Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hi All,
I have found that the tutorials have been some of the best in increasing my understanding of photography. Thank you!
I have had a digital camera for about four years starting with an Olympus E-410 and more recently purchasing the E-620. I look forward to learning and sharing the 'photographic journey".
Hi Garry,
Yes we are lucky to have Sean 'at the helm' and writing those tutorials, they are something well above average :)
Don't leave it too long before your second post, I expect you have seen how things work, but if you have any questions, just ask.
Welcome to the CiC forums from ...
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
I just got a Nikon D70 with an 18-70mm Nikkor lens and a Nikkor 70-210mm - Christmas prezzie! My old camera was a Fuji S9600 entry level jobbie, nice but limited. I'm looking through my pics to find something to post that isn't too embarassing. CiC is a great site by the way, i think the tutorials and techniques are first class!
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Graet Picture. Is that your daughter?
Tell me how create Color and B/W Image like the you have.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi, I'm Rachel and I've just joined this site after it came up in a search for tutorials of various themes. So far I'm feeling both intimidated (that's unusual for me, so a good thing!) and most inspired by the photos I've seen - I'm very new to the world of digital photography and it has quickly become a passion that I plan to incorporate into a career... there is much to learn, and I am quite blown away by how many are willing to share their knowledge freely and help others learn... I hope to be able to contribute photos as stunning as what I've seen soon enough:)
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hi, I'm Rachel and I've just joined this site after it came up in a search for tutorials of various themes. So far I'm feeling both intimidated (that's unusual for me, so a good thing!) and most inspired by the photos I've seen - I'm very new to the world of digital photography and it has quickly become a passion that I plan to incorporate into a career... there is much to learn, and I am quite blown away by how many are willing to share their knowledge freely and help others learn... I hope to be able to contribute photos as stunning as what I've seen soon enough:)
Hello and welcome. It's great to have you along on the journey!
No need to feel intimidated. We're a lovely cuddly, warm bunch around about here! And you've already seen what we think is the unique selling point of CiC - that willingness of people to share knowledge and skills and to treat all fellow members with courtesy and respect.
So, please do join in - Ask lots of questions: Post lots of pictures. And enjoy it.
1 Attachment(s)
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello from Sitka, Alaska,
My name is Robert (Bob, usually) and we've lived in Sitka for over 30 years. Sitka is located on the western side of Baranof Island, has 14 miles of road and gets about eight feet of rain each year. What more could one want?
I've been taking pictures since my Brownie box camera days in the 1940's in Astoria, Oregon. As a pre-teen I was developing, printing and enlarging photos in a basement darkroom. In high school a superb teacher gave me a good foundation in composition and exposure. Of course, in those days, cameras didn't have built-in meters or flash. A Kodak Retina IIA was my camera then and it was excellent, but I also used a Speed Graphic with a 4x5 film back that belonged to the school.
Before going digital I had a Canon EOS Elan IIE SLR and pumped a lot of film through that one. Now I have a Canon Rebel XT with its kit lens, an EF-S f/3.5-5.6, 18-55mm zoom, and an EF f/3.5-4.5, 28-105mm zoom (roughly a 45-170mm zoom when used with the Rebel's 1.6 multiplier) that I used with the Elan IIE SLR. I'm about ready to upgrade, but am undecided whether I should get a better lens or two before going with a newer camera (presuming I upgrade within the Canon line), or do the camera first. And, I'm undecided about what camera to upgrade to.
Nearly all my photography is outdoors or indoors with available light. I'll use the camera's flash in a pinch. I haven't done much portraiture, but would like to experiment with that “on location,” since I don't have (or want) a studio.
Sitka has beautiful scenery (mountains, water, islands, rain forest) and eagles, whales, puffins, sea otters and sea lions, so it's good that digital came along to cut out the cost of film. Even our frequent overcast days have a soft, diffused light which makes for interesting shots. Eagles especially interest me, perhaps because I was an aviator for most of my 20 years in the US Coast Guard.
It's too late for me to become a professional photographer, but I would like to improve my amateur skills in whatever years I have left. I've only skimmed the surface of this forum, so will spend some time checking things out.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hello from Sitka, Alaska,
My name is Robert (Bob, usually) and we've lived in Sitka for over 30 years. Sitka is located on the western side of Baranof Island, has 14 miles of road and gets about eight feet of rain each year. What more could one want?
Sitka has beautiful scenery (mountains, water, islands, rain forest) and eagles, whales, puffins, sea otters and sea lions, so it's good that digital came along to cut out the cost of film. Even our frequent overcast days have a soft, diffused light which makes for interesting shots. Eagles especially interest me, perhaps because I was an aviator for most of my 20 years in the US Coast Guard.
It's too late for me to become a professional photographer, but I would like to improve my amateur skills in whatever years I have left. I've only skimmed the surface of this forum, so will spend some time checking things out.
Hi Robert, and welcome.
It sounds as if you live in an interesting place. I see you are not far from Juneau. You might enjoy reading (as you live there and were in the Coast Guard) A Passage to Juneau by Jonathan Raban (he's a Brit) who sailed his small boat from Seattle to Juneau a few years ago.
You seem quite realistic about what can be achieved. I'm the same (I'm 58 and reired) but you can do an awful lot as an amateur, even more than professionals in some ways, as you don't have the constraints of running a photography business etc. I'm quite happy as an amateur, doing my own thing, and I get several professionals who like my work. It's enough for me. :)
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi. Everyone calls me Pez and im from Berkshire Uk but emigrated To Victoria Oz last year. I know nothing about photography at the moment but bought a Nikon D90 recently and now need to learn.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
I'm Curt, in California. I'm a "newby", with a Canon Rebel XT. What I've learned in the last couple months is that the only aspect of making a website that I actually enjoy, is the photography. So, I've been spending a lot of time reading, and a little time shooting pics. Fun so far.
Thanks for producing this excellent site.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hi. Everyone calls me Pez and im from Berkshire Uk but emigrated To Victoria Oz last year. I know nothing about photography at the moment but bought a Nikon D90 recently and now need to learn.
Pez - You've found the right place to help you with your learning. Hopefully, you've discovered the tutorials. This forum complements that and with teh collected body of knowledge and experience that's on here regularly, there will alwasy be someone who can answer your question - no matter what it is.
So, welcome. Hope you enjoy being a member for a long time.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
I'm Curt, in California. ... Thanks for producing this excellent site.
Thank you, Curt. Certainly, all the regulars on here want CiC to be a location of choice for anyone who's serious about wanting to learn about photography. I hope you find it a good place to be.
You may be a newbie, but that doesn't mean you're not allowed to get right into discussions, asking questions and posting images either for comment or in competitions.
So, you're very welcome.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello My Name is Harold, I live in Manchester UK and have been taking photograohs for the last 30 years, I do not concider myself an expert, but nore am i a novice, I like to take all kinds of photo's i do not have any one speciality, I use Nikon kit my mane camera is the D300s with a back up of a D80 and a film camera The F80
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi Everyone
I am Pradeep, a new member in your community, I am fresh in photography, very much interested in your posts and the tutorials
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi all, my name is Andy Pritchard and I live in North West England, I got back into photography last year and am loving learning. I have a lot to learn yet regarding digital, but am slowly getting there. I own a Nikon D5000 with the kit 18 - 55, and splashed some cash on a Nikkor 105mm f2.8 as am getting into the macro work, I also recently bought the Nikkor 35mm DX and also 70 - 300 AFs Nikkor and a Sigma twin light ring flash.
Looking forward to joining your community.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hello My Name is Harold, I live in Manchester UK and have been taking photograohs for the last 30 years, I do not concider myself an expert, but nore am i a novice, I like to take all kinds of photo's i do not have any one speciality, I use Nikon kit my mane camera is the D300s with a back up of a D80 and a film camera The F80
Hi Harold,
Always a pleasure to have a fellow Nikon member join the community :)
What sort of subjects do you enjoy shooting?
Welcome to the CiC forums from ...
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hi Everyone
I am Pradeep, a new member in your community, I am fresh in photography, very much interested in your posts and the tutorials
Hi Pradeep,
Welcome to the CiC forums from me, great to have you join us.
To get the best from CiC you should not under estimate the need to post questions and images for critique.
Getting feedback that directly relates to what you are doing or learning is a much quicker way to progress.
What sort of camera do you have?
All the best,
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hi all, my name is Andy Pritchard and I live in North West England, I got back into photography last year and am loving learning. I have a lot to learn yet regarding digital, but am slowly getting there. I own a Nikon D5000 with the kit 18 - 55, and splashed some cash on a Nikkor 105mm f2.8 as am getting into the macro work, I also recently bought the Nikkor 35mm DX and also 70 - 300 AFs Nikkor and a Sigma twin light ring flash.
Looking forward to joining your community.
Hi Andy,
That's an excellent shot, I assume taken with the 105mm?
It seems we have a couple of lenses in common; the 105 and the 70-300mm.
I recently decided to go for the 50/1.4 over the 35mm for my D5000, how are you finding it?
Welcome to the CiC forums from ...
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Dave Humphries
Hi Andy,
That's an excellent shot, I assume taken with the 105mm?
It seems we have a couple of lenses in common; the 105 and the 70-300mm.
I recently decided to go for the 50/1.4 over the 35mm for my D5000, how are you finding it?
Welcome to the CiC forums from ...
Hi Dave and thanks for your comments, I love the 105 and yes this was with it in the Autumn, love the camera although it had to go back to Nikon as it was back focussing by about 6 to 8 inches. Not done too much with the 35 as yet, I bought it mainly for portraits of my new Grandchildren, but they live 130 miles away and everytime we go we get too busy for shooting, but what I have done with it, I like. I only just got the 70/300 today and am looking forward to playing out with it this weekend.
Again, thanks for the welcome, and looking forward to posting more.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
I'm Paul from the Philippines, just got my very first SLR and very thankful for this site...
It's very informative and helpful.
Thanks for the warm welcome!