Hi Mel, thank you and I'm looking forward to learn more and share what I have in my own humble way. By the way I am a sister. :D
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Hi Mel, thank you and I'm looking forward to learn more and share what I have in my own humble way. By the way I am a sister. :D
Thank you for your warm welcome and it's my pleasure to be a part of CiC.
Hallo CiC,
I am a bit belated getting to this thread, I jumped into asking about equipment over in that forum but here I am now! I've dinked around with various point and shoots, then had great fun taking a college black and white photography class with my sister's old Nikon N2000 which I recieved a few years ago as a hand me down when she upgraded to digital. Whew, run on sentence much?
Currently I'm looking into upgrading to a DSLR myself but havent made my final decision on what to purchase yet. Stuff I like to shoot includes mostly landscapes/nature stuff, close ups/playing with depth of field and my pets.
I've already learned alot from this site in just a few days!
Which is just fine. The senior Council of Management, having considered all the evidence, decided that it really wasn't too great a misdemeanour
You've probably found out by now that we don't stand on ceremony around here and that things work just fine.
I'm glad you're learning here on CiC and that you continue to do so and enjoy it.
Hello dear photographers , Im Kumar from Malaysia & I was introduced to this site by another photo enthusiasts from my country.
I find useful information & sharing going on here & was rightly glad to join the foray ( shall I say ). I own a D700 but have not been utilizing its full potential but recently been intrigued by exceptional landscape photos taken by some photographers in my community and my interest has taken a sudden turnaround. Im sure with your relentless advice & support I would get to that point. TQ
Kumar. Welcome and I am am very glad that others have introduced to CiC.
That is a very good and most appropriate description of life on CiC!
The great strength of this forum is the willingness of members to share their great knowledge and experience. So, please do ask questions, express your views in discussions and post your images for constructive comment and criticism.
Hello everyone, I'm Danny, from Vietnam. I actually know our website when I searched for the definition of "cross-type sensor" in AF system. And boy! I'm so glad my search lead me right here. CiC IMHO has one of the best and systematic tutorials around.
Photography is one of my favourite hobby. My most interest subjects are portrait, candid, drama and creative. In my mind, a good picture must have "feelings" and be able to convey a "story" that link the view of the photographer to his viewers.
I consider my skill at "slightly above average", my interest in photography start with the Fujifilm F31fd and though now I still use it, my most use camera now is the Nikon D70.
My idea of a good picture is the one that make me stop and wonder "what is the shooter really want to say?". I hope to find lots of good examples and guidances from our experienced community.
Many thanks and regards,
And I'm very glad that it did. Welcome, Danny. It's good to have you joining up as a member.
I hope you find that the discussions and help available on this forum is as useful as the contents of the tutorials. Our aim is that the tutorials and the forum are two parts of the same learning environment. So please do join in ... and enjoy yourself.
I agree a good picture has something that comes from the heart.
I live in New Zealand, love nature photography and am a keen to improve amateur photographer. I use a Pentax K X which isn't popular here, but I love the way I can use all my previous lenses on it.
My name is Thienthu, i am new to this CIC and new to photoghaphy. I hope to learn and share with all of you . Thank for your kindness and have a good day
Hello. My name is Philip. I retired recently, so I have more time to get out and about, and I enjoy taking photographs anywhere. I like the look of this website, so I have joined. But I wonder - is it the right place for me? Am I out of step in not wanting to lug around a bag full of DSLRs and lenses? I am more than happy with the physical quality of results from my Lumix LX5 and TZ8 (printing up to A3) - and they easily fit in my pocket. I want to learn how to improve the photos taken with my existing equipment, not how to increase the weight of by bag. I know part of the answer already - the tutorials are excellent, and lots of ideas can be gained from other contributors photos. But are there ANY other members who think or do the same as me?
A very warm welcome to you, Thienthu. You don'y say where in the world you are. You can edit your profile and enter this information under Location. Then everyone will see this in the sidebar in all your posts.
I hope that you find CiC is able to help you with your learning and development. Please do ask any photography related question you have. And i look forward to seeing some of your images.
Hello All,
I'm Marianne from Bucks County, Pennslyvania
I enjoy photography and till learning !
Always asking questions and hoping for good answers. :)
It is. It is. Be assured. You are the sensible one. It's the rest of us that are odd!
I think as you get into the site and begin to get an understanding of how different members work, you will find that there are many with the same approach as you. I hope, too, that you will soon find that the values of those on this site reflect their desire to help and support others enjoy photography and to learn to develop knowledge and skills to whatever depth the person chooses. This is not a place for those obsessed by the latest gear and/or lots of it.
So, Philip, a very, very warm welcome to you. I hope you will be part of CiC for a long time and feel comfortable in posting questions, images and points of view.
By the way, where are you?
My name is Carolyn. I'm a photography enthusiast & hobbiest. I feel exceedingly blest to live in the central coast region of California where natural beauty abounds. Although I've had my DSLR (Nikon D90) for over a year now, I'm still getting acquainted with the many wonderful things it can do. On the flipside, I'm still exploring all forms of photography & haven't, as yet, established my particular style as a photographer. I know I'll get there someday. In the meantime, this learning journey has been so much fun! I'm looking forward to our communications and sharing
My photos on Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/luvenrn/sets/
Hello Carolyn and welcome to CiC.
Taking the approach to establishing your vision and style that you are, is, I think, very sensible and appropriate. It is all about exploring and learning and allowing what you want to do and say in photography to evolve and develop.
I'm delighted that you've chosen CiC to be an online resource to, hopefully, help you on that learning pathway.
My name is Geoff and I'm from Navasota, Texas. The tutorials brought me to CiC and I am happy to join such a well mannered group. I shoot a Nikon D3 and am most interested in action shots, candid people and landscapes of a certain type. More accurately I enjoy the editing process. Can't wait to learn more!