Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi all my name is Richard
I have a canon 350d camera various lenses and I am interested in all photography Portraits,Landscapes,Macro,Sports everything really
I hope to improve my knowledge to aid me in my hobby come love of photography thanks everyone for help now and in the future
Richard ( Yodaman23):)
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hi all my name is Richard
I have a canon 350d camera various lenses and I am interested in all photography Portraits,Landscapes,Macro,Sports everything really
I hope to improve my knowledge to aid me in my hobby come love of photography thanks everyone for help now and in the future
Richard ( Yodaman23):)
Richard Hello and welcome. You don't tell us where in the world you are. You can edit your profile and enter your country, areas, city etc, ifd you wish.
Wherever you are, it's good to have you on board CiC. I am sure the members on here, along with the tutorials that you've maybe already looked at, will help and support you're learning. I look forward to seeing some of your work being posted.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
hello everyone, my name is christoforos and i live in Paralimni Cyprus. other than holiday snap shots i do not have a photographic background. in short i am a complete novice and i look forward to reading, digesting and hopefully finding 'that perfect' picture on my travels. at present i do not have a specific medium or type of picture i would like to take. i have a nikon D60 with a 18-270mm 1:3.5-6.3 lens and i am considering the purchase of another lens or camera with appropriate lens for close up photography.(any suggestions very welcome) it is my intention to read all of the tutorials and seek advise if possible from other members. currently i am practising shots on the coast line, up the mountains, we have lots of mountains in cyprus also general people, places and buildings of interest. my wife and i have a wish list of places to visit in the future, which i believe will provide the opportunity to develop my skills, these include, this year malaysia, singapore,dubia, followed by trips to the winter olympics in sochi russia, to practise moving/action skills, vancouver and alaska, there are others however any advise would be most welcome. to date i have thoroughly enjoyed the tutorials, veiwing some incredible pictures and reading the forum. at present i feel that i don't have anything worthy to publish but i will endeavour to do so in the future. best wishes to all christoforos
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
hello everyone, my name is christoforos and i live in Paralimni Cyprus.
Hello and welcome to CiC. I think you are the first members that we have from Cyprus. I hope you will emnjoy beign part of this website and that you will ask questions and join in discussions. And, once you feel ready, that you do post some of your images.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi, I am Abhi and I am from India. I have been trying to learn photography for a few years now. Sadly, I feel I might have regressed over that period. I own a Cannon digital rebel, with 18-55mm IS, and 55-250mm IS lenses. I find that while I love the act of composing and taking photographs (even though I am not good at it), I hate PP. I have only recently started doing some PP on my photos using Helicon Filter. I hope that the discussions, critiques and the competitions keep me motivated enough to finally learn photography. Last month, I was outside in my balcony when I saw this crow with some grapes.
Please click on the image for larger size.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hi, I am Abhi and I am from India.
It's a pleasure to greet you onto CiC.
Originally Posted by
I find that while I love the act of composing and taking photographs (even though I am not good at it), I hate PP. I have only recently started doing some PP on my photos using Helicon Filter. I hope that the discussions, critiques and the competitions keep me motivated enough to finally learn photography.
I certainly hope that by being a member on here and having the opportunity to participate in the discussions and read what others have to say, you do find the necessary motivation to continue the development of your knowledge and skills. I am very confident that all the other members on here will be very willing to offer you their support and share their knowledge
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi all my name is Richard I have just joined C in C although I have browsed the tutorials. I am using a Nikon D90 and have recently bought a macro lens so I will be looking for some tips there. Landscapes are my other passion and hope to get some shots of the Somerset levels this weekend you never know I might post them so you guys can give me some constructive criticism, bye for now :)
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi everybody,My name is James.I am an amature photographer ,I love art and nature ,but I am new to capturing it on film .Any and all help is greatly appreciated. I have glanced through some of these pics an see I got a long way to go . all suggestions welcomed.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi, everybody, my name is Richard. I have been enjoying this forum, benefiting from reading the posts of people much more experienced than me at photography. I started my interest in photography as a birder, many years ago. My first SLR was a Miranda Sensorex (remember them!) about 1970, or so. I used telephoto lenses back before there was such a thing as autofocus, image stabilization, or even zoom lenses. I dropped back to P&S for about 20 years, picked up my first DSLR (Canon T1i) about a year ago, and then bought a 60D recently. To me, digital is almost a completely different technology, and I am finding post-processing to be fun and very rewarding, although frequently confusing, mostly because my skill level is pretty limited. I have also been finding also that my interest seems to be swinging toward landscapes as well as nature photography.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello everybody,
I'm Ross Brace, and from Vietnam. Generally, I am eager learning from you.
My camera is canon 40D with 135mm, 70-200mm f/4-5.6, 17-55mm, 50mm f/1.4 lens
Please help me by dedicated way, if I woud have dum questions.
Thanks in advance
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hi everybody,My name is James.I am an amature photographer ,I love art and nature ,but I am new to capturing it on film .Any and all help is greatly appreciated. I have glanced through some of these pics an see I got a long way to go . all suggestions welcomed.
Hi James,
Welcome to Tennessee from Windsor.
I see you're already up to 4 posts by the time I type this reply, so I guess you have got the hang of things :)
Welcome to the CiC forums from ...
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Richard Donham
Hi, everybody, my name is Richard. I have been enjoying this forum, benefiting from reading the posts of people much more experienced than me at photography. I started my interest in photography as a birder, many years ago. My first SLR was a Miranda Sensorex (remember them!) about 1970, or so. I used telephoto lenses back before there was such a thing as autofocus, image stabilization, or even zoom lenses. I dropped back to P&S for about 20 years, picked up my first DSLR (Canon T1i) about a year ago, and then bought a 60D recently. To me, digital is almost a completely different technology, and I am finding post-processing to be fun and very rewarding, although frequently confusing, mostly because my skill level is pretty limited. I have also been finding also that my interest seems to be swinging toward landscapes as well as nature photography.
Hi Richard,
Welcome to the CiC forums from me, great to have you join us.
23 posts; I suspect Donald must have 'reminded' you to make an introduction ;)
Well you're obviously fitting in and making the most of us, so I'll see you in the forums ...
Best regards,
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hello everybody,
I'm Ross Brace, and from Vietnam. Generally, I am eager learning from you.
My camera is canon 40D with 135mm, 70-200mm f/4-5.6, 17-55mm, 50mm f/1.4 lens
Please help me by dedicated way, if I woud have dum questions.
Thanks in advance
Hi Ross,
A good camera and selection of fairly fast lenses there.
We have a motto here at CiC; the only dumb question is the one you don't ask :)
Welcome to the CiC forums from ...
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hi all my name is Richard I have just joined C in C although I have browsed the tutorials. I am using a Nikon D90 and have recently bought a macro lens so I will be looking for some tips there. Landscapes are my other passion and hope to get some shots of the Somerset levels this weekend you never know I might post them so you guys can give me some constructive criticism, bye for now :)
Hi Richard,
Welcome to the CiC forums from me, good to have yet another Nikon shooter join us.
Which macro lens did you get then?
I look forward to seeing the shots next week, hope the weather is kind when you're out.
All the best,
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
My name is Paul Lerley. I just joined this forum as a new member. I am a semi-retired Electrical Engineer who has been interested in photography since my teen years. I spent many hours in my B&W dark room in my younger years, but would not trade the digital tools for that world! I use a Canon 40D and shoot mostly landscapes, flowers and macro. I look forward to listening in on the threads. There are so many good photographers out there!...
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi everyone. My name is Sean Branconier and i am from a small rural town called Rivers, in Manitoba Canada. I have a passion for landscape and just capturing the moment in any place i can. I shoot canon and hope to go fullframe some day. In the mean time my little xsi will do. I am starting to tread different waters and will try my hand doing portraits shortly. I love using natural light but am starting to use strobes which is fun. My journey continues.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
My name is Paul Lerley. I just joined this forum as a new member. I am a semi-retired Electrical Engineer who has been interested in photography since my teen years. I spent many hours in my B&W dark room in my younger years, but would not trade the digital tools for that world! I use a Canon 40D and shoot mostly landscapes, flowers and macro. I look forward to listening in on the threads. There are so many good photographers out there!...
Hi Paul,
Please, please, don't just "listen in"; take part too - either ask questions or post image for critique.
What lens(es) do you use on the 40D?
Welcome to the CiC forums from ...
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hi everyone. My name is Sean Branconier and i am from a small rural town called Rivers, in Manitoba Canada. I have a passion for landscape and just capturing the moment in any place i can. I shoot canon and hope to go fullframe some day. In the mean time my little xsi will do. I am starting to tread different waters and will try my hand doing portraits shortly. I love using natural light but am starting to use strobes which is fun. My journey continues.
Hi Sean,
Welcome to the CiC forums from me, great to have you join us.
I'm sure we can give you plenty of inspiration and education here at CiC - have you seen the tutorials?
It's good to wicen ones expertise, good luck with that.
All the best,
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello, I'm a new member. Thought I'd introduce myself. Name is Joe and I live in Pennsylvania, USA. Am photographer of sorts, being
a former 35 mm film guy, for a few (30) years ( Got my DSLR last June, (2010). Lots to learn & am looking forward to doing just that. Site looks awesome. Jaybee (Joe)
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Dear all, I'm Pungut from Malaysia. I love photograhy since my younger days as a hobby....hopefully i can learn more here...