Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi I'm Stevie and I've just joined today.
I've been getting increasingly into photography over the last 5 years or so, but still consider myself very much a beginner (even more so after seeing the quality of photographs on display here!). I came across the extensive and comprehensive tutorials on this site by chance and thought this would be a good place to learn and to gain constructive criticism on my photos (i have found that flickr is not the place for this as people rarely offer criticism, constructive or otherwise).
Here is a recent photo from my flickr page:
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Gidday everyone, Michelle here. I am excitedly awaiting the arrival of my new Canon 60D so I can get snapping and re ignite an itch I have had for many many years but have done little about!!! I have decided its TIME!!!! I live in Outback Australia and there are some great things to shoot at here. I look forward to many hours of fun with my new toy and actually hope to get serious about it sometime in the future. I am studying Event Management at uni and think photography will be a great sideline passion for this chosen field. I have 2 kids who are growing up real fast and provide me with many photo opportunities as well. I am completely new to forums so don't know much (yet) about forums or photography so expect the odd question! Lol. :o
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi to all, my name is Anjay and Im from the Philippines. Im a newbie to this hobby, still learning the basics of photography, I havent had attended any workshops which I would love to go if I had the time to. I enjoy taking photo's of flowers, Insects and all tiny things like my matchbox and other toys. Im glad I found CIC, I love to read all your post here and scan the stunning Images shared here.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
I came across the extensive and comprehensive tutorials on this site by chance and thought this would be a good place to learn and to gain constructive criticism on my photos (i have found that flickr is not the place for this as people rarely offer criticism, constructive or otherwise).
Welcome, again (I read the 'Post your website' post first).
I hope you find that what happens here is that comment and criticism is constructive and is not given by people with big egos who just want to show how clever they are. If we ever have that happen, then we send in boys to have a quiet word.
What continues to make me grateful for having found CiC is the fact that hugely knowledgeable and experienced people are more than willing to share that with those of us still climbing up the learning curve.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Gidday everyone, Michelle here. I am excitedly awaiting the arrival of my new Canon 60D
You very lucky person!
Michelle - Hello and welcome and wonderful to have you join up to CiC. I hope you enjoy it and become become an active member for a long time.
Originally Posted by
I am completely new to forums so don't know much (yet) about forums or photography so expect the odd question!
I hope you quickly find out that that that's another good reason why CiC is the right place to be. Basically, the philosophy is that the only dumb question is the one you don't ask. Please never think that your question is not 'clever' enough or 'smart' enough to be asked. If you've thought about, then you can be guaranteed that a lot of other people lurking on the site have thought about but are nervous about asking it.
So, you are hereby appointed the voice of all those people - so ask away!
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Anjay Dean
Hi to all, my name is Anjay and Im from the Philippines.
Like I said in my reply to Michelle just above, please know that whatever questions or thoughts you have about photography are going to be welcomed on CiC.
You'll find that there are quite a number of macro enthusiasts on here. I have great admiration for the quality of work that is produced. So, please join in by posting your images and becoming involved in discussion.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello everyone. My name is Bill and I live in the small town of Worden, IL which is about 20 miles northeast of St. Louis, Missouri and about 270 miles south of Chicago.
I am retired but my wife, Carol, is still working. I love photography and I am continually trying to improve my skills, both technically and creatively. our grandchildren are engaged in football, soccer, and hockey so I am into sports photography, both indoors and out. I also am interested in landscape, travel, and macro photography. I certainly find all of these areas challenging and each has their own unique approaches, I haven't mastered any of them to my own satisfaction, let alone anyone else's. I sure that participating in a group like this will afford the opportunity to make new friends and to learn.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
My name is Bill .... participating in a group like this will afford the opportunity to make new friends and to learn.
A very warm welcome. I certainly hope that you do indeed find CiC to be a place where you can learn in the company of like-minded people and where you feel you can contribute as well.
There are people who have interests in all the areas of photography that you mention, so you should certainly not be short of people who will be glad to offer advice and suggestions and to offer constructive comments on the images that, I hope, you'll post up onto the site.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
HI, my name is John and I live in Scotland and, like many others, was inspired to take up photography by the wonderful light we get here and by the many, many great photos of our country. I am hopeful that I can learn how to take some great photographs myself.
Cheers, John
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
I live in Scotland
All the best people do, John. Where are you? Wherever it is, you're very welcome onto CiC.
You are right about the opportunities that light can give. Even in the most dreich and drab days, if you're out amongst the mountaisna nd hilld, you can be amidst the most spectacular lighting. So please do join in and post up some of your images.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi everyone my name is Ron
I love taking picture but really don't have one kind of style hope i can get some helpful tips and some suggestion long the way.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello! My name, as you might have already guessed, is Lorieann :D I have joined CiC to observe and learn.
For the past 5 years I have been using a Panasonic DMC FZ20, tho I have started to look for another, possibly more advanced camera. I am strictly a BYP (back yard photographer), 90 percent of my pics are taken on our small ranch in Oklahoma, USA. Lots of pictures of horses, cows, chickens, deer, flowers, farm machinery and my family.
I'll be seeing you in the forums~
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello all. My name is Glenys. I have been a member of this group for quite a while but have never posted. I am a "mature" student studying photography taking a City and Guilds course - currently on Level 3 having been successful in Levels 1&2. This does not give me a lot of time to visit this group but I have found that the tutorials were very helpful when I needed to write essays. This current year is definitely more practice than theory so hopefully I will be able to join in.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello all,
It was nice to read the tech details and tips on photography on this website. I am an engineer by profession from NEPAL and photography with my compact Canon PowerShot SX130IS.
"Moon" - Month long photography
Hands on with my Canon PowerShot SX130 IS
Few of my old clilcks with other cams are:
wanna learn more bout photography... good to be here. :)
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi Everyone!
My name is Kris, I'm from Australia and love to take photos of anything that gets in front of me, or that I happen to drive pass and have to reverse back to :D
I've just recently gotten myself a new Nikon upgrade from a compact! and I gotta say I do love it, but there are just sooo many bells and whistles!
I'm hoping to broaden my knowledge and my friends by being here :)
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
You get dragged out to go shopping for a few hours and when you get back there's been a flood of new members signing up! Which, of course, is wonderful.
Amit and
A very warm welcome to each of you.
I hope you've already seen what sort of place CiC is - friendly, supportive and focused on learning and development of knowledge and skills. So, I hope you enjoy being part of the community and will be active posters of questions, comments and, of course, images.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi Everyone. I'm a new member, and new to photography. I recently bought myself a Canon 450D boxed kit with 18-55mm lens and 55-25mm lens. I'm still learning the basics and I'm still finding my style, so won't post any pictures in my introduction. It was in my search for information about the relationship between focal length and depth of field that brought me to this site as I had noticed pictures of the same subject (a Flame Lily) at the same aperture value, look so very different when taken with the normal lens vs the telephoto lens. It looks like there are some great tutorials here so I'm sure I'm going to learn a great deal.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi - I'm new - my name is Lesley and I live near Brisbane in sunny Queensland - that's Australia for those who are unfamiliar !!! I photograph as a hobby and hoping to learn more here.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
My name is Geert, I live in the Netherlands and I ran across this site when I was searching from large sensor compact camera's. Presently I have a Panasonic G1 and a Canon G9. I hope to retire this year, and expect to have more time for photography. I certainly hope to improve my skills over the next years.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi, I am Robert,
Having spent many years as a keen amateur photographer, I found a new focus for my photography in 2004 when my daughters started their ballet school. I was seconded to take photos of dancers in shows etc., so I felt able to justify spending money on equipment. However, this was followed by a short honeymoon period before my wife said that any new equipment should be put to a wider use and perhaps start paying for it's self! So here I am hoping I can improve and earn enough with this hobby to pay back into the domestic funds.
Looking forward to being part of this forum, it looks cosy, not full of itself but at the same time is educational.
Equipment 40D, 5dII, 24-70L 2.8, 70-200LIS 2.8, 17-55 2.8 EFs, 85 1.8, 1 580EXII, 3 420EX, Elinchrom; 2 BXRi500, 2 RX600.