Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
I live in the the North of Scotland and spend quite a bit of time exercising the dogs in the surrounding countryside. I am really just a 'snapper'.
I started in my late teens with an Olympus Trip, progressed to an OM10 and got irritated by having to carry a large bag with lenses. There also seemed to always be problem with flat batteries. Amazingly, I did manage to sell a few photographs - probably at a loss - they were wonderful Cibachrome (?) prints. The camera gathered dust for many years and so did my skills. A digital 'point and shoot' which fitted in my pocket seemed a temporary answer to what I needed and I have been 'snapping' with a little Nikon Coolpix :p for a couple of years.
And then I saw some pictures taken by a friend's new Nikon something ... The little Nikon suddenly didn't seem to be enough and the frustrated photographer awoke.
But do I want to go down the road of heavier and heavier lenses? The big bags? The very sore shoulders? What to buy? What to buy? Difficult decision.
So I have bought myself a Lumix GF1 with the pancake lense and also have bought the 45-200mm zoom. Well, the kit is certainly small enough. But now I have to get some decent editing software ... I am still reserving judgement about my purchase.
In the meantime, here is something from the little Nikon - completely unedited in any way, which will probably be obvious to you all! :) ( I have tried twice to download a picture - no luck yet!)
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
I live in the the North of Scotland
And I came from there. Where are you?
Anyway, welcome. You can edit your profile and put your name in under 'Real Name', so that it comes up with each post. We tend to go with real names on here - it's that sort of site.
And there are quite a few members of the Lumix fan club on here as well.
As for the posting images issue, reading the rest of this give you information about getting the most out of the site, including taking you to a link about how to post images..
If you haven't already done so, please be sure to read post #1 of this thread HERE. There are links in that post to other helpful advice and guidance. Also our Code of Conduct in the FAQ HERE
CiC is a resource strongly focused towards learning, no matter what your current level of knowledge, skills and experience. As well as these forums, where you can engage in discussion, ask questions and seek comment and criticism on your pictures, CiC has a comprehensive range of tutorials that, by common consent, are amongst the most sensible and straightforward that you can find anywhere. Remember to have a look on the tutorials and techniques pages which you can access from the menu bar.
And finally, the Mod team thought it might be a useful addition to CiC to have in-house access to some selected video tutorials. You can find them in the Community Lounge forum under 'Photography Video Tutorials'. posting image issue, have a read through the following.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello Donald
I am in Moray but originally come from Mull.
I will try again tomorrow to learn how to attach a picture. Thanks for the welcome.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi Everyone,
My name is Yisehaq and I have been lurking for quite sometime now. I think it's now the time to jump in. I live in Ethiopia (Don't know if there are fellow compatriots here) and I enjoy photography very much. I have been an amateur close to five years. I am here to learn from you all and appreciate any comment you give any time anywhere.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi everyone. I am an amature photographer and spend as much time as I can out practicing. I tend to take mostly landscape and sport (lacrosse) photos.
I am looking forward to posting as well as reading and looking at great photos.
Please feel free to make comments on my postings.
If this site site is not intended for my level of experience please let me know and I can pull the plug.
Thank you in advance.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello everyone,
I am S.P.Srivastava from India.
After spending more than 34 years in Indian Police Service,I just retired from active service.
I have been pursuing photography as a hobby for the last 6 to 7 years and presently i am using Nikon D60 and D5000 DSLR camera.
I chanced upon this site while looking for tutorials.I find it fascinating and great for learners like me.:)
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
My name is Yisehaq and I have been lurking for quite sometime now. I think it's now the time to jump in. I live in Ethiopia (Don't know if there are fellow compatriots here)
Hello and welcome.
I think you are the first member on CiC from Ethiopia, so you are particularly welcome.
If you have been lurking for some time, you will probably have a good knowledge of how the site operates. We now look forward to seeing you taking part in discussions and posting some of your images.
Reading the rest of this message will help you get the most out of the site.
If you haven't already done so, please be sure to read post #1 of this thread HERE. There are links in that post to other helpful advice and guidance. Also our Code of Conduct in the FAQ HERE.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
If this site site is not intended for my level of experience please let me know and I can pull the plug.
This site is for you, whatever your level of experience is ... and your very welcome as a member.
I hope that, amongst other things, the one thing you find on here is that everyone is hugely supportive and willing to share their knowledge and experiences. This is not a place for big egos or for people trying to prove that gear they have is better than the gear someone else has.
So, please do get right in there.
Reading the rest of this message will help you get the most out of the site.
If you haven't already done so, please be sure to read post #1 of this thread HERE. There are links in that post to other helpful advice and guidance. Also our Code of Conduct in the FAQ HERE
As well as these forums, where you can engage in discussion, ask questions and seek comment and criticism on your pictures, CiC has a comprehensive range of tutorials that, by common consent, are amongst the most sensible and straightforward that you can find anywhere. Remember to have a look on the tutorials and techniques pages which you can access from the menu bar.
And finally, the Mod team thought it might be a useful addition to CiC to have in-house access to some selected video tutorials. You can find them in the Community Lounge forum under 'Photography Video Tutorials'.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
I am S.P.Srivastava from India.
Hello and welcome.
We are glad that you found our site and that you do find it a great place for learners. That is very much the primary focus of CiC, to help people grow and develop their knowledge and skills. So, please do take part in discussions and do post up some of your own pictures.
Reading the rest of this message will help you get the most out of the site.
If you haven't already done so, please be sure to read post #1 of this thread HERE. There are links in that post to other helpful advice and guidance. Also our Code of Conduct in the FAQ HERE
The Mod team thought it might be a useful addition to CiC to have in-house access to some selected video tutorials. You can find them in the Community Lounge forum under 'Photography Video Tutorials'.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi All,
First of all, I would just like to say; great forum and great tutorials on the main site.
I have just bought a Canon 500d. Up till now, I have been using a variety of point and shoot cameras, but have not really been happy with what I could do with them.
I'm looking forward to omproving my techniques, and if I could take photos a tenth as good as the ones in the 'Cambridge Gallery' I would be a very happy man!
I have had a couple of walkarounds in London and Oxford with my new toy so far, and will post some photos later for C&C and general advice.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello and welcome.
As for ........
if I could take photos a tenth as good as the ones in the 'Cambridge Gallery' I would be a very happy man!
.... you can!
It's about practice, practice, practice ... and then some more practice. Practice in developing your skill, but also developing your 'eye' to see the image in the first place. As Pops, one of our most respected members, says in various ways, "The camera is a box in which you store photographs. The picture is behind your eyeballs."
I'm glad you've found your way in and around the tutorials. The discussions in these forums are all aimed at adding to the learning experience. So, please join in.
Reading the rest of this message will help you get the most out of the site.
If you haven't already done so, please be sure to read post #1 of this thread HERE. There are links in that post to other helpful advice and guidance. Also our Code of Conduct in the FAQ HERE
In addition to the tutorials, the Mod team thought it might be a useful addition to CiC to have in-house access to some selected video tutorials. You can find them in the Community Lounge forum under 'Photography Video Tutorials'.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello everyone. My name is Gary. For the moment, I am living in Youngstown Ohio, my home town. I retired about a year ago and am trying to decide where to spend my golden years. I only recently took up photography which makes me a 62 year old ametuer. I enjoy nature photography, especially landscapes and wildlife. I use Sony equipment and am in the process of building a collection of lens and the usual equipment. I would like to travel and do nothing but take photographs, interesting ones of course. I am very shy about showing my photos but I'm sure that will change once I gain some self-confidence.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
I would like to travel and do nothing but take photographs
Aahh, can I join you?
Gary - welcome onto CiC. Great to have you join us.
I hope you find the site to be helpful and a place where you enjoy spending your online time. You'll find things pretty informal.
There's a whole lot of information to help you get the most out of the site, in the rest of this message. And I hope it won't be long before you do feel confident enough to get in there and start posting images. But I well remember what posting up the first one was like - Will anyone like it? Will anyone even bother to comment? First one is the hardest, so go for it!
If you haven't already done so, please be sure to read post #1 of this thread HERE. There are links in that post to other helpful advice and guidance. Also our Code of Conduct in the FAQ HERE
CiC is a resource strongly focused towards learning, no matter what your current level of knowledge, skills and experience. As well as these forums, where you can engage in discussion, ask questions and seek comment and criticism on your pictures, CiC has a comprehensive range of tutorials that, by common consent, are amongst the most sensible and straightforward that you can find anywhere. Remember to have a look on the tutorials and techniques pages which you can access from the menu bar.
And finally, the Mod team thought it might be a useful addition to CiC to have in-house access to some selected video tutorials. You can find them in the Community Lounge forum under 'Photography Video Tutorials'.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi Everybody, my name is John and like some others I've been browsing in the background. First found this site after a visit to Cambridge, when I was searching for info on the town. I am fairly new to photography - my friend actually lent me his Nikon D70 to take on holiday 2 years ago (the silly man) :D but from then on i've been interested. It's a big learning curve but I hope to get better as I learn more.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi all. My name is Peter Ricciardello. I came across this site and the good tutorials gave me the impetus to register.
I am a humble amatuer and only just starting to see the intracacies and nuances of photography. I see this is a great site to learn and hope to contribute as I progress.
My photography has mainly centrered around my kids. The images I'm drawn to the most demonstrate their emotion and spontenaity. Although having said this, I am drawn to nature photography but haven't experimented much in this area.
Already I've seen a bunch of avenues where I can learn more.
Look forward to the journey!
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hi Everybody, my name is John and like some others I've been browsing in the background.
Delighted that you've stepped out from ther background and into the fill glare of exposure! Welcome to CiC. Ah ha ... y'see the dangers of just tipping a toe in the water - You get hooked and that's it. Hopefully we'll see some of you work before too long.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hi all. My name is Peter Ricciardello ... I am a humble amatuer
Peter - we all are (with one or two exceptions).
You're very welcome. I'm glad you think the site is a good place for learning, that's certainly the aim. Just keep asking the questions and there will be somebody on here who can provide the answer.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
I came across this website trying to figure out the difference between crop and full-frame cameras. The article on Digital Sensor Sizes ( was so well written and so easy to understand that I ended up reading pretty much everything on this site - all so well written and very informative.
I am a hobby photographer not specialising in anything in particular, but as I have 2 small kids I do end up taking a lot of portrait / action shots of them. I also take th occasional landscape and surf/windsurf photos.
I currently own a Canon 400d and a Sigma 18-200mm f/3.5-6.3 DC OS HSM Lens. I'm currently looking to upgrade (video one of the attractions) and I'm also finding a few other limitations with my current kit.
The plan is to upgrade to a Canon 7d with the Canon EF-S 15-85mm f/3.5-5.6 IS USM Lens as my walkabout lens and possibly getting the (expensive!) Canon EF 70-300mm f/4-5.6 L IS USM Lens. Opinions welcome on my choice of kit :)
Anyway - great site and hope to get some good constructive criticism on my photos in the forums.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
I'm glad you were tempted to stay and sign up as a member of CiC. Hopefully you will find that these forums are the perfect partner to (I agree) the excellent tutorials.
I would suggest that you copy the last part of your post into a new thread in the 'Digital Cameras & Equipment' forum. A lot of regular members might not see the question in here, but will have lots of ideas if they do see it. For example, there has been lots of discussion (some of it very recent) that might make you think about the 17-55 f2.8 (click here) instead of the 15-85. That would leave you a gap in coverage from 55 to 70, but that's not really much of a problem.
Anyway, a warm welcome and I look forward to seeing a lot more posts from you.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hey Everyone,
I've been following the site for a little while, but have just recently signed up.
I'm a (what comes before amateur) photographer who has just recently made the jump into the dslr world and I am trying to soak up as much as a can. So far this website has been great for everything from composition to post-processing to book recommendations.
I hope to have a few photos up for critique here soon, but in the mean time I wanted to get the first post and hello out of the way.