Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members
Boy oh Boy!!
Things sure move fast around here. Nine new members in a few hours Count 'em..
raker.. jacsul..amadeo..tsiya..billygoat..tareq..bijan..du stysandy..garymeader... (excuse me if I missed anyone but it wouldn't be difficult).
You admins will might have to appoint an official "greeter" the way things are going. I reckon you do a marvellous job accommodating this growth while continuing to respond to the numerous technical and other queries that are also increasing exponentially.
Thanks for all your great work in support of this top group!
Welcome to all you new folk in our league of nations .. all going in the same friendly direction in this community of push-button artists.
Roxy Australia.
BTW congratulations to Colin, runners up and all entrants for the canikon comp; one day soon one of us others will do you all in with a numberone WOW shot!
5 Attachment(s)
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members
My name is Radu Dinu and I live in Bucharest,Romania.I like to think I'm photoenthusiast
because I was never paid for my photosThe good side of that is that I shoot only when I'm
impressed.The bad side is I have not too much money for my madness.So,now I use a
D 300 but my dream was and is Leica SLR.I use 3 zooms:12-24,16-85 and 70-300mm.Generally speaking I'm outdoor photographer at natural light.I use Cokin gradual and
pola filters.Occasionally I shoot indoor portraits.I use 2 SB 800 in my left hand(linked together elastic) w.manual settings and remote control from pop up flash(for outdoors).I use an A4 six colours HP Vivera for my prints.I process my pictures (untill they represent what I felt when I shut) w. Adobe Elements,Capture NX(for curves and colour intensifier)and Dfine,OnOne Fractals,Nik Sharpener sometimes.I'm sorry but I do
not know how could I send you some pictures.Excuse for my wrongs but English is not
my native.Best regards!
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members
Radu Dinu, welcome friend. It's not often we get pictures with a first post! Excelent stuff. Glad also to welcome a fellow Nikonite. You may wish to participate [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]here! Again welcome and enjoy the forums.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members
Hi Radu Dinu,
You seem to have a good range of kit there and you have succeeded in getting the images attached too, although most have come out a little small. Do you have an online gallery anywhere? A link to that initially would be good.
It always amazes me how good people's English is here, clearly it isn't your native language and yet we can all understand you. It's also good to see the diversity of cultures represented across the C-in-C board.
Welcome from,
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members
Hello all,
I dabbled in film back in the 80's with my Minolta XG-M which I loved. For a variety of reasons, photography took a back seat to other things in my life and my daughter ended up with my camera and love of the lens.
So last year my wife {of 5 years} pulls out her Canon AE-1 Program, and tells me how much she loved photography back in the day, and how much she would like to get back into it. So, I started researching the digital world, and for her birthday got her a Nikon D40x.
Of course, I had to read the manual, and set it up, and learn the ins and outs so I could help her, and by the time she was ready to go, I had the bug again, giddy over how much more I could do with digital.
So I did some more research, and when a steal finally came up at Costco, I bit on the Nikon D300 with the 18-200 VR lens, and haven't looked back since. It's more camera than I needed or deserved, and I thought long and hard about spending that kind of scratch on a camera, but in retrospect, I made a very good choice.
Have pretty much rounded out my kit of lenses, tripod, head, remote, etc, etc, etc....:o Although the list never seems to end.
I don't do much post work, preferring to focus {pardon the pun} on the front end as much as I can. I use Lightroom 2 for organizing and minor adjustment and am looking to try some HDR shortly.
Anyway, my research back then took me to a lot of sites for information on a variety of things, and one of the places I researched was CinC. I don't believe there was a forum at that point, but lots of good solid information, and above all, some incredible photography, so I joined up. So while I am a newbie on the boards, I am an old soul... ;)
I have been in Information Technology for 32 years, so the technical side of it is a natural, and the art side provides a balance, much like guitar, which is the origin of my user name.
Many thanks to everyone who shares information, techniques, and their art and passion.
Best regards,
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members
Hello Rick, welcome to the fora:D or forums, you choose.
Always nice to welcome a fellow Nikon user. I'm still enjoying and coming to terms with digital through the D80.
Another guitar player to boot! I used to play drums, back in the day. Welcome, mate. Enjoy.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members
Hello Everyone!
I am Kailas 26, and new to this Forum.I am from London and accidentally stumbled on this amazing website.....almost took my breadth away when I started to viewing the surreal images hosted on this site!!!!
I have never come across such exquisitive images ....anywhere.....ever....!Such colour,composition and effect to captivate and enthrall,all who gaze upon such work of beauty and genius.......!
Photography has always been life long interest....and it's a good feeling to be here.As i get more familiar with the site...I will be able to share and learn.
Thank you for having me here.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members
Kailas26, hello mate, and
Welcome to the site. I'm sure I'm not on my own when I ask; What camera? System?
Do we care? Not really. You'll find us very easy going and friendly. Any questions? Fire away.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members
Welcome Kailas, good to have you on board.
The pictures you speak of are undoubtedly Sean's (site admin), they are something special, aren't they.
Any questions, just ask.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members
Thank you so much Chelsea Blue and Dave for your welcome!
Have been an Olympus user for a long time......OM1,OM2...and E1..with the twin lens 14-54mm and FL-50 flash...used for Travelling...Landscape and portraits..!
But of late been thinking seriously of Nikon DSLR...D90 or D300 wanting to try out the Nikon brand.
Any suggestions or advice most appreciated.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members
Hi Rick!
Glad to have you here!Looks like you're pretty well set up for some serious photo shooting with your kit!
How do you find your D300 outfit? Versatile and sufficient?Have been reading up on this model....and was wondering for your input.
Many thanks
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members
Originally Posted by
Hi Rick!
Glad to have you here!Looks like you're pretty well set up for some serious photo shooting with your kit!
How do you find your D300 outfit? Versatile and sufficient?Have been reading up on this model....and was wondering for your input.
Many thanks
I could go on and on about this camera, but will simply say that I absolutely love it, and would definitely buy it again. I am glad that I bought when I did, because the D90 came out shortly after, and to be honest had I been contrasting the two, I might easily have been swayed to the D90. But the external controls alone are pretty key for me.
Brand new camera, dark at midnight, after 5-6 Guinness, and I am changing setting on the fly, in the dark like I'd frown up with the camera.
It is pricey, but I can honestly say that I am sure you will love it.
A couple of buddies in my office have gone that route as well. One of them was between D90 & D300 and he opted for a used D300 on eBay and is very pleased as well with his decision.
Bottom line, I love mine and can't imagine anyone not loving that rig. Good luck in your search.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members
Thank you Rick for your input.You are definitely enjoying your excellent choice!As you can appreciate someone who hasn't been familiar in handling a different brand;it is v important to do your homework!
Come to think of it....I had pleasure of handling a Nikon F3 many years back....I could definitely feel it's solid and rugged design!
I shall continue to research more before any final decision.
Have fun with taking some unique photos over the week end.
Many thank,
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members
Hi I'm Matt. I'm from Lawrence, Kansas, USA. I've been studying photography for about two decades. I make my living photographing weddings, but I like all sorts of subject matter. I do a lot of landscape and live music photography on my own time.
Before 2004 I was a hard core, anti-digital, film geek. I shot mostly medium format and 4x5 BW which I processed and printed myself. I collected and used a lot of older, mechanical cameras. I reluctantly bought my first DSLR for my business, and was pretty quickly seduced by digital. Now I'm happily all digital; I've shut down my darkroom, and gave all my film, paper, and chems away.
I shoot with Canon DSLRs, and a variety of Canon, Tamron, and Sigma lenses. I shoot raw, and process with Lightroom 2.3 and Photoshop CS4. I have been ordering C prints and silver gelatin prints from a lab, but someday plan to learn inkjet printing too.
When I was making the transition from film and the traditional darkroom to digital and Photoshop I found the Cambridge In Colour articles to be very helpful, and often recommend them to other photographers.
Weddings and Portraits gallery
Landscapes and Art gallery
Live Music and Personal Work gallery
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members
Thanks for that Matt,
It's always good to know a bit about people's background, even those that joined long before this particular thread started.
I'll check out the galleries this evening.
A belated welcome from,
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members
Hello Matt. Welcome.
Some really nice stuff in those galleries mate. If I were you I'd stick a link in a signature, just to share. Henry Peach...hmm, that gives the bluboy an idea.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members
Hi, my name is Deb or Deborah. I am a Photographer and Dog Trainer. Odd combination I know, but both of these occupations are also my passion. My equipment are the D300 and the D50, a bunch of lenses, tripod,laptop, and my dog to keep me company. I am switching from photoshop to Gimp, and I am really happy that I did. I am looking forward to learning more about craft/art from this site.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members
Hi Deb,
You should fit right in, we have several dog lovers and the odd photographer here (and I'm the oddest)
Any pics to show or post?
Welcome from,
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members
Thanks Dave, I will upload a photo now.
Re: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members
my name is ndzi m collins, i'm 25.i have passion for photography. i am a filmmaker. i wish to know more about colour photography.