exemple? A nikon D700 costs almost US$ 4,340 here (just body!!) :(
Very crazy prices... :p
Thx for the space and visit my site!
Hugs all :)
Welcome to CiC!
Talking of incredible things I think you just became my wife's best friend with this shot from your Flickr... Super shot! (200 CiC females suddenly switch to Flickr)
Hope you have fun here.
If you haven't already done so, please make sure that you read post #1 of this thread HERE which will help you get started. And especially our Code of Conduct in the FAQ HERE
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
I'd wondered who it was that took that photo of me!!
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
I'd wondered who it was that took that photo of me!!
You know, I was going to mention that, but then Elise would just tell me to shut up, because you are better than him Donald.:)
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hi everyone: My name is Gene and I am here to learn .... I have visited different tutorials and learn from each one.
That is indeed what CiC is about.
Hello and welcome. Hope you'll enjoy being here, posting up images and taking part in the discussions.
If you haven't already done so, please make sure that you read post #1 of this thread HERE which will help you get started. Also our Code of Conduct in the FAQ HERE
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Well . . . it's a great photo, and welcome, Themeron, but the things I look for most in a man are "smart" and "funny" and I don't get a reading on either one of those from the guy in the picture. Muscles run a very distant third. On the other hand, the Old Spice guy IS smart and funny (I've seen him on a talk show) and has a lot of muscles, so . . . I guess it's possible to satisfy the criteria on every level:
(Picture came from, in case there are credit issues. But he's all over the net. Thank god.)
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
...I guess it's possible to satisfy the criteria on every level
Yeh, but there aren't many of us!
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Good Evening - My name is Debbie, I live in Vermont (USA) I recently left the land of point-n-shoot and purchased a Nikon D90. I'm having a fabulous time with it so far, and have yet to experience a sliver of buyers remorse. Photography is a hobby, evolving to a passion. I have two dogs who are my prime subjects most of the time, primarily due to availability, but I also enjoy taking picture of almost anything. I'm looking forward to learning the ins and outs of my camera and light and composition and taking my photography to the next level for me :)
Best regards
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Good Evening - My name is Debbie, I live in Vermont
We're starting to build quite a Vermont chapter here. Katy, Suzanne - Are you noticing!?
Debbie - Hello and Welcome to CiC, and to becoming another member of the, " Photography is a hobby, evolving to a passion", club.
Hopefully you've had a chance to look around the forum and you've found out that this is a place that focuses on learning and development of knowledge and skills; where everyone is happy to help everyone else and where we have good fun as well.
If you haven't already done so, please make sure that you read post #1 of this thread HERE which will help you get started. Also our Code of Conduct in the FAQ HERE
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi my name is Cheri. I live in the Peace River area in British Columbia, Canada. I love to take pictures of birds, old vehicles, and pictures of scenery in our area. My favorite camera is my Nikon D50. One of my favorite pictures is the one I have posted of birds getting ready to take flight. This site is very interesting and all of the pictures are wonderful. It is going to to be fun to learn from all the tutorials and all the photographers who participate in this forum.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
It is going to to be fun to learn from all the tutorials and all the photographers who participate in this forum.
I hope so.
Welcome to CiC. You can edit your profile and put your name under 'Real Name' so that it appears in the rigth hand pane in each of your posts. Then folk would know who's posting messages.
Great to have you join. The tutorials on CiC are very popular ... because they're very good. So I think you will find that they help you a great deal. That is complemented by the knowledge and skills of so many people on here who are always willing to support a less experienced photographer.
If you haven't already done so, please make sure that you read post #1 of this thread HERE which will help you get started. Also our Code of Conduct in the FAQ HERE
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
This is Gabby and liked your site while browsing the Net. I
Apologies for missing your introductory post and not welcoming you onto CiC. I see you've got a second post already up on another thread. So, well done.
If you haven't already done so, please make sure that you read post #1 of this thread HERE which will help you get started. Also our Code of Conduct in the FAQ HERE
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
I am a casual photographer who does not know a lot about the technical aspects of photography. I took photography in high school where I learned how to use the manual settings with a 35mm and develop my own photographs, but have sense lost much of that knowledge. I now have a Nikon D5000 and am trying to brush up on my skills. I enjoy traveling and taking pictures of people, cities, nature and animals wherever I go. I also like taking close-ups of various objects and portraits. I can get some great shots by playing around with settings, but usually don't know how I got them! My current goal is to improve the quality of my pictures in social situations, especially low-light indoor and outdoor gatherings.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi folks, I come from New Zealand and live in Auckland.
My interest in photography is mainly travel related but I like all forms of it particularly lanscapes. I really got started with a 3 meg camera a few years ago when I went to London for a few months to work, graduated a while back to a bridge camera (Fuji) and then finally brought a dSLR (Olympus E-520) and now contemplating a E-5.
My wife and I work on having a big trip away every two years, so in the last few years we have been to parts of China, USA, South America and now in two weeks time we are off to Africa. Some of my earlier trip photos can be seen on Flickr (search for Ian_Guild) if anyone is interested. These photos were for a stunning trip to China, a place that still rates for me personally as one of the best to visit and photograph.
We like to think we work to travel.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello, My name is Darlene and I took up photography after I retired a few years ago. I read everything I can get my hands on . I shoot lots of pics and want to learn as much as I can. I love all kinds of photography, especially wildlife. i am looking forward to learning lots on here.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hi folks, I come from New Zealand and live in Auckland. ..... We like to think we work to travel.
A very warm welcome to you. I know what you mean about the travelling. I feel the same too.
Don't know if you've been lurking on the site and have, therefore, managed to get an idea of what it's like. If not, then I hope what you find is a forum (and the tutorials) with a focus on helping people develop their skill and ability to make pictures. All done in a pretty informal way.
If you haven't already done so, please make sure that you read post #1 of this thread HERE which will help you get started. Also our Code of Conduct in the FAQ HERE