Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
I'm Jez, Cambridge based ....
You are very welcome. Delighted that you've decided to join up with CiC.
Good luck with the lighting system. If you want access to a free set of tutorials that, anywhere else, would cost you a fortune, click here for Colin's series on portraiture.
Look forward to seeing your posts and please do join in discussions and ask whatever questions come to mind (that have something to do with photography!)
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello all!
My name is Amanda and I'm over here in Oregon. I'm want to start off saying that I am ecstatic that I found this community! I've been searching all over for somewhere I can connect with other "photo nerds" and get actual input and critiques on photos as opposed to the generic "nice shot!" It's always nice to hear, don't get me wrong, but sometimes I need real input; tell me what you DON'T like about it! :D
Much like my paintings, my photos tend to be a little on the abstract side. I like to catch the grittiness of things, and the beauty in little objects that would otherwise be overlooked.
I'm currently working on my skills with HDR; the amount of artistic control you get with it is rad...yeah, I just said rad :)
Here is a photo that I just took a couple of hours ago. This tree is right by my front porch, in fact that's my porch light illuminating it.
Looking forward to many worthwhile discussions!
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi Amanda,
Welcome to the forum! Pretty interesting intro. :)
You are sure to get some good constructive criticism on this forum.
Hope you enjoy your stay here :)
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
I’m an amateur photographer from Melbourne, Australia. I have been photographing for almost 50 years now since being given my first rangefinder camera as a teenager. I have had a variety of cameras over the years. The shift to digital photography lifted the restriction of having to pay the cost of processing every image and the limitations that imposed. Digital has been and continues to be a real revolution for me. It allows me the luxury of making lots of mistakes and learning from them.
I am currently shooting with a Canon S90, Pentax K20D and Lumix G2. The last has held a real fascination for me because it allows the use of legacy lenses with cheap adapters. I probably have more old lenses than is good for any one person but, what can I tell you, they are lots of fun to play with.
I get a real kick out of viewing the images and perspectives of others. Everyone is capable of producing something unique. In the sense that I don’t strive to create a perfect image I guess my own photos are not very polished. I admit to a blatant disregard for producing slick images even though I am interested in mastering technique to the degree that it doesn’t bend my brain. My subject matter is usually pretty ordinary – whatever is in front of me. Rather than work hard to create an image I am happier to let the subject and the image surprise me. (Sometimes they do and I come up with a good one. :))
I hope to have a good time here.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
I’m an amateur photographer from Melbourne, Australia.
Hello and welcome. I'm glad you've found CiC and decided to sign up. I notice what you say ion your post about how far you want to take your learning. Hopefully, what you get from both these forums and the CiC tutorials will help you developp your knowledge and skills as far as you want to take them
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hey all!!!
My name is Rob I'm from Cardiff, I'm pretty new to photography, well at least since i used to enjoy it before i joined the army. Since then i lived abroad for a good few years and always wanted to get back into it, and I have.
I have been looking through some of the photographs done by some very talented people on here, i would love to learn more and would like anyone to leave comments on some of my ..... let's say a little less than professional pics!!
I really want to learn and expand my knowledge of photography and maybe make a few friends along the way, bonus!!
Look forward to hearing from you Rob...
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
My name is Rob I'm from Cardiff... I really want to learn and expand my knowledge of photography and maybe make a few friends along the way, bonus!!
This means we have two Robs from Wales. Boy, this is going to get confusing!!
Rob - Welcome. Great to have you on board CiC. And I think you've found the right place to learn and expand your knowledge. That is what CiC is very much about.
So, just start asking the questions and posting up the images.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
This means we have two Robs from Wales. Boy, this is going to get confusing!!
You can say that again!:rolleyes::)
Rob - Welcome. Great to have you on board CiC. And I think you've found the right place to learn and expand your knowledge. That is what CiC is very much about.
Welcome, Rob! CiC is a good place to make friends as 'we're climbing the slippery slope of the learning curve, together' (as one of my friends, here, said, once.;))
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
My name is David and I've got the bug. I took up SCUBA diving when my kids grew up and left me with some "discretionary" funds. It started with wanting to share the experience with my wife who doesn't dive. I bought a point and shoot and a housing and went diving. I took some decent shots but couldn't get the quality I wanted.
I did some research and ended up with an Olympus E-PL1 mainly because of budget and underwater capability. I started playing with it and was amazed at the pictures I could take in just automatic mode. I began to think about what might be possible if I learned how to really use it. More research and I began to see more critically.
That's when I stumbled onto this site. Fabulous photographs, free tutorials, and when I got to the forums, great people!
So I'm here to learn and take lots of pictures.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Welcome to CiC David and I hope you have got some of those underwater images to share. It is a world of its own down there with its own colours and textures. It does have its own peculiar technical requirements including lighting but I am sure you will grow through all those.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
I am Samir Dwivedi from New Delhi.
I have recently taken up photography as a hobby.
I have learnt a lot from the tutorials in cambridgein colour.
I own a Nikon D 5000 with two lenses : 18-55 and 55-200.
I plan to acquire a macro lens, so I can try my hands at macro phtotography - and thats where my interest lies.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi Samir,
Welcome to CiC. Its pleasure to have you here..
How about sharing some of your clicks with us!!
Go through this thread, to make yourself familiar with the forum.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
My name is Charlotte, I am 18 years old and have only just started in the digital photography world. I have just recently bought a Nikon D3100 camera (which I love). I am looking forward to learning all about DSLR's and how to create great photos ! I have just started a photography course in college (which led me to this website).
I havent really figured out what i enjoy taking pictures of best yet. I enjoy landscape and wildlife photography, but i havent worked out if that's my favourite :confused: ... I guess its because i havent really had much experience of taking photos of various things. Im guessing it will all come with practise and time.
Below is a picture of what i took near where I work. As you can probably see, i'm very new to photography and havent quite got the hang of editing photos etc.
I look forward to being apart of this website and the digital photography world.
Kind regards
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Charlotte Cox
Below is a picture of what i took near where I work. As you can probably see, i'm very new to photography and havent quite got the hang of editing photos etc.
You can see I am not used to this as i cant even upload a photo correctly haha :o
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Charlotte Cox
My name is Charlotte, I am 18 years old and have only just started in the digital photography world. I have just recently bought a Nikon D3100 camera (which I love). I am looking forward to learning all about DSLR's and how to create great photos. I have just started a photography course in college (which led me to this website).
Hello and welcome. It's good to have you signing up. Congratulations on the new camera. I hope (I think) that CiC is the perfect partner for your college course. This is a place in which you can ask all and any sorts of questions without feeling that someone is going to think you should already know the answer. And it's a place where people are only too willing to share their knowledge and experience. So, jump right in.
I havent really figured out what i enjoy taking pictures of best yet.
That's probably very good. You're starting out and are discovering. Keep shooting lots and lots of different things and eventually (sometimes without you even planning it) you'll begin to see and feel the direction(s) you want to go in your photography.
Now, as for that little problem with posting pictures. In the welcome e-mail you got there were some links to parts of the site to go to for advice and help on getting the most out of CiC. One of the links was to this thread. Have a read of that and if you are still struggling after reading it, post a message into the forum and tell us what doesn't make sense.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi there!
You can call me Ed. I'm an amateur photographer, who takes this as a hobby. I'm glad I could find CIC because it has helped me a lot with my new and first DSLR (Sony Alpha).
I live in Costa Rica (no, it isn't Puerto Rico!!), therefore my pictures are probably never going to show snow nor bad weather. On the contrary, they are going to present the beautiful beaches and tropical landscapes of this region.
I hope I can contribute substantially with the community!
Thanks a lot!
PD: I submit a photo of mine, I'm not really sure how to get the appropriate quality, I'm just embed one from facebook or flickr.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hi there! You can call me Ed.
Okay. Hello, Ed.
Great to have you as a member. I think you are the only current member based in Costa Rica. You should place a flag in the CiC Google Map (you can find details of it and a link to it, here).
In the welcome e-mail that you received, there were some links to information. This included a link to information about how to post images. If, once you read that, you have any questions about how to do it, please post up a message.
I hope you enjoy being part of CiC and we look forward to seeing more pictures of Costa Rica.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi, I'm Lisa
Skull - One of the first shots I took with my first compact, (Olympus C750 UZ) purchased with the help of an unexpected windfall, after much mind-numbing research ( due to complete ignorance of the topic) - this lead to my ongoing quest to improve my skills to make it a satisfying and artistic if not somewhat expensive hobby.
Ten years on and an upgrade to a Nikon D3000 later, i still only feel like I'm scratching the surface of technical knowledge. As a female, I am usually quiet skilled at multi tasking, but find remembering all the correct exposure aspects and creative techniques applicable to photography - never mind applying them at the right time - impossible.
So, I try to mix improving my tech ability with taking fun shots of my crazy cats in the very beautiful place I am lucky enough to reside, this helps balance out the frustration I sometimes feel, when things don't go to plan.
Found this site through a link on the Digital SLR Photography site and have already found your explanation of exposure (the bucket) the best I have come across anywhere.
Looking forward to engaging with like minded photography addicts.