Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Keith here. I live in Yellow Springs, Ohio. I am glad I found this site; it is exactly what I need. I look forward to going through the tutorials. I use a Pentax K 7 and have several old prime lenses. My software is Aperture. Here is a picture from Canada.
Hello and welcome and I 'm delighted to see you writing that you think CiC is just the resource you need. Hopefully you'll have seen the messages and picked up on the tone of teh site that says - If you have any questions, no matter how basic you think they might be, just ask.
I see you saying that you were including an introductory image. That isn't showing up.
In case you haven't read the thread about how to popst images yet, then click on 'Help' above and then on 'How do I post images here'. If you still have a question after reading that, then please do come back with another post.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi everyone, I'm mike and I have had a quick look around the site and I am convinced that I have done the right thing. I have a lot to learn, and I feel that I will get plenty of help and advice from the members here.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hi everyone, I'm mike and I have had a quick look around the site and I am convinced that I have done the right thing. I have a lot to learn, and I feel that I will get plenty of help and advice from the members here.
I'm convinced you've done the right thing as well. So, if two of us are convinced then it must indeed be the right thing to have done!
Welcome. Great to have you joining up on CiC.
Hopefully you've already found that friendliness; informality; constructive and respectful comment, criticism and support, are the basic values of the forum. As others have said on here before, the only dumb question is the one you don't ask. So please do feel able to join in.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi everyone, my name Randy Kemp and I live in a small town west of St. Louis Missouri in the US. I have taken pictures with film for about 35 years and changed to digital about 4 years ago. I say "taken pictures" because thats about it. I frame, shoot, and print. My pictures are of family, friend and sports. I have been married for 30 years with 2 children with most of my time spent working to help them through college including my wife. Now I want to pursue photpgraphy something I have had a passion for since highschool. I have had a Pentax ME ,Nikon N65 and a point and shoot digital. Recently I bought a Nikon D90 with a 50mm f1.8 to begin my adventure. A few days ago I found this forum and can't stop reading. Then I bought the 123 Digital image CD which I love. I look forward to posting photos and feedback from you.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hi everyone, my name Randy Kemp .... A few days ago I found this forum and can't stop reading.
Randy - Hello and thankyou for your comments. I'm glad that CiC is delivering for you and that you find it interesting.
Make sure that once you come across things that don't make sense or spark a question in your head, just come straight in with that question. There's sure to be someone on here who knows the answer and will be only too glad to share their knowledge and experience.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Donald, thank you for the welcome.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hello, I joined the group because I found many of the techniques and tutorials very helpful. A very nice website and community environment. Thanks for making it available.
I have about 35 years experience in photography, mostly wedding and portrait photography; however, I am primarily focused (no pun intended) on landscape, travel, architecture, nature etc. I had tons of Nikon 35mm equipment but sold it all before it became almost worthless. I use a few legacy Nikkor lenses on my Olympus micro-4/3rds cameras. I might add a DSLR at some point, but I am having lots of fun with the m43.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hello, I joined the group because I found many of the techniques and tutorials very helpful. A very nice website and community environment.
Welcome and thank you fro your comments. The tutorials are all down to Sean (McQ) whose site this is. He has that gift of being able to explain complex things in a simple and straighforward way (I ramble on too much). The environment and culture of the forum is very much down to the members and the fact that we always keep saying that the driving principle behind it is about learnign and sharing knowledge.
And from what you write, you've got lot a of that. So, as well as you learning by being here, I hope you will also put what must be your vast experience, at the disposal of others and join in the discussions. Great to have you on board.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi ! I am Parakram. I have started learning photography very recently. I have a very basic Canon Digital SLR with its 18-55 Kit lens. I am learning rather slowly and hope to get some tips from this forum. I live in Chandigarh, India.
Here is a picture I clicked a week ago.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
A warm welcome from another Chandigarhian, Parakaram.
Well your picture hasn't shown up here. Scroll up & You will see a 'Help' link, which fortunately, is really helpful :)
I am sure you are gonna love your stay here. Lots to learn on this forum....
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi Everyone,
My name is Nazmi and I hail from a city-state island country called Singapore. I'm currently using a Nikon D3 with various lenses for several months now. Among the different types of photography, one of my favorites is Live Music Photography. I am very glad to be a part of this community and hope to get to know you all on the forum soon.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
That, I think is an excellent image that is amazingly well processed.
Hello and please allow me to welcome you to CiC. I'm very glad that you've decided to join. I think you will find that everyone on here is supportive and willing to help others to develop their knoweldge and skills.
I hope to see you taking part in the discussions and posting your images fro comment and in competition threads.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi Donald,
Thanks for the welcome and comments.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi folks,
I've been into photography for many years but usualy the point and shoot variety. My image processing of astro related shots is reasonable but I am seiously lacking in the techniques for scenic and other daylight photography. My equipment is Canon 350D (modified for astrophotography with the ccd ir block filter removed) and Canon 550D with 18-55 kit lens, 75-300 zoom & 35-135 zoom.
Be prepared for questions.
Tony :)
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi all,
I am fairly new to taking the whole photography thing seriously (a couple of months), but I'm thoroughly enjoying myself :). I (attempt to) photograph pretty much anything and usually have my camera in my hand at some time every day. This is my first venture into a photo forum. Looking forward to the experience.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Be prepared for questions.
We will.
That;s what CiC is very much about, which is what, I hope, prompted you to join.
A warm welcome, Tony. You'll find other astrophotographers on here. So I look forward to seeing some of your work.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
I am fairly new to taking the whole photography thing seriously (a couple of months), but I'm thoroughly enjoying myself
I'm glad you've chosen CiC as your first venture into a photography forum. I hope you'll find that it meets all your needs. It's certainly a place where you will get as much helpful and constructive advice, guidance and comment as you want, all delivered in a constructive way.
So please do feel at home and jump right in with questions, your own comments etc.
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Hi I would just like to introduce myself, I hail from Carnoustie, Scotland and have been a keen amateur for many years. I shoot any and all subjects and have done a few commissions including quite a few weddings and studio work. I shoot mainly Canon 50D with a 500D for casual walkabout and emergency backup. I am a member of a couple of other forum groups and have always referred confused beginners in those forums to your tutorials which I think are excellent and very well set out, so I suppose it was inevitable that I sign up and hope I can help and more importantly learn as well (only a fool thinks he knows it all) :( .
Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here
Originally Posted by
Hi I would just like to introduce myself, I hail from Carnoustie,
Another close neighbour. Brilliant. As you can see alongside, I live in Glenfarg. I work in Dundee.
Welcome. Great to have you on board. You'll have seen that most people use and area addressed by, their proper name. You can go into 'Edit Profile' and put you name in under 'Real Name'. It will then appear in the sidebar beside your posts.
Look forward to seeing your images on here.